
12.06.10 - Scale it Sally

3-3-3-3-3 Deadlift


Deadlifts (No more than 50% 1RM)
Handstand Push-ups

3RM: 155#
Time: 5:17
Comments: 95# deadlifts, HSPU on 20" box with an abmat on the floor. Todd scaled it using knees on the box, which I had never done. We had previously used toes and a pike position, and I have to say at that scale, I NEVER got full range of motion. The knees on the box felt much better form-wise. Did all the HSPUs unbroken, and the DLs only broke on the 15 rep set. This WOD felt pretty good (nice and quick!). The HSPUs are going to hurt me tomorrow... Not sure how the deadlifts are going to come back to haunt me, but my foot hurts again, so I'm icing it and hoping for the best. Didn't have a score for Diane yet – always good to get a new number on a named WOD.


12.01.10 - Plyos and Presses

5-5-5-3-3 Press

AMRAP (As many reps as possible)
50 Double Unders
20 Box Jumps (24/20#)

3RM: 75# (2x 80#, 85# 1RM)
Reps: 4.5
Comments: Due to the whole foot thing, I was too scared to jump rope or box jump. So I substituted a 250m row for the jump rope, and did 20" step-ups with 10# dumbbells in each hand. Tim told me on a step-up, you're not to actually 'step' with your second foot, but raise your knee as if you're actually climbing stairs, then bring it back down to the ground. This gave my left quad and incredible workout (when I did it right, about 1/2 the time). I didn't want to have to switch legs and land back on the bad foot see? So when I switched legs I did put my second foot down on the box. Still a sweaty mess after, still breathing heavy and red-faced, I thought this was a nice way to scale down. I was kinda pumped about my press numbers at the end. Stayed and did some foam rollers on my legs. Not feeling so hot after jumping back in with The Bear... But a good pain.


11.29.10 - Bear Complex

Don't forget your front squat!

5 Sets of 7 Rounds (3 minute rest between each set).

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

Increase weight each set. No dropping the bar between rounds.

Time: 22:15
Max Weight: 55#
Comments: This is for sure my favorite WOD. I love it. Back (YET AGAIN!) after another 3-week break due to a painful foot injury*. I was nervous about it acting up. I felt it a little a couple of times and am icing as I type. Anyway, last time I did this I maxed out at 70#, but that was back in May when I'd been on a "winning streak" so to speak. I didn't want to over do my return trip and end up hurting myself again (or more), so I am planning to take a page out of Matt G.'s book and "not be a moron". Jen was in my class and we rolled around for a while after on rollers and with lacrosse balls, while we watched some of the Super Kids play with the Bear. Fun night back.

*Incidentally, I was talking to Mark W. about my foot and he said several people have complained about hurting feet? Tonight I sort of thought it may have been originating in my arch with the resulting actual pain settling in the ball of my foot, behind the middle and "ring" toe. It felt at its worst as though someone had inserted a marble under my skin at that spot. Ow...


11.02.10 - Holiday Meltdown

Dumbbell Split Jerks
4 x 6 each arm, increasing weight each set

Max Dead Hang Pull-ups
in between DB sets


500m Row
10 Handstand Push-ups
50 Double Unders (x4 singles)
400m Row
8 Handstand Push-ups
40 Double Unders
300m Row
6 Handstand Push-ups
30 Double Unders
200m Row
4 Handstand Push-ups
20 Double Unders
100m Row
2 Handstand Push-ups
10 Double Unders

Dumbbells: 15/20/25# last two sets.
Max Pull-ups: 4 (green band)
Time: 20:18
Comments: Definitely the slowest in the class. Vance was nice enough to cheer me on at the end. Singles on the jump rope made for a lot of jumping. Did box assisted (very weak) HSPUs. Should have worked harder on the pull-up part but I was glad I used a green band. Probably could have done 30# dumbbells, but I was bruising my shoulders. This is not a good week for CFit for me. Lots of schedule conflicts. Boo. Will try to get a swimming workout in Thursday night to make up for all the missed WODs.


10.27.10 - Benchday

10x2 Bench Press on the minute.

1000/800/600/400/200 Rows with
20/16/12/8/4 Kettlebells (50/35#) + Burpees in between each row.

Bench: 75#
Time: 29:08
Comments: Sometimes I like to say: That Sucked. Tonight I'd like to say: THAT SUCKED. Saw 500m average times hovering around 2:30 A LOT. TRIED to keep it around 2:15. OCCASIONALLY saw 2:00s. Totally scaled cheated and did minus 2 on the reps. So I actually did 18/14/10/6/4. I don't even care because what I really wanted to do was the L1 workout – HALF the above! OMG. Really that was awful. Even WITH my cheat, I doubt any L2s were slower than me.

I almost forgot: As we were working up our bench press to figure out a weight, we hit 95#. Vance asked if I needed a spot. Cocky me said, No thanks! Rep 2 = Failure. Praying I didn't rip something while I waited to be rescued. Thanks Vance!

This was a modified WOD from CrossFit One World. Thanks for that one Freddy.


10.25.10 - Happy Anniversary!

5-5-3-3-3 Front Squat

Kettlebell Thruster (35/20#)
Body Rows

3RM: 85#
Time: 15:50
Comments: I first walked in the doors of Atlas one year ago today! After the body rows tonight, I'll probably feel the same in the arms I did at the end of that week. Still love/hate it, in a good way. Went a little easy on the front squats: 55/65/75/85 (skipped the last one, ran out of time). I didn't want to kill myself and my 1RM is 105# I think from several months ago (UPDATE: 110#). Used 15# KBs. And scaled the rows to a manageable angle, but stayed on my heals and felt a good range of motion thru the 20. I'm scared for my arms though. Rolled them out a bit on the foam roller after. Still scared. Oh yeah, we did some solid foam rolling in the beginning, and it felt really awful but good too. He kept saying to try not to grimace. Ha.

In other news: Terry complimented my Thrusters! After I made sure he wasn't being sarcastic, I was kinda flattered!


10.20.10 – Extremity

6 Rounds of 5
Ring Dips

5 Rounds
500m Row
10 KB Step-ups (each leg, 18/12 box, 45/25#)
10 burpees

Time: 24:45
Comments: Good god my endurance is awful! Those rows! I swear I was averaging like 2:15-2:18 but there were times I even saw 2:28s on the computer. Yikes. I was dragging ass. Oh yeah, and had coordination issues reminiscent of the early days getting the right arm/leg combo on the step-ups (our group used #15 KBs). Nice. Really feeling very good to be back at it but I'm definitely paying (again!) for the extended time off. Pretty much sore everywhere after yesterday and tomorrow I'm predicting my arms will be out of commission. Face is still hot to the touch over an hour later.


10.19.10 - I'm Back; Round 2

3-2-1-2-1-2 Snatch

7 Rounds Each (40/25#):

7 Dumbbell Push Press (7 each arm/14 total)
7 DB Hang Clean
7 DB Deadlift

Snatch: 50#
Time: 6:34
Comments: Lots to report...
1. I'm out of excuses. No more "summer", no more "art show". I'm back, three days a week, until Christmas "break".
2. WENDT joined me for my first back, her second class tonight! Nice Jen! Happy to have a new partner in crime to keep me honest and provide a little friendly competition.
3. We didn't really do the rep order, and since I'm fresh-starting it once again, I took it easy tonight on the Snatch. UPDATE: I guess! My max is 80#!!! Ooops.
4. Had Todd for the first time. He recommended for Level 1 we use a 15# DB. I should have used 20s. But that's fancy talk considering I'm not sore yet. We'll see what tune I'm singing tomorrow.
5. This was a good re-entry workout. It felt pretty "easy" although I didn't exactly push it.


09.20.10 - New Classes!

3-3-3-3-3 Thrusters

1000m Row
21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (85/55#)
21 Push-ups

750m Row
18 SDHPs
18 Push-ups

500m Row
15 SDHPs
15 Push-ups

Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Thruster 3RM: 95#
Time: 22:44
Comments: Man that sucked. Worst than the Wall Ball WOD last week by far. The rowing was awful but the push-ups, my god. I didn't have a thruster weight recorded so I'm not sure how I feel about 95# but could not have really gone much higher. Toward the end of each row I was pulling an average 2:15-2:18 500m! Dying! I can already feel the Sumo in the backs of my arms...and I did the Rx weight... But really those push-ups. Holy cow.


09.16.10 - CFE/Make-up

Thursdays are either make-up a missed WOD or Crossfit Endurance WOD.

Alternate On/Rest with each time, bike, run or row. (I would Row).

Missed Monday:
18/1, 16/2, 14/3... –> 2/10
Double Unders/Burpees (I'd have to do 4x single jumps – 72/64/56...).

Opted for --- wait for it --- Monday Make-up!

Time: 15:16
Comments: Posted distances for the rows were around 3500 meters. 6 minutes straight row sounded boooring. We've done a lot of rowing lately. The row would be a longer workout, but maybe "easier". I was kind of curious how far I could go. BUT, I haven't done burpees in a while. And just about the only parts of my body not sore right now are my calves and triceps. PLUS, I've realized recently that I love the residual pain from burpees! AND, 55 didn't sound like THAT many? Isn't that nuts? Loved the workout. For sure Tuesday's Wall Balls was the toughest one for me this week.


09.15.10 - Mobility 'r' Us

5-5-5-3-3 / 2 min. rest between sets.

Deadlifts at 70% 3 Rep Max
Toes to Bar

Strength: 85/105/115/145/165#
Time: 11:20
Comments: Used 105# for deadlifts. Did knees to elbows but it was probably more like knees to armpits! Push-ups were unbroken? That felt kinda good even tho it wasn't really that many reps.


09.14.10 - Tuesday

4 Rounds with out dropping bar for technique:

3 Snatches
3 Power Cleans
3 Hang Snatch
3 Hang Cleans

4 Rounds Max Effort for Time:

300m Row
30 Wall Balls (20/14#)
Rest 3 min between rounds.

Time: 21:16
Comments: The lifting was hard. Even in warm-up with just the 35# bar I felt weak. So I went to a trainer bar and stuck two 10# plates on for the sets. I was sweating. Then lined up to do the WOD. I used only an 8# ball, but since I almost skipped and/or was thinking about cheating all day, after doing all 120 wall balls, I'm patting myself on the back. Pretty much wanted to puke the whole ride home. Now I just want to go to bed.


09.09.10 - CFE Thursday

CrossFit Endurance
20 Intervals Row
30 seconds @ 80%/30 sec rest

200m Walking Lunge

Distance: 1461/1454 = 2915 meters
Average 500m Time: 1:58.1/1:55.3
Average meter per interval: 127/127

Comments: OF COURSE I did the math wrong. I was all, setting up the computer and so proud of myself for doing it – then did just 10 intervals instead of 20. When I was done with the first 10 I was looking at the regular clock and thinking, Huh? Done already? How can that be? Then I realized, so I reset the computer and did 10 more. I got probably about 2 min. rest in between the 2 sets of 10 intervals. I was hoping to negative split, and maybe get 3000 meters. Didn't get the distance, but my time improved second go around. I pushed myself on each of these and I figure worked harder than 80%.

Skipped out on the lunges. I can't have BOTH my arms and legs non-functioning this weekend. Holy hell my arms from yesterday! Kinda liked the mellow atmosphere of the Thursday night make-up WOD/CFE. The CFE workouts have always interested me on paper. I liked the interval row quite a bit.


09.08.10 - On the Minute

2 x 10 Power Clean on 1 Min @ 90% 1RM

20-16-12-8-4 Pull-up
4-8-12-16-20 Kettlebell Swing (55/35#)

200 Meter Row after each round of pull-up/KB

Cleans: 70#
Time: 15:33
Comments: Didn't go up to 90% on the cleans. Couldn't remember what my 1RM was, but knew that number was long ago regardless. 70#? Probably could have done 75, but we'll have to see what's not working tomorrow when I wake up. Used a grey band on the pull-ups. I can't remember the last time I did a pull-up. The first two were great and it went immediately downhill from there. Thought about doing jumping pull-ups at one point, but stuck it out with some really crappy reps. KBs used a 25#. I had nothing to give the rows really.

Oh yeah, we did an additional 800m run as part of the warm-up. I was the last one in and class had re-started by the time I got my PVC pipe. Awesome!


08.25.10 - Congrats IACs

5-5-5-5-5 Handstand Push-ups

Tabata (8 reps, 20 sec on/10 sec rest)

Kettlebell Swings (45/35#)
Dumbbell Push Press (25/15#)
Box Jumps (24/20")
Bench Press (95/45#)

Checkout: 150 Double Unders

Lowest # of Reps per Set: 7-7-7-7
Comments: Warm-ups included front and back somersaults and cartwheels and I am proud to say I could do them. HSPs on the box. A couple attempts on the wall. Jennifer told me to do some negatives (lower all the way even if you can't get back up) to work on full-range. Thanks Jen. We had to rotate the start, so I went box jumps (18"), bench (45#), KBs (20#), press (10#s). I think I recorded it wrong on the board because my brain sort of malfunctioned. I think I may have really done all 7s instead of 7-7-6-8 because I thought to myself if I did all 7s why didn't I remember that? Let's just say that I for sure averaged 7s because that was my goal and I really wanted to be consistent with my reps on all 8 sets. Had some 8s, 9s, but got 7s mostly. For the checkout I decided I'd try and do 5 sets of 50 unbroken. Got that. My first attempt I lost it at 47. Thought my scales were pretty good today. I felt "even" as I worked through each set at least.

In other news: Sarah W.'s lowest number of push-presses was 23! Holy crap!


08.24.10 - Hook It

5-5-5-5-5 Deadlift Reps for Max using Hook Grip

AMRAP in 15 minutes:

100m Shuttle Run
20 Wall Balls (20/14#)
20 Sit-ups

Deadlift: 55-85-105-125-135#
Rounds: 4 2/3
Comments: This WOD did not kill me but I did not kill myself to beat it either. Used an 8# ball! We did this coaches warm-up thing where we had to hold a 10# plate arms straight ahead at parallel, in not-quite parallel squat 1 min, 45 sec, 30 sec while our partner offered resistance pressing on the weight. That plus 100 wall balls and I'm not sure I'll be walking normally again this week. It's the squatting that really kills me which is why I scaled my ball weight so much. 93 sit-ups total. SLOW transitions – put my abmat on the other side of the gym.


08.16.10 - CFE Success

3-3-3-3-3 Push Jerk

7 Rounds:
7 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (40 M/25#)
7 Burpees

Checkout: 3 50 Sit-ups

3R Push Jerk Max:95
Time: 10:32
Comments: Finally got the use of my legs back to "normal" Sunday. Could have gone higher on the push jerk but didn't want to. Only used 15# DBs and I STILL thought about doing only 6 rounds/5 burpees/6 squat cleans with just about every rep – but I did complete the whole thing. Until the checkout. I did not do all 150 sit-ups. I called that one at 100. After last week I'm scared for tomorrow. Slowest one in class but under 15 minutes!


08.11.10 - Coaches Choice

Warm-up Coaches Choice:
Drills, 3 pull Max effort on Row for Watt average

For Time:

10 Squat Cleans
50 Sit-ups
8 Squat Cleans
40 Sit-ups
6 Squat Cleans
30 Sit-ups
4 Squat Cleans
20 Sit-ups
2 Squat Cleans
10 Sit-ups

Check Out Coaches Choice: Nothing! YAY.

Watt Row: 317
Time: 11:04 @ 45#

Comments: Our coaches choice warm-up was a pleasure compared to the continuous relays of suicides, push-ups, and air squats Jen was running. Thanks Terry! That watt max was fun too. Only did 45# on the squat cleans (thank god). This movement clicked for me today after I applied Mark W.'s little lesson from the last time we did them. Thanks Mark! But holy sh*t. I can barely move my legs now. Was thankful for the handicap bar in the bathroom at work today and it took me twice as long as normal to climb the ramp to my car in the garage after the WOD tonight. Literally had to use my hands/arms to move my legs into position in the car. Still... glad I went. I really really need to remember this feeling next time I consider taking so much time off. Wow.

PS Might have accidentally-on-purpose miscounted on the set of 40 sit-ups. Don't care.

PS2 John G you were a great cheerleader. I needed it tonight!


08.10.10 - Heavy Overhead

3-3-3-1-1-1 Overhead Squat

6 Rounds for Time:
105/85/65# Shoulder to overhead any way*
200m Row

Max OHS: 75#*
MetCon: 10:37 @ 55#

Comments: First day back in about 6-7 weeks! Legs were loose and wobbly after the lunges in warm-up. Uh-oh. Decided early on today that I wasn't going to knock myself out but rather ease back in. It wasn't that bad! I know I totally wimped out on the WOD weight, but I feel like as long as I'm there, and trying, it's way better than what I have been doing lately (nothing!). I'm really happy I went and feel ready to rededicate myself to 2-3 days a week up until my trip at the end of September. Also have liked the look of the CrossFit Endurance WODs that happen on Thursdays. I'd like to do T/W/Th this week. We'll see.

*Current PR. No way! I thought it was 90 - kinda shocked!
**Just going to list the girls Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced weights from now on.


07.11.10 - Handstands

I've been out about two+ weeks due (in part) to this pulled spot in my abdomen that makes it impossible to do just about everything (especially burpees and push-ups) without reigniting discomfort. I don't know if I'm being lazy or smart in holding back, but even doing a bunch of silly handstands in the pool made it faintly reappear, so I guess you could say perhaps I am erring on the side of caution?

Katy and I were kind of cracking up at how ridiculous it is to pretend doing handstands in the pool compares to the handstand shots on the beach and such that people tend to send in to the gym. We got a good laugh about how it might be funny to submit this photo to the box, but this really is meant to be a joke. I will say, that while I have done a zillion handstands in the pool in my life time, I had never done them while thinking about my body positioning, and trying to do them in good form before. It's harder than it looks, and I might even say, maybe it's a good way to practice? Best of all it's fun.

So far over the past two weeks I've regretted missing most WODs. I did not, however lament over having to skip today's: completing 100 Thrusters while breaking them up by doing 4 burpees on every minute. That would have been brutal to say the least and I applaud all who accomplished it! I seriously wonder if I would have showed up to this one.


John Welbourn's Blog

From CrossFit One World, I was led to the blog of John Welbourn. This guy was great in the movie "Every Second Counts" if you haven't seen it. In the first post I read, there were several quotes, but this one made me laugh out loud. It could make a pretty great t-shirt or something... From his post "Be Smart":

"And since I am throwing out quotes to live by…'Show me someone that is fine with losing and I will show you a loser' – Steve Yurosek. I love that one."

Take a look at his blog, Talk to Me Johnnie if you have any interest.

06.29.10 - Filthy 50s

Practice Turkish Get-ups

Then for time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions (sub: good mornings)
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Time: Just under 30 min. DNF (no burpees).
Comments: I. Am. So. Bummed. I remember learning about Filthy 50s way back when the box was still upstairs and thinking it was the craziest thing I'd ever heard of. Like, No-Whey. Then back in January I either had to miss or was too scared to go that day. This time when they came up, I was actually excited to see what I could do! I've been out for about a week. So I go to just do one burpee beforehand and whammo – that sharp, sudden, mother-effing pain in abdomen my is STILL THERE??? WTH??? I hadn't felt it all week and thought it was surely behind me. But nope. Then everything I tried sorta hurt, but burpees the worst. I hemmed and hawed on it thru-out my super-scaled 15# get-ups. I did some stretching and wandered around trying all the different exercises. I decided to attempt everything but the burpee, but super-scaled. Jennifer talked me into step-ups (12" box). I could do the rest of it mostly, w/a 20# KB, 35# press, a 15# good morning, and an 8# medicine ball. My knees to elbows were more like knees to chest/armpits, cause that kinda killed. I skipped the burpees entirely, and did 200 singles on the jump rope.

I think this was okay. I was dying to do something after being "off" the past 8 days. So it was super-scaled, and a DNF, but I feel good that I went and great that I got a sweat on. I really couldn't deal with having to leave without at least attempting to make something on my body feel sore tomorrow (Hello, arms! There you are!) – I miss it!? Hopefully I'll be in good shape next time this one rolls around so I can get a legit time recorded.


06.20.10 - Warrior Dash.

5k Run with:

Climbing over junk yard cars,
Hopping over huge wooden spools,
Walking a plank over ravine,
Crawling thru tunnels,
Hopping over wooden walls,
Running thru a swamp,
Up a muddy hill,
Over a 15 ft. hay bale hill,
Over a 12 ft cargo net wall,
Trail mounds in a field of hills,
Jumping lines of fire,
and into the muddy pool under strings of barbed wire.

Time: 40:45
Comments: I don't know what to say. Supposedly this thing had 17,000 people over the two days, and 500 participants in each heat. It was crazy. I went very slowly, fearing injury on the route, but I made it.


06.18.10 - Freddy's Revenge

1-1-1-1-1 Squat Clean for Max

Freddy's Revenge

5 Rounds for Time:
5 Overhead Anyhow*
10 Burpees

*Get weight from shoulders to overhead anyhow – shoulder press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, front or back. Use rack.

Rx: 185#/105#
Int: 155#/85#
Beg: 115#/55#

1RM: 105#
Time: 9:03
Comments: Went down to do my push-ups during warm up and realized I pulled something very specifically in my stomach. It hurt! Tried a burpee. It hurt! Shit. So I didn't push myself too hard today. I was going to go for the 85# but was scared I'd hurt myself more (when I raised the bar, it hurt!). I did find that the more burpees I did, the less painful it was, but that could have just been overall pain distribution masking it's intensity.

The squat clean was kind of a disaster as the whole time I was confusing it with a power clean. Rather than barely lifting the bar and shooting under it, I was pulling the bar way up and then catching it in a squat I think? I don't know if this number should count in my list, but I'm writing it down anyway. The more I think about it, this was one we learned in Basic that I never quite got the gist of. Mark explained after that I should be lazier with the initial lift, and throw myself under it. His demonstration helped me see the error of my ways. I need to try this again before too much time goes by and I forget everything. Thanks Mark!

Warrior Dash on Sunday!


06.15.10 - Penalties


For time:

Advanced: 95#/65#
Intermediate: 75#/45#
Beginner: 65#/35#

250m Row
20 Thrusters
250m Row
250m Row
20 OH Squats
250m Row
20 Push Jerks
250m Row
20 Power Cleans
250m Row
20 Front Squats

** Each time you set the bar down in the middle of an exercise, your penatly is 4 burpees to be done immediately before picking up the bar again.

Deadlift: 215 (PR! By 30#s!)
Time: 18:32 (No burpees!)
Comments: I can't believe the deadlift. I remember one of my first days at ACF learning how to do it and lifting 105#, which at the time was hard. Did the intermediate 45# and maybe feel like I should have pushed it to 55#. It was SO HOT and HUMID down there I was forming drip puddles on my row. I loved this work out, and knew I would when I saw it this morning. Felt pretty good overall but a little scared for how I'll feel when I wake up tomorrow.


06.14.10 - 300 Results

3-3-3-3-3 Weighted* Pull-ups

3 Rounds of:

500m Row
21 Burpees
400m Run

Time: 23:33
Comments: All day long I didn't want to go to this one. I didn't even sign-up until 4:30. I guess I'm glad I went? But I'm not going to lie, this was a tough one. I think I could legitimately count 3 blue band pull-ups. I don't think I've ever used a blue band before, so that's a plus. I "took it easy" on the row because the burpees were next, and then "took it easy" on the run, because I was DYING from the burpees. Burpees. Man they suck. You really do just have to keep going because stopping and starting is so awful, but keeping on going is just brutal. I really think I may have actually seen sweat flying off me and hitting the floor. Also as I was running, two girls walking a dog were passing on the sidewalk. They stopped to look in the windows. As I passed by them again on the way back they turned around and said to me, You guys are hard core! You just jump right back on the rower!? My response (gasping): Yes. It's horrible!

*Weighted. Haha. I did see one guy in my class put a 75# dumbbell between his legs and complete 3 pull-ups. Also quite enjoyed the guy who had kettlebells hanging off his feet. Nice!


06.09.10 - Partner It Up

5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Press for Max

Partner AMRAP (As many reps as possible)

3 Cycles Each of:

Kettlebell burpee
KB Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (SDHP)
KB Swing

5 Air Squats while "resting" as partner takes a turn.

Press Max: 85# (PR!)
Comments: Personal Record on the Press! By 10#! Sweet. I had 90# in my head, but that was my (old) Push Press (now 95). One of my favorite things about CrossFit is the ability to see your improvement along the way, and today was a nice surprise with that press.

On to the AMRAP – Holy Hell. That KB burpee sucked! I could not do it right or well and maybe had two total that were even "countable", but who's counting. Lots of fresh bruises on the knees as I attempted to scale the push-up. Found out the A/C is out at the gym, which is a relief because I have been a sweaty disgusting mess the past couple weeks in there. Katy and I partnered up and I did only 30# on the KB. I tried some 35# swings and it was a struggle to raise that thing to full extension so scaled it down.

Oh, and don't tell anyone but I didn't do ALL the air squats. I'm a slacker but sometimes breathing wins.


06.08.10 - Morning Routines

Power Snatch (95/65#)

250m Row between each.

Time: 21:55
Comments: Used 55#. Was tempted to use the 65 to get an Rx recorded and I can't decide if I'm glad I didn't push it or mad. I think the Snatch has officially replaced the Clean & Jerk as my favorite. I was completely drenched during just warm-ups so this was a hot one! The rows at the end got kinda tough but overall I really liked this workout quite a lot.

In other news: My morning routine is unique in that after my shower, I take the first cup of coffee back to bed with me where I sip it and read for about a half hour. I've been doing this for many, many years. I absolutely hate rushing and scrambling out the door in the morning. So I "wake up" for about 2 hours before I have to leave.


06.02.10 - Time Trial

Run 1 Mile for time.

Then 10 Rounds of:

10 Deadlifts (185/135#)
10 Burpees

Mile Time: 8:32
MetCon Time: 23:30
Comments: First timed mile since high school. 8:32 is 17 seconds over the Presidential Fitness qualifying time for a 17-year old high school girl. My pipe dream was to make it under that, but I was surprised I wasn't TOO far off? Did only 85# on the dead lift because I knew the burpees would kick my ass. Yep. They did. It was SO HOT down there too. I have to thank my class though, for cheering for me at the end while I died finishing. Bummed tonight is the only night I can make it in this week. But that was a good one.


10.29.10 - WS Tower Trot

10K (6.2 miles)

Time: 1:12.59
Comments: Katy and I both ran a 10k this weekend. I would have Never. Ever. In a million years. Even considered signing up for one. Ever. Before. In My Life. But after last week's 5k, and after agreeing to do another one yesterday, (only to find out the 5k started an hour later than the 10K at the on-site registration), I thought, What the hell? Let's do the 10k at 8:30 instead. I CAN NOT believe I have zero repercussions from this event. I am SLIGHTLY sore in the hips and ankles. This is nothing compared to the way I feel after any given Monday at the gym. I am also 100% confident that without my previous 6-7 months of CrossFit work outs, this accomplishment would have been an impossible reality. It is the furthest I have ever ran in my life! I SUCK at running! I told people afterward that it didn't really compare to a CrossFit workout in discomfort level. Not even close. It took a lot longer, but was just easy-breezy in comparison.

I averaged under 11:45-min miles. This seriously blows me away. PR in that it's the longest I've ever run. By far.


05.25.10 - T-shirt Winner!

1-1-1-1-1 Snatch for Max

Run 200m
20 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#)

4x on a 3:30 Interval

Snatch Max: 80#
Comments: I would have bet money I'd done a Snatch for Max at this point, but was surprised to see I didn't have one recorded. So 80? That's 25# over a weight I used in a WOD a couple weeks ago, and now I have a baseline. Had about 2 min rest between intervals and used 25# KB. Sprinting the run hurt my left thigh and my calves also hurt after, so did some stretching before we left. Katy suggested maybe we're too "old" to really sprint a run. I gave her the hairy eyeball (our birthdays are both within a week) but I also think she might be right!

In other news: I "won" the t-shirt competition, but question whether I really "competed" with anyone!


05.24.10 - AMRAP

3-3-3-3-3 Push Press

As many reps as possible in 12 minutes.

10 Squat Cleans
20 Sit-ups

3RM: 95#
Reps: 4.75
Comments: I tortured myself with too much "fun" this weekend and payed for it today. Sweating my ass off felt kinda good, actually. And for some reason I was able to match my 1RM on the push press, which tells me I need to try for a new PR. Dang it was hot down there! The gym was crowded today – lots of new faces.


05.22.10 - ABTA 5K

Time: 32:56

Comments: What a pleasure to run this morning and not totally die doing so! Under an 11 min pace no less. I shocked myself mostly in that I was barely even winded and recovered almost immediately upon finishing. Super fun, and awesome to see some old friends from Junior High I haven't seen in over a decade. Makes me want to sign up for the Tower Trot next weekend.

Not so CrossFit, but a result of...


05.19.10 - Hump Day

3 Rounds of:

800m Run
1000m Row

Time: 31:10
Comments: This was exactly what it looks like. Lots of running and rowing. I really stink at running. Especially on my toes as my calves are STILL killing me from Monday. Boo Hoo.


05.18.10 - Bear Complex

5 Sets of 7 Rounds

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

Increase sets to Max. No dropping the bar during rounds. Rest between rounds as needed.

Max: 70#
Comments: 35/45/55/65/70. Previous weight max was 55, back in January (first workout after Basic Training). I really love this one and I was actually... genuinely excited when I saw it posted.


05.17.10 - Tabata with a Twist

Overhead Squat for Max

Tabata Style
(8 sets of each exercise, 20 sec active/10 sec rest, for 16 total minutes)

Jumping Pull-ups
Dumbell Push Press
Jumping Split Lunges

OHS: 75# (PR!)
Tabata: 8/8/5/8
Comments: Tabata is deceptively challenging. 20 seconds is a LONG TIME, while 10 seconds is VERY SHORT. Used 20# dumbells. Last time we did Tabata we recorded our LOWEST number of reps, which is what I've done here. However, 8's were pretty consistent for each exercise throughout all 8 sets. Tried hard to maintain a rhythm. I did hit some 10s & 11s, but not on the push press. That was just awful.

PR on the OHS by 5#!

Added a 5th Goal: Bench Press 135# (45#bar and 2 45# plates - Thanks Tone!)


05.13.10 - Make It Up (Monday's)

Back In Action

5 Rounds for Time:

30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpees
10 Pull-ups

Time: 27:21
Comments: I DID 100 BURPEES!!! (I mean, I txt'd my brother and called my parents about it – I am such a nerd!) After threatening all day that maybe I would do only 4 rounds, or maybe 15 burpees instead, I did all the reps. That's the most burpees I've done in a workout so far and I have to say it's one of my proudest accomplishments at ACF. ;) Only sorta kidding. Maybe a bigger accomplishment was declining happy hour tonight to make-up Monday? Grey band was actually sorta launching me over the bar, but I'm not complaining. Used only 20# on the KBS. Wouldn't change a thing – the burpees were my real challenge today.


05.12.10 - No Name MetCon

5-5-5-3-3-1-1 Bench Press for Max

4 Rounds of:

24 Air Squats
21 Sit-ups
18 Box Jumps
15 Push-ups
12 Body Rows
9 Ring Dips

Bench: 100# (PR!)
Time: 21:05

Comments: This one reminded me of when I started at Atlas. All the things we sort of learned first maybe. I knew it was going to be long and hard. It was.


05.11.10 - GRACE

Grace (YAY!)

30 Clean & Jerks
(or floor to locked out overhead)

3 x 750m, 2 min rest in between.

Time: 4:59
Row Times: 3:20(?)/3:20/3:17

Comments: I have been dying to do this one since I first saw it in action back in December, so I was psyched when it showed up this morning. Used 75# which may be the most weight I've used in a workout with multiple reps. I don't have a clean & jerk recorded at a max. This weight felt about right altho I inadvertently cheated on the first couple reps when it was pointed out I wasn't fully resetting from my split. I NEED to see this on video, because I felt pretty sloppy actually. Once we get going I really question the intensity with which I engage my legs, and whether I'm really getting myself UNDER the bar.

Row felt just okay. Again didn't feel like I was using my legs enough.


05.07.10 - TGI Almost Saturday

Double Unders

Comments: Last day of active rest week. We worked on handstand progressions. I can do a solid head stand and learned how to "approach" the handstand (arms overhead) that made the movement a little better. Hand stands are funny to me in that sometimes I can totally do them and sometimes I totally suck. No real rhyme or reason. Maybe I should clarify that some DAYS I can, some I can't.

Liked the jump rope progression. Likewise with the jump rope, I have on and off days. I can usually kinda do a 1-single, 1-double rhythm, but not doubles consecutively. Well tonight I did 3 double unders in a row. My form totally sucked, but I got 3. In Jr. High we had a dedicated rope jumping unit in PE. I was pretty good at it in like, 7th grade. Our "final" was to make up a routine. Double unders, cross-overs front and backwards, slalom. We also did it during dry land swim practice back in the day as a way to improve our reaction off the block (or something...). So I have it in me, but I definitely need to practice. That's a couple years ago after all – :).


05.05.10 - Progress (Happy Cinco de Mayo)

We worked on the pulls and form of the Olympic Lifts:


Comments: Can't get enough of the lifting, practice or otherwise. Practicing is great. Learned some new moves with the kettlebell (windmill) and did some stretching. I used to click with the clean, but now I sorta like the snatch. I don't know, half the time I feel like I do them right and half not. I tend to get really messed up when we slow the movement down. Kinda bummed we didn't get to learn the kipping progression.

In other news: I learned about Dynamic Apnea today. To see this in action, check out this video. Talk about a subculture – some of these people have learned to hold their breath for nearly 8 minutes. Can't wait to get back in the pool.


05.03.10 - Active Rest/Skills Week

Self-Myofascial Release (Rollers)
Corrective Static Stretching
Rowing Fundamentals

Comments: So it's active/forced rest week. Today we focused on these things. Liked doing the rollers but it tests my patience. I was eternally grateful we didn't use them on our arms, because the backs of mine from the elbow up are still sensitive to the touch from Friday. After I was done with everything I went back in the studio and considered trying it out for a little while on my own for about 2.2 seconds. I think I need another day or two before I subject myself to that degree of torture. Stretching with the band felt good.

Our last focus was the Row. We were to do a 2000m at 70%. So I set out, kept it slow and steady. I was pulling about 18-22 per minute, about 2:00-2:15/500 pace. Ah, I beat my PR by one second? I broke a sweat but wasn't even winded. It's been about 3 months since my last recorded 2000. My time today was 8:50.

May 22, 2010 - ABTA 5k

Anyone interested in running a 5k for a good cause?

One of my oldest friends has been suffering from the effects of a brain tumor for several years. If any of you are preparing for other races, maybe you'd be interested in practicing through this event? Here are some details, but email me (hillaryweber [at] gmail.com) if you have any questions.

It's $30 to register. ($40 on race day, online registration closes Wed, May 19)
You can run or walk.
Saturday, May 22.
@ Soldier Field.
8:30 am start time.
More information: www.pathtoprogress.org.

The American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) is a 37-year old organization that helps support patients and families dealing with this disease as it works to find a cure.

This event is pretty low key. People walking bring strollers, dogs, etc. and tend to walk in "groups" so the walk is pretty slow. Runners go off ahead of walkers. This is my 3rd year participating, and I've signed up to run (yikes!) for the first time.

I think that's about it?


04.30.10 - Press and Dip

3-3-1-1-1 Front Squat

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (95/65#)
Push Press
Ring Dips

Front Squat 1 Rep Max: 110# (PR!)
Time: 13:14

Comments: Personal record on the front squat. Did the prescribed weight on the push press! Ohmyshoulders. Used a green band on the dips. I might even go to blue on these next time. Green almost felt too easy? (I got a solid green band this time, not like the one I used for those silly pull-ups earlier this week). I'm friggin' beat actually. I could barely push myself off the floor when I was done stretching after, my arms were so spent. Payback I guess from Wednesday and I may or may have not been a little hungover from last night. But I thought this workout was pretty solid and I quite liked it. Tim was watching my lifts and he didn't tell me I was doing anything wrong so I thought that was good.

Oh yeah, and did 4 days this week again. Niiice.


04.28.10 - Tabata plus Tabata

8 intervals of the following for a total of 32 intervals.
20 seconds all out, 10 seconds rest, totaling 16 minutes.

Air Squats

Then: Another 8 intervals, same way, on the rower.

Record LOWEST number of reps: 2/6/7/10
Comments: I made a pact with myself that whenever we did a workout where we didn't have to do a full number of reps, I'd use the green band. This was my second time using it. Not to make excuses or anything, but my particular green band had seen some action. I think it was one from the original band supply. My first round was 7 and it was all downhill from there. Holy humiliation. I feel tight all over again after the three in a row and my calves finally kicked into the mix today after the jump rope on Monday. We wrapped it up with some stretching on the rollers, which I'm sure will cover my legs in some really attractive bruises. Thank god I get to go to happy hour tomorrow to "rest".


04.27.10 - Essentials


Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Jerk

Time: 28:40
Comments: Wow. When I saw this workout this morning I knew I had to do it. Scaled to 55# and for once I'm not going to say I should have done 10 more. I thought the weight was perfect. Pretty sure my form took a nose dive as I got closer to the end – I just wanted it Over. Our class was only 3-strong and Mike is very vocal so I felt a bit of more intense "pressure" than I'm used to, but I got thru it. A new girl was in front of me and she was rockin' it Rx'd, so that really helped me to keep picking up the bar when I didn't want to so I didn't fall too far behind. Brett behind me kept me going too. These lifting workouts are truly my favorite. It's 8:20 (my class was at 5:30), my face is still hot to the touch, and I'm beat.

I'm adding Get Some Rx'd Workouts Recorded to my list of goals...


04.26.10 - The Triplet

3 Rounds for Time

500m Row
12 Overhead Squats (115/75#)
50 Double Unders (200 singles)

Checkout: 150 Sit-ups, 75 Push-ups

Time: 22:50
Comments: Row started real strong and then fell apart by round three. Used 50# on the OHS. 55? Maybe. I did singles for the entire jump rope. I can DO a double under, but they wear me out! This should go on my stink-at-it list because it's for sure something I can improve on. Wasn't gonna do the Checkout but then decided to do the sit-ups. Then Vance tried to make me do the push-ups. I called it a night after 30. I'd like to be able to use my arms this week, thanks.

In other news: IT'S MY 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY! I've been not-so-secretly wanting the "I am Crossfit" t-shirt at the gym for a few months now, but I haven't felt like I've earned it. Am I Crossfit? A more appropriate t-shirt for me might read, "I do Crossfit" or "I try to Crossfit". After six months can I call myself Crossfit? I can't decide.


04.23.10 - CFit at SC (Alt)

ACF WOD: Hundo's
(100 Burpees, 100 Wall Balls, 100 Box Jumps)

100 Burpees hurt my feelings when I saw it. I went over possible scales and racked my brain for a way to wrap my head around how I'd get through it. I remember doing 40 straight burpees in a workout so vividly the idea of 100 broke me. But I REALLY wanted to get 4 workouts in this week. So tonight I got back in the pool for the first time since I started Crossfit, and thanks to an article I found months ago written by Tim, completed my 4th WOD this week!

Swimming WOD:

200m Kick
200m Pull
200m Pull with Paddles
200m Paddles
200m Paddles and Fins
200m Fins
200m Swim

Time: 23:15
Comments: Flanked the workout with a 200 warm-up and cool down. That was a lot of swimming with paddles. Holy triceps/shoulders. Averaged about 3:15 per 200 with the only rest in between being transitioning "equipment". I really wanted to keep the intensity up to match a true workout at the gym. I think I did a pretty decent job? My last recorded time for a 200 in a legitimate race was 2:28, so I figure swimming basically a straight 1400 at a 3:15 average/200 isn't bad, especially since I hadn't been in the water for 6 months. I actually felt pretty strong and good overall, and I loved approaching a swim set with same mentality I've adapted for our regular workouts. Keep going. Swim as fast as you can. I can't wait to do this again and I loved this set!

Disclaimer: I actually swam yards, not meters, but in an attempt to keep things relative have used the meter as my unit of measure. Close enough.


04.21.10 - Isabel

3-3-3-3-3 Overhead Squat

Isabel (135/95#)
30 Snatches

Time: 3:59
Comments: Even though I can barely move – I have to push myself out of chairs/which hurts my arms/and makes me laugh/then kills my stomach – today was a really nice class. There were only four of us and the gym felt kind of mellow. My 3-rep max on the OH squat was 60# (1RM is 70). Supposedly I wasn't getting low enough? That just made me laugh because it was a miracle my legs were even functioning. And I guess I wasn't using enough weight because I "finished too soon". I mean, can't I just have one day where I'm not the last person done with a WOD? Please? It's true though. I used 55# and should have done 65.

In other news: The pictures on the site today made my other blog. Who took those shots of Emily?


04.20.10 - Loving the new Box

1000m Row

Then 5 Rounds:
20 Pull-ups
7 Push Jerks (135/95#)

Time: 20:28
Row Time: 4:01 (Dang!)
Comments: I REALLY wanted to break 4 minutes on the row. This was my first attempt at a 1000 meters for time. I was utterly shocked I got off the rower with most of the boys in my class. I'm pissed I didn't break 4, but it was still my personal record. Yippee.

Pull-ups were brutal even with the grey band by about the second round. I used 55# on the push jerks and should have used 65# for sure.

In other news: Sarah E. interviewed me after class (on video! NIGHTMARE!) with the following questions –

1. What's your favorite thing about Crossfit? Forgetting about everything else while doing a WOD.
2. What's the hardest thing about Crossfit? Keeping track/count of reps.
3. What makes it worth it? It's FUN?
4. Describe Crossfit in one word: TOUGH.

Honestly you could ask me these questions 20 times and I'd have a different answer. These answers seem so limited when I think about the big picture. For instance: The people I've met/ Getting there/ A sense of real accomplishment when I finish something I didn't think was possible/ TORTURE. Or: Every day is different/ Man Makers/ The challenge of everything/ SUBCULTURE. Really I could go on and on...

04.19.10 - Thruster Mania

3 Rounds for Time:

50 Thrusters (45/35#)
40 Sit-ups
30 Push-ups

Time: I'm guessing around 24 min? The clock got shut off before I finished! Rude.
Comments: Four days off and back at it for another three in a row, I felt recovered from the body torture last week. I say body torture in a good way. It felt good to be all-over sore again and I actually LIKED doing the three in a row.

This one was rough even though I went down to a measly 15# to do the thrusters. It's the down/squat part that kills me, with or without weight. 50 squats alone are rough for me. Pushing the bar overhead wasn't so bad until toward the end of each set of 50 when I started feeling it in my shoulders. My legs took the brunt of the beating. I loved hearing someone yell, Keep going! You can rest during the sit-ups! I believe only in Crossfit could you consider doing sit-ups "resting" – but it's true – that was the time to "rest". Push-ups almost broke me at the end. I could barely keep my body off the floor with each one.

We sorta checked out with some Turkish Get-ups. I was so weak I just kind of tried lamely to do two on each side with a 15# kettlebell.


04.14.10 - The Deadlift

For total time:

1 x 20 @ 1.5x Body Weight
Rest 3 minutes
1 x 20 @ Body Weight
Rest 3 minutes
1 x 20 @ 3/4 Body Weight

Checkout: 30 Partner Bar-Ups

Time: 10:25
Comments: Since there's no way in hell I could lift 1.5x my body weight at this point, I was allowed to scale to 80% of my 1 rep max (185#). Not so good at math, I went for 145/125/95# for the three sets. I thought that was close. I really should have spent some time stretching after this one. Why do I forget to do that? I can already feel it on top of the all-over soreness/fatigue I'm feeling being back in the gym 3 days in a row* after that time off. Yikes.

Vance and I partnered for the bar-ups and used the 15# bar for the first 10, then scaled it to a PVC pipe with a 5# plate between our hands for the rest. Pretty sure I wasn't doing this right because my abs felt way less engaged than my arms(!) and my legs, feet weighted down. Oh well. I wanted to skip this entirely so at least I tried it!

*Not sure I've done 3 in a row before? But I'd really like to step it up to 4 days/week. Glad I went tonight.


04.13.10 - 7s

7 Rounds for Time:

7 Push Press
7 Push-ups
7 Kettlebell Swings
7 Pull-ups
7 Power Cleans
7 Burpees
7 Overhead Squats

Time: 29:40
Comments: I only got through 6 rounds and I majorly scaled this. Used 35# for the bar, 20# on the KB, gray band on the pull-ups. I would have used a heavier bar if not for the OHS. My push-ups and pull-ups felt good. I liked this workout a lot. I wish I didn't let myself get cut off at the 30-minute mark because I could have finished even though I was completely dying.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to keep going with what round I was on AT the 30 or if I was supposed to stop with what round I was on? Because I could have started it? But the other class was starting and I thought they needed our spots... I mean, don't get me wrong. I GLADLY quit after 6. (I should have done all 7).

D.Y.I.N.G. I should have done all 7.

Oh and we did this crazy handstand exercise in warm-up where you face the wall and walk your legs up, and your arms to the wall, to form a vertical handstand. THEN, you lift an arm off the ground and touch the corresponding armpit. Alternate that. As quick as you can. HA!


04.12.10 - Do you Crossfit?

5 Rounds for Time:

500m Row
400m Run
Rest 90 Seconds

Checkout: 100 Wall Balls (20/14#)

Time: 30:44 (4:50/6:25/6:25/6:20/6:24)
Comments: Back at the box after a 12-day hiatus. No bueno. This actually was a pretty good one to go back with. Running/Rowing. Don't tell anyone, but we ditched out on the checkout...

What kept sticking in my head was the message that accompanied the workout on the website this morning. Things like "Step out of your comfort zone" and "push yourself to 110%". I really tried to go as fast as I could, but that wasn't very fast I'm afraid. I tried to keep my rows under 2:00 average, not going over 2:10. The running killed me, especially hearing Katy's footsteps getting closer and closer and catching me each round.

There was also a quote from the (I think) inventor of Crossfit, Coach Glassman:

"Performance is directly correlated with intensity. Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort."

I was definitely 100% uncomfortable, so I must have been doing something right. Solid, 30-min. workout. Nice to be working with Tim again. Held some decent 10-sec+ headstands in Warm-up #2.


03.31.10 - Farewell

Press 1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5

Knees to Elbows

Man Makers (25/15#)

Alternate 9/1, 8/2, etc.

Max: 70#/95# (PR!)/70# (?)
Time: 16:21
Comments: We kinda went about the lifting a little wrong, and I never figured out my Push Jerk. I did a few of them with the 70# but I did not feel right about the movement for some reason and then we ran out of time. Definitely maxed out on the press, even though 75# is my true max. Push press could have maybe gone a little bit higher? But just realized 95# is a Personal Record. Used 10# dumbbells on the man makers. Maybe should have done the 15#, but I was pretty exhausted at the end. Felt good overall despite $5 Tuesday night wines!


03.29.10 - Change is Good


Front Squat (155/105#)
Ring Dips

Checkout: Tabata (8 x 20 sec On/10 sec Rest)

Time for MetCon: 6:35
Comments: I love it when I love a WOD, and I liked this one quite a lot. I really love the barbell workouts. Used 65# on the squats (105# is my max). Maybe should have done 75#? Used a green band on the ring dips. After that and those push-ups on the checkout, holy triceps! I will say I think I'm getting better at the crazy ladder exercises in second round warm-ups. Running those drills definitely cracks me up.

In other news: I used to have this crazy click in one of my hips all the time. (Being a bit of a hypochondriac, of course I assumed I'd need hip replacement surgery by the time I was 40). I have no clue when this went away, but I realized it was gone this weekend. Even when I was trying to make it happen, it would not. I "blame" Crossfit.


03.24.10 - To the Core

4 Rounds for Time:

25 Dumbbell Thrusters (20/10#)
30 Push-ups
35 Sit-ups
40 Mountain Climbers

Time: 22:36
Comments: I had nothing in me today. My cold has settled in my chest and I was freezing all day. I decided to go to help my body warm up. My arms were still friggin' killing me (left especially) from those pull-ups Monday. MAJORLY scaled this one: 10 > 5# dumbbells, bench (!) for push-ups. I really am not feeling all that well, but I'm glad I at least went.


03.22.10 - Intervalz

5 Rounds for Time

20 Box Jumps (24/20")
20 Kettlebell Swings (45/35#)
20 Pull-ups

Rest 2 min. between rounds.

Checkout: 100 Double Unders (400 Singles)

Time: 26:48
Comments: 18" box, 25# kettle bell, grey band pull-up. Definitely not the worst. Except for pull-ups. I had nothing left at the end and maybe didn't even get my chin up there. I almost used the 30# KB again. Again I'm so glad I didn't. Deceptively difficult, that kettlebell swing. I could barely do singles again. I only did 200! (Don't tell anyone).

My back is still really sore from last Wednesday's glitch. And all day I felt like I was getting a cold. Thought I could maybe sweat out the cold? Honestly my symptoms could also be trail mix/food allergy related.


03.17.10 - Excellence

3-3-3-3-3 Press for 3-Rep Max

5 Rounds for Time:

20 Kettlebell Swings (45/35#)
15 Burpees
10 Ring Dips
5 Handstand Push-ups

3-Rep Max: 70#
Time: 25:52
Comments: 25# Kettlebell, green band on ring dips, and the box-scale-for-push-ups mess. In the final round of burpees, I broke my back. Something crimped between my shoulder blades dead center. I think tomorrow morning is going to be ugly. I don't know what to blame it on! Press? Burpees? HSPUs? Never did a flat "press" before. I did do two at 75#, so I got a "Max". I would be hard "pressed" to beat that on 1-rep. Also at 75, it's the most burpees I have ever done in a WOD. Burpees suck, yes, but I really do believe that doing the new "standard" on these in fact DOES make them easier. Or at least more fluid?


03.15.10 - Madness

2 Rounds for Time:

500m Row
15 Toes to Bar
500m Row
15 Overhead Squat (95/65#)
500m Row
15 Man Makers

Time: 33:17
Comments: Man Makers*. Dang. I used 20# DBs on this one last time and scaled it to 15 this go around. Also took the overhead down to 45#. In all honesty, I probably should have done 55# – but I was seriously afraid when I saw Vance doing this before us. What a bad ass she is – using 65# for squats and 25# dumb bells! Holy crap. And I also gave considerable thought to the toes to bar and a way to scale it. Rather than doing the best we could (yikes) wouldn't a better "full range of motion" be to lay on the ground hands over head and bring toes to touch your hands? Just wondering. Also, double warm-ups seem to be the norm now, so I will quit mentioning the extra drills we're running before we get started. With practice, I may be able to pull these off successfully by about 2012.

In other news: Signed up for the Warrior Dash today!

*Very quite possibly my least favorite of all we do at the box. SO BAD, I almost kinda like them.


03.12.10 - Paleo Challenge Winners

Medicine Ball Full Squat Cleans (20/14#)
Dumbbell Power Snatch (35/20#)
Box Jumps (24/20")
Row (for calories)

3 Minutes on each exercise for total reps.

Total Reps: 195
Comments: We tried to set little goals for each one before this, what we thought we should shoot for. I'll put those numbers next to the actual. I was a little ambitious. I USED A GREEN BAND for the first time on pull-ups. Good Night! That was really pretty hard. The rest I did as Rx'd, although I think that box is 18".

Reps vs "Goals": 61/70, 25/25-45, 17/30 (green band!), 27/30, 33/30, 32/36. I find it hilarious that the only one I beat my goal on was the box jumps, which are usually my worst. We also did a second "warm-up" which had me sweating my ass off before we even started the workout. Suicides, twisting lunges, high-knee skipping, side-shuffles, inchworms, etc., up and back the length of the gym. Pretty fun.

In other news: The results of the Paleo Challenge were outrageous. Look at the side view of Jessica's arms!!


3.10.10 - Hump Day

Max Box Jump – then:

5 Rounds for time:

7 Burpee Box Jumps
9 DB Push Press (35/25#)
11 Jumping Air Squats
13 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups

Max: 27
Time: 19:43
Comments: I didn't have this max in me today, I knew it going in – 29 is my max. Definitely liked how before we went up an inch at a time. The larger increases in height moving up was intimidating. Katy however increased by 2 inches to 37!!! Nice PR for her today! Definitely had another round to go when everyone was done... and a cheering crew as I finished. Thanks to the rest of my class today for that. I was glad to land under 20 minutes. Used 20# dumbbells, thank god. I tried the 25# before we got started and luckily had the sense to scale it down. Bruises on my shoulders tomorrow for sure. Box jump mystery solved. I've not been using 16 or 20, but 18" for the last several WODs. Did a couple green band pull-ups between the TWO warm-ups. That ladder mess was back. This time followed by Allison who also has clearly done this type of thing before – she was fast (and kicked ass on the box jumps too)!


03.09.10 - Pick it up

Deadlift for Max

3 Rounds of:

10 Deadlifts
15 Hang Power Clean
20 KTEs
25 Double Unders (100 Singles)
30 Box Jump Leaps (per leg, 24/20")

Deadlift Max: 185#
Time: 25:13
Comments: Used 65#, singles and, well, I can't tell a 16 from a 20" box unless they are right next to each other apparently, so I don't know what I used. It felt tall. We did a new warm up and it really highlighted my horrible coordination. Running patterns on a ladder made of plastic on the ground. If you're new to this, slow on the uptake of such things, and Kevin W. is in your class, make sure he's not behind you. I think he's done this before... It felt great to be back in the box after practically two weeks off. Pretty sure that deadlift was a PR.


03.04.10 - FGB Comparison

I was able to find our first score sheet so we could do a side-by-side comparison.

The not-to-10' wall balls the first time definitely impacted the overall score for the better, but if you ignore those numbers and focus on the numbers for the push press, sumo and even box jumps, there's a definite improvement. This is timely considering the post from today talking about – wait, it disappeared. Anyway, I think this is kind of a nice example of being able to measure results.

People seem to ask a lot, Have you noticed a difference? My sort of standard answer has become, I FEEL different and I'm definitely stronger. Now here's a way to see the difference – just after an average 3x/week for 8 weeks.


03.02.10 - Fight Gone Bad, Part II

3 Rounds of 5 stations:

Wall Ball (14#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (55#)
Box Jump (16")
Push Press (55#)
Row (for calories burned)

1 minute per exercise, and 1 minute in between rounds for a total of 17 minutes.

Reps: 180
Comments: This is funny – I actually entertained pipe dreams that I'd break 200 all day (last time I did 171). Didn't hit that by a long shot, but THANK GOD I at least improved! The threat of not doing so had my heart pounding before we began. One thing was different - wall balls. We had to get the ball up 10' and now there's a line so you can't "guess" it's about there. No way I was anywhere near that last time.

I did a better job on each of them except the wall ball (obviously) and the row (when I "strategically" decided to "rest"). Here's a comparison of today's to 8 weeks ago using my max numbers. Push Press (22/17), Sumo (15/10), Row (9/12), Wall Ball (12/19) Box Jump (13/10).

This goes without saying: FGB is probably even harder after a 4-day weekend eating and drinking at a cabin in the mountains with a bunch of old friends from college. Ouch.


02.24.10 - Oh Craps!

7 Rounds for Time of:

7 Box Jumps (24/20")
7 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#)
7 Push-ups
7 Burpees

Checkout: Sit-ups with 1-arm Kettlebell (30R/30L), 150 Double Unders

Time: 16:25
Comments: This one had the potential to bamboozle me into thinking it wouldn't be that bad, but I think I'm getting wise to these kinds of workouts. Everyone who did it before us confirmed my suspicions by saying how tough it was when we got there. This was a "lay on the ground after" for me and I took about twice as long as everyone else! Used 25# kettlebell.

Since they had all had about 10 minutes rest by the time I got done, they rolled right into the Checkout while I was still panting on the floor. I finally joined them on the sit-ups and was relieved there weren't enough jump ropes because when I borrowed Katy's to make an attempt, I could barely even do singles (I still could hardly breath). I got some nice welts on my legs, too. So instead of 60 sit-ups I did 100 and kept Katy company while she did her 150.

Some good news? I think I've officially moved off the 16" for box jumps.


02.22.10 - 2010 FilFest

4 Rounds for Time of:

5 Deadlifts (225/135#)
10 Knees to Elbows
15 Pull-ups
20 Sit-ups
25 Double Unders (100 Singles)

Time: 21:03
Comments: Callouses on my hands hurt. Did 115# deadlift and grey band pull-ups. Funny when I start on the grey band I think I should move to green, but nope, about half way through I can barely do it anymore. Didn't get my "lucky" jump rope. I won't blame that on doing the singles though. It was tough but not the worst. Definitely distracted me from my crappy mood anyway.


02.17.10 - It's nice enough out

3 Rounds for time of:

500m Row (or run 400m outside)
12 Man Makers* (45/25#)
25 Double Unders (100 single)

30 Ab Mat Sit-ups
20 of those extension sit-ups on that bench thing

Time: 29:21
Comments: You know how sometimes when you run you get a little stitch kind of cramp in your side? During this workout I had one that literally wrapped around my entire body just below my rib cage. Man Makers hurt. I used 20# dumbbells and after a couple attempts at doubles in the first round scaled to singles. Oh, and I did the push-ups/row part on my knees. Yeah. It still sucked. My arms are dead.

Reminder #2: Crossfit and $5 Wine Tuesdays don't mix!

*We only did the initial push-up, not the one in between shown on this video.


02.15.10 - Chippa

1000m Row
40 Walking Lunges (45/35# plate overhead)
40 Pull-ups
40 Dead Lifts (135/95#)
40 Burpees
1000m Row

Time: 28:53
Comments: Josh explained what a "chippa" was but I was kinda spacing out. I think it's when a workout has to be done in a certain order? You can't progress to the next one without completing the exercise? I don't know. I guess I'll look it up – later. (I'm going to bed after this. It's 8:30!) Used 25# on lunge, grey band on pull-ups, and 85# on dead lifts.

I just sorta dreaded this all day and thought a lot about a "strategy". The burpees were my most dreaded, and I knew we were going to be challenged to the Rx'd version of a burpee that was defined at the competition. I even tried to convince myself they'd be easier this way? They were bad. My arms really killed at the end and it was hard from the get-go to do 5 in a row without resting. I got confused in my counting and maybe did 5 less although I may have done 45 by mistake too. I was completely dead on the second row. My first averaged about 2:10 and the second was right around 2:30 give or take.

OMG I almost forgot!!! Tonight I noticed my name up on the "Leader Board". I have the 4th fastest 2000m row time out of all the girls! I about died.


02.14.10 - Crossfit Midwest Sectionals

UPDATE: "Real" videos were posted by the event.

Air Force (Emily)
WOD #2 - Clean and Jerk (Jill, Emily, Mike, Josh, Mark)
Pre-WOD #3
WOD #3 Row, Box, Clean and Jerk, Wall Ball, HSPU (Josh)
Took a ton of really bad pics and videos. The videos give a much better representation of what was going on... Here's the best of 'em.

Mike, Dylan and Adam doing Workout #1 - Air Force WOD. They are the three shirtless in the video, in order from front to back. Each competitor had their own judge (in the blue shirts) that made sure to only count the legitimate reps. The judges were hard core. I mentioned several times I didn't think I had the guts to tell someone working their ass off what they just did didn't count.

Jennifer, Josh, and Emily during Air Force. Jennifer and Josh are front and center. Emily is the little one in the back by the pole in the dark purple tank top.

Jill and Josh box jumping during the final WOD. Josh is in the middle between the red shirt and the other shirtless guy.

The whole weekend was a lot of watching some incredible athletes give everything they had to the point of floor hugging and rolling when it was all over. It was awesome! I can confidently say I was grateful to be a spectator. Everyone did fantastic and all the girls advanced to compete in the Regionals in Denver. YAY for them!


02.12.10 - Crossfit Sectionals


We made it! Slight hotel mishap. I booked us at the wrong place by mistake. Figured it out so we're not parking by cars like this one any more, but it was a nice welcome to kick off the weekend.


02.10.10 - Max Out

Box Jump - As tall as possible
Turkish Get-ups - As heavy as possible

MetCon - As many reps as possible, 10 minutes

10 Knees to Elbows
10 Push-ups
20 Double Unders

Box: 29"
Turkish: 25#
Reps: 3

Comments: It took me a while, but I did 60 double unders! None in a row, always with a hop in between, but 60! Ok and the box? I never did more than 16" before I don't think? 20" at the most. A couple guys got up to 52" and man was it fun to watch them! I mean, the "box" (a little table kind of thing with weight plates stacked on top to reach the 52" mark) was higher than their waist! These were tall dudes! Never did a Turkish before, so learning it was awkward. That weight was heavy. I would like to practice this – I know I can do better next time they come around. Fun Max. Lots of group cheering, encouraging and clapping, with an audience on the upper deck even. Two new callouses on my hand from the KTEs.


02.09.10 - How We Row

5 Rounds of:

12 Thrusters (#65)
9 Pull-ups
6 Ring Dips
3 Handstand Push-ups

Checkout: 100 Sit-ups

Time: 21:44
Comments: I love when I get totally bamboozled by a WOD. I scaled this one so completely in my mind, it didn't seem that bad. Plus, the times being posted earlier in the day weren't that high. Who were these earlier people because they hauled ass!? And so many were Rx'd!

Ok, so I scaled it to #55 after I practiced a couple. Pull-ups w/grey band. Ring dips I imagined I would do using a box. That was until Jennifer the Punisher threw a band on the rings. Er? Finally sorta started to get the balance on this at about the third round, but bloodied my shin and noticed bruises (dirt?) forming during the sit-ups. Handstand push-ups were cute. All I wanted was to just do a handstand and sorta pop down a bit like we did when we learned them. Nope. The scale was to put your feet on a box, hands on the ground and attempt Full Range Of Motion. Um? Not quite. By the time I was thru, Thrusters were broken down into 3 very painful 4s. The pull-ups were the easiest and I even heard JTP say the grey band was looking "too easy". PLEASE!

I had cramps all thru my torso by the end and I sorta had to walk around in a daze for a while afterward. Great Workout.


02.05.10 - It Back

Bench Press

Tabata Intervals (20 sec all out/10 sec rest)

8 Intervals Push-ups
8 Intervals Kettlebell Swings
8 Intervals Bench Press @ 40%
8 Intervals Box Jumps

3 Rep Max: 85
1 Rep Max: 90
Total Reps: 294 (62 - knees, 80 - 20#, 101 - 35#, 51 - 16")
Comments: I liked this workout. When I saw 100 in sight on the bench press I thought no problem but then I hit the wall and could barely lift the bar at 101. Box jumps still terrify me.


02.03.10 - 1 Row 2

10 Burpees
20 Dumbbell Push Press (45/30#)
30 Pull-ups
40 Sit-ups

2 Rounds

2000m Row

2 More Rounds of the MetCon*

Time: 38:54 (Row 9:55)
Comments: This. Was. The WORST. One. Yet.
I mean, along with box jumps, burpees are my most disliked exercise at Crossfit and tonight it was my favorite part of the workout because there were only 10 of them per round. Used 15# dumbbells** on the push press, and these were the second worst part. Worst? The friggin' pull-ups! Getting to 30 sometimes 1, 2 at a time? FOUR times? Horrible even with the fat grey band***. When I sat down at the rower I thought, There is absolutely no way, and also, No way to quit. I just rowed. And rowed. And tried to catch my breath. And thought about how thirsty I was. And tried not to think about what was ahead of me... 2 more rounds... now fully exhausted. Each set of exercises I tried to break down into 5s. This really messed with my ability to keep count, because I was basically delirious. Got really confused during one set of pull-ups and one set of sit-ups.

Seriously afterward? I couldn't even get dressed. One hand would go in my sweatshirt sleeve, and I would have to take a rest and just stand there and space out. Same with my coat. It's almost 8 and I can't even imagine eating dinner. Honestly I don't even know if I can watch TV.

*Is this a MetCon? I forget? Are most of the WODs MetCons?
** Was the push press Rx'd? Or was it supposed to be 30# in each hand? No. Way.
***One light thru the dark, dark forest were the two times I actually got into a sort of kipping rhythm (total fluke I couldn't make it happen when I tried) and was able to crank out maybe 10 at a time.


02.01.10 - In Da Front

Front Squats for 3 Rep Max

100 Front Squats (125#, 75# or 60% of 3RM)
Each time you put the bar down, row 250m.

Max Load: 105#
Time: 18:32
Comments: I went 55# at 35-15-20-20-10 (4 rows). I already feel it in my back, shoulders, wrists, knees, legs, torso – where else is there? That was intense. Worked out with Vance. She was a great partner. I love the lifting WODs!!


01.29.10 - Cindy

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

As many rounds as possible completed in 20 minutes.

Checkout: 10 minutes of planks (:30 hold / :30 rest)

Rounds: 13 2/3
Comments: This was a big workout for me. My very first time at Atlas Crossfit, 10.26.09, we did a half-Cindy (10 min). I completed 4 1/3 rounds (and suffered for about a week afterward!). Tonight my goal was 12. I used a grey band, and a bench sideways for my push-ups.* So I think I had a +150% improvement over my first attempt? I would consider that progress. My planks in the checkout even felt pretty good, and I didn't have to put my knees down even once during the holds. It will be interesting to see how my body takes the beating.

*I really like doing push-ups like this because I feel like I just do them with WAY better form. I got up to my chest for the most part on my pull-ups, and low enough in the squats that no one told me to go lower. In fact, when it was time to do the squats, and I was dying to take a breather, I got so hot it was actually better to keep going because the breeze felt better on my face than the overheating while trying to rest!

01.28.10 - Overhead Squat

Overhead Squat for Max

15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 15 OHS (115, 85)
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm – 12 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 9 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm – 6 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 3 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm
OHS Max: 70#
Time: 8:37 (15# kettlebell/40# barbell)
Comments: Felt great to be back at it yesterday. I finished the MetCon too fast, which makes me think my weights were too light. Should have used a 20# kettlebell and from now moving forward, nothing less than that when we do KBs. The bar could have been a little heavier too. And, I think it's hard to get a true Max with my relative inexperience, because it's still pretty scary to be responsible for that heavy weight over my head. I just need to get more comfortable. I also forgot to pay attention if I was keeping my weight grounded on my heels. I have a feeling I was not because my balance never really felt as solid as it sometimes does.

In other news: I hit a GOAL last night! (I need to revise it because obviously this was way too easy?) But still! Between the Max and the MetCon we were kind of milling around and I decided to practice the rings. So I jumped myself up there and held it for like 2 seconds in utter shock. I'd never done even a second before. I tried it again and was stunned I could hold it – what felt like 5 seconds! The third time I was like, Look! to Katy while I was up there. And the forth time I had her time me, to ensure I'd done the 5 seconds for real. I did. Changing the goal to 30 seconds.

Also did some double-unders pretty easily after the warm-up.


01.27.10 - Annie (and then some).

I had to skip today. Was set to go tonight despite the soreness from Monday that is still lingering in my arms and torso, almost worse than yesterday. This was a real traveling, surprise-locations kind of soreness, reminiscent of some of my WODs early on.

I read the workout. Annie. Lots of jumping rope for me with the singles, and wow can I even do sit-ups today? But okay. The row? Do-able but not at a record pace after all that comes before it, like.... Man-maker – ? – that sounds like maybe one of those get up off the floor with a kettlebell or a sort of barbell routine. Undeterred but curious, I looked it up. The Man-maker.

I tried to find or figure a way this could be scaled, because 30 push-ups or burpees would be hard enough with the way I'm feeling. ONE of these exercises includes: burpee, 3 pushups, single arm row on either side, a squat clean, and a push press.* Thirty Times? I have to admit defeat before I even began. If that makes me a sissy, so be it.

Which begs the question I've been bothered with all day. Is it better to go and have a weak, poorly formed and executed workout just to log the day? Or to take the time I feel my body is telling me it needs to recover, so when I go back I have the strength I need for a solid workout?

We go back and forth, ranging from YES you should rest if you need it, to comparing how we feel with the contestants on The Biggest Loser, working out 8 hours a day, everyday.

For some perspective, I just tried to do ONE Man-maker (unweighted!) in my living room. I seriously could barely do the push-ups, let alone getting the full range of motion. I tried it again, dropping to knees push-ups and knees rows. Is this a proper scale? Regardless it still felt incredibly difficult to do just the one.

Tomorrow is another day... and I have Dinner Club. Will still try and squeeze it in even if it kills me.

*I think this guy is actually doing it wrong, like his feet are supposed to be between the barbells on the clean/push press.


01.25.10 - Dumbbell Day

ANNIVERSARY! Today marks the beginning of my 4th month doing Crossfit. That means, I've officially been at it for three months!

7 Rounds of:

Both Arms: using DB's, start light and increase slightly each round to find max load.
Full Squat Clean, Split Jerk Left, Full Squat Clean, Split Jerk Right, Hang Split Clean Left, Hang Split Clean Right, Hang Split Snatch Left, Hang Split Snatch Right

Complete for time:
20-1 Pushups
1-20 Situps
(20 pushups/1 situp, 19/2, 18/3, etc.)

Time: 27.32
Comments: The lifting was awkward. I found it hard to concentrate and get the moves right, let alone w/good form. Got up to #20 on each arm. Wasn't that nervous about the MetCon because I knew it would be awful and a mental challenge just to finish, so I didn't let it get to me. Felt a little bit better when I remembered I could scale them, which I did after the 18 push-ups. Started using a small box to assist. Then Jennifer brought me a bench, laying it on it's side, and that really helped quite a bit. Not sure if it's true, but in my mind I got my head/torso down further than normal because the floor wasn't in the way? Like I could get it below the plain of the bench where my hands were? Which felt like maybe I was getting the right range of motion. Then at around 12 sit-ups, I used dumbbells to weight my feet down. Questioned whether this was full-on cheating or not, but I did see Chris Spealler do Angie using dumbbells on his sit-ups, so that made me think it was ok.

In other news: Pleased to report there was no backlash from the row. Not in ANY muscular pain yesterday or today. I doubt I would have said the same thing 6 weeks ago.


01.23.10 - 500 Meter Row

Time: 1:47.2

Comments: I am pleased.

My heart was pounding before I began, but then I just went. When the time was only at 0:28 I couldn't believe it. I watched it slowly click to :30 and got kinda panicked. Had a burning in the muscle over my knees, but nothing else was really registering in particular – shock? Afterwords it did, in that everything was "zooming" under my skin on my arms and legs. I don't know how else to describe it? Then it felt like two pool balls were starting to grow on either side of my ass by those "butt bones", but that sensation stopped pretty quick. Then I just walked around and gulped air and tried to drink some water and coughed for about 15 minutes. Katy was a SPECTACULAR cheerleader.

I started with a standard ACF warm-up and some extra time on the rower.

BONUS: I beat Brad's (1:51.1), which was my unofficial official goal. He'd never rowed before and had no technique, even falling off at one point, and bouncing the machine around on the floor, so I know it's short lived. But until he gets on it again I can claim victory over him in this one physical challenge.

Lindsey took my measurements after. I will take them again at the end of February, just to see.


1.20.10 - 2000m Row (or the day 1/2 Angie made me cry)*

2000 meter row.

UNPOSTED Checkout: 1/2 Angie (50 pull-ups, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups and 50 air squats)

Row Time: 8:51.5
1/2 Angie: 11:56

Comments: I woke up anxious to see what the workout would be since this was to be our first time going three days in a row. Saw the row and thought, I can do that. It will be hard. I want to get my time. Did a little quick math and decided I'd be happy with under 10 minutes. Aaron had sent me a video on this one a while ago, where the guy kept repeating, If you do this/that, You. Will. Die. But whatever, I know I can at least DO it.

This week I am feeling sore thru the length of my abdomen, thru my arms, across my back, and in my shoulders and quads. I have bruises on my knees (burpees, push-ups) and inner thighs (pull-up band). All this was really kicking in when I went back to see the comments and times being posted for today and to my dismay saw that a 1/2 Angie was the Checkout. Click click click and I realized what that meant. Immediately resolved that today, I would not make it to the gym. I just did 45 pull-ups YESTERDAY! Everything is hurting! Following up Death by Pull-ups with this Checkout hurt my feelings.

So I told Katy I wasn't going and she called me a Cupcake, TWICE. It worked. I went.

The Checkout killed me. I could have probably gone a little faster in the Row. 8:30 will be my goal for the next one.

In other news: We registered as spectators and got our hotel room for the Crossfit Sectionals in St. Charles, MO, over Valentine's Day weekend (when Steve leaves to help Brad finish the house – timing is everything). Something like 9 people from our gym are participating and I can not wait to see it all go down. Plus! ROAD TRIP. Yippee.

*Didn't really cry but I did whine.


01.19.10 - f(x)al


Death by Pull-ups
1 during minute 1, 2 during minute 2, etc. Continue until you cannot complete the required pull-ups of the minute you are on.

Max Lift: 90#
Max Pull-up: 9 (w/grey band), totaling 45

Comments: So not feeling it today. My beloved clean, I'm ashamed to say I didn't have it for you at all. Stiffness started creeping in all over this afternoon, so I felt weak and not at all fluid during. But I didn't want to waste the chance to get a new max number, and work on my pull-ups, regardless.

Committed to doing the 500m row for time Saturday. It makes my hands sweat just thinking about it, but I need to get that time posted so I can stop dreading it.

Added to my goals to graduate to the green band for future pull-up workouts. Two more to go.


01.18.10 - ACF Baseline WOD

500m Row

Follow immediately with 2 rounds of:

25 Air Squats
20 Situps
15 Pushups
10 Jumping Pullups
5 Burpees

Complete for time.
Rest 5 minutes (we got more like 8 or 9 thank god)
Do it again.

Time: 8:21/9:52
Comments: This was my first attempt at this WOD. Wow does my endurance suck. Counting was also kinda hard so there's a chance I got mixed up on the squats and sit ups. My arms were like noodles after the first set, but I was pleased I could kinda do the jumping pull-ups, because they were what scared me most. I forgot to think about how exhausting it would be to do this as fast as I could when I first read the workout this morning. That's what should have been the most scary. I just get psyched when I feel like at least I can DO the workout components. I think that I was the slowest posted time of all the attempts today, but again people were cheering me on at the end. Katy and I definitely spent time on the floor afterward trying not to puke and talking about how it would be hard to develop an appetite or even eat dinner later.

But I'm happy to report that I just drove the 2.5 blocks to Dunkin' Donuts for a box of 60 munchkins that I plan to wash down with a 12-pack of beer. (Just kidding Josh!) I did reminisce about the past a bit – Monday nights used to revolve around a healthy dose of Tree Hill and Gossip Girl. Tonight instead I might even watch Katy's Every Second Counts DVD.

In other news: So, after I read the workout, I was grilling up some chicken sausage on the panini press this morning. Because I am sometimes not always entirely bright, I went to move the machine over and fully grabbed the metal base at 400ยบ. Before I could even feel it, and was jumping around the kitchen clutching my finger and yelling expletives, the first thought that passed through my head was, HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO HOLD ONTO THE PULL-UP BAR TONIGHT!? Thankfully the inch long, 1/4 inch wide blister that screamed at me all day didn't get in the way too much. But I did think it was funny that after F*CK F*CK F*Ck, that was my first legitimate thought.

Still working on my goals. Added holding myself up on the rings with my arms straight for 5 seconds.


01.16.10 - EBC Yoga.

This is non-Crossfit, but a workout nonetheless, and it got me up and out the door EARLY this morning. My lower back is kinda killing me. Downward dog? Something happened under my left rib cage. It feels like a cramp and keeps randomly showing up, taking my breath away? Besides going to East Bank Club for the first time in over 10 years, I did some new things today. Like hanging upside down from ropes on a wall, which felt both terrifying (initially) and terrific (once I locked it in). I'd like to have ropes like that in my house.

Time: 1.5 hours stretching.

I feel like adding stretching like this at least once a week would be a great compliment to the regular WODs. We sat in the steam and sauna afterward. Holy awesome. EBC is huge. What a totally different environment from our Box. We had lunch in the grill afterward. I would say we spent about 90% of the conversation talking about Crossfit. I'm starting to notice some similarities with my desire to discuss this and my father talking about fishing. Sorry, but if you act even remotely interested, I can't shut up about it.

Thanks Jacki for a different, new and fun morning!