
02.09.10 - How We Row

5 Rounds of:

12 Thrusters (#65)
9 Pull-ups
6 Ring Dips
3 Handstand Push-ups

Checkout: 100 Sit-ups

Time: 21:44
Comments: I love when I get totally bamboozled by a WOD. I scaled this one so completely in my mind, it didn't seem that bad. Plus, the times being posted earlier in the day weren't that high. Who were these earlier people because they hauled ass!? And so many were Rx'd!

Ok, so I scaled it to #55 after I practiced a couple. Pull-ups w/grey band. Ring dips I imagined I would do using a box. That was until Jennifer the Punisher threw a band on the rings. Er? Finally sorta started to get the balance on this at about the third round, but bloodied my shin and noticed bruises (dirt?) forming during the sit-ups. Handstand push-ups were cute. All I wanted was to just do a handstand and sorta pop down a bit like we did when we learned them. Nope. The scale was to put your feet on a box, hands on the ground and attempt Full Range Of Motion. Um? Not quite. By the time I was thru, Thrusters were broken down into 3 very painful 4s. The pull-ups were the easiest and I even heard JTP say the grey band was looking "too easy". PLEASE!

I had cramps all thru my torso by the end and I sorta had to walk around in a daze for a while afterward. Great Workout.

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