
09.08.10 - On the Minute

2 x 10 Power Clean on 1 Min @ 90% 1RM

20-16-12-8-4 Pull-up
4-8-12-16-20 Kettlebell Swing (55/35#)

200 Meter Row after each round of pull-up/KB

Cleans: 70#
Time: 15:33
Comments: Didn't go up to 90% on the cleans. Couldn't remember what my 1RM was, but knew that number was long ago regardless. 70#? Probably could have done 75, but we'll have to see what's not working tomorrow when I wake up. Used a grey band on the pull-ups. I can't remember the last time I did a pull-up. The first two were great and it went immediately downhill from there. Thought about doing jumping pull-ups at one point, but stuck it out with some really crappy reps. KBs used a 25#. I had nothing to give the rows really.

Oh yeah, we did an additional 800m run as part of the warm-up. I was the last one in and class had re-started by the time I got my PVC pipe. Awesome!

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