
02.23.11 - Hang, Dip & Push

2x10 Squat Snatch (on the minute)

4 Rounds:
10 Power Cleans
8 Ring Dips
6 Snatch Press
4 Handstand Push-ups

Time: 11:02
Comments: First, 2 snatches on the minute might sound super easy, but that minute got really short about half way thru. I couldn't get the snatch down. Mostly I think because my legs are killing me and I couldn't get DOWN, but also because I sort of forgot how to do it. Once Todd corrected my grip (I wasn't wide enough), and I went to 10# bumpers so I could safely bail, it did get better. Second, SUPER scaled the WOD. Used 55# for lifts, which I think was a good weight. But used a box, with bent knees, on the dips (after Todd totally dissed me for trying to use a green band on the actual rings - TODD!) Knees on box for HSPUs. Per usual, loved the lifting part, felt sucker-punched on the dips, and did my pathetic best to try and get down on the HSPUs. Frankly, tonight's big accomplishment was just getting there. Everything, especially my legs, is killing me from last night. It's possible I won't be able to walk tomorrow.


02.22.11 - CINDY

Find Max Height Box Jump

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Box Jump: 27.5"
Rounds: 11
Comments: My max on the jump is 29". I HATE doing it, so 27.5 is just fine for me today. Used the grey band on the pull-ups, knees on push-ups, and still kinda was dying. My max for this is 13-14 rounds. I was hoping for 10. Even with the grey band, which kind of sky-rocketed me on the first 1-3, by the 5th pull-up after about round 3 I was struggling. Push-ups by round 10 I was failing. The one redeeming quality of the air squat? You're moving enough to sort of cool off your sweating, hot face. I'm still red and warm to the touch an hour later.

Shout Out #1: Wendt crushed this WOD. 34" box jump and 19+ rounds on the AMRAP. She practically doubled me and I swear sped up the second half rather than slowing down! Rockstar! (Literally... she's going to see Ke$ha tomorrow night... for reals!)

Shout Out #2: Waller did an amazing THIRTY TWO rounds (and it wasn't even a PR)!


02.15.11 - HSPUs

4 x Max Rep Handstand Push-ups

10 rounds of:
10 x 10m Shuttle Run
10 KB Swings (55/35#)
10 Push-ups

Max Rep HSPU: 8-8-6 (only did 3, knees on a box to vertical)
Time: 19:43
Comments: Used 20# KB. Knees for push-ups but my arms started to lose it around round 6, which compromised my full range of motion. I couldn't get as low as I should have. Push-ups scared me the most but I definitely liked this workout. Surprisingly. At least, I was able to keep moving pretty well without stopping too much. That felt good.


02.11.11 - Filthier Friday

30 Deadlifts (185/135#)
30 Push-ups
30 Power Cleans (115/85#)
30 Body Rows
30 Thrusters (95/65#)
30 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#)
30 Burpees

Time: 20:51
Comments: It's been a long time since I got one of those cramps that wraps around the torso. Man! I definitely liked the variety in this one but putting those burpees at the end was just plain mean – and genius. I even liked that in a sick way. Sooo, I really scaled this one. My weights went 57/55/35 for the bar exercises and I used a 20# KB. Was happy I did 30s instead of 20s which I did consider all day! I definitely feel this one in my arms, back, chest, neck – and maybe hamstrings. Great full body workout.


02.07.11 - Kettle Bell 15's

3-3-3-1-1 Press
3-3-3-1-1 Back Squat

15 Burpees
15 Kettle Bell Clean (full squat)* each arm
15 KB Power Snatch
15 KB Single-Arm Swings
15 KB Press
15 KB Stationary Lunges
15 Burpees

25/35# KBs
Each exercise is done with one KB, alternating sides. 15 on EACH side, in any rep combination.

Press 1RM: 82#
Back Squat 1RM: 85#
Time: 11:17

Comments: My legs are toast. Just doing air squats kills. Used a 15# KB for the WOD, thank god. That last set of 15 burpees was really brutal. So, I'm basically sore all over, which will make feeling sore from the car crash I got in on the way home hard to distinguish from the rest of it. Ugh. Totally hit two cars, pulled over from a previous accident, after spinning down the ramp toward them in circles. Worst.


02.03.11 - After the Storm

3-3-3-3-3 Press

Tuesday's Make-Up

Tabata (8 x 20 sec on/10 sec off)
Dumbbell Bench Press
Toes to Bar
Ring Push-ups
Double Unders

3RM Press: 65#
Lowest Number of Reps per Exercise: 8/5/5/25

Comments: Two days off due to the blizzard. Ok. I chose to do Tuesday's WOD instead of today's considering I still can't walk, descend stairs or sit without pain from Monday. Upper body focus felt right. Didn't push it with the press since I was alone in the pit and the rest of the WOD was all arms. Used 15# DBs, did more like knees to arm pits, and single jump rope. To be honest I didn't really kill myself during this and I felt a little guilty watching Jenny, who decided to do the Level 2 Endurance WOD of the day – 100 box jumps, 300 singles, 50 wall balls, 25 burpees, and back up the ladder to 100 box jumps. OUCH. But it's only my Day 2, and I can tell my arms are going to be screaming at me tomorrow nonetheless.