
01.18.10 - ACF Baseline WOD

500m Row

Follow immediately with 2 rounds of:

25 Air Squats
20 Situps
15 Pushups
10 Jumping Pullups
5 Burpees

Complete for time.
Rest 5 minutes (we got more like 8 or 9 thank god)
Do it again.

Time: 8:21/9:52
Comments: This was my first attempt at this WOD. Wow does my endurance suck. Counting was also kinda hard so there's a chance I got mixed up on the squats and sit ups. My arms were like noodles after the first set, but I was pleased I could kinda do the jumping pull-ups, because they were what scared me most. I forgot to think about how exhausting it would be to do this as fast as I could when I first read the workout this morning. That's what should have been the most scary. I just get psyched when I feel like at least I can DO the workout components. I think that I was the slowest posted time of all the attempts today, but again people were cheering me on at the end. Katy and I definitely spent time on the floor afterward trying not to puke and talking about how it would be hard to develop an appetite or even eat dinner later.

But I'm happy to report that I just drove the 2.5 blocks to Dunkin' Donuts for a box of 60 munchkins that I plan to wash down with a 12-pack of beer. (Just kidding Josh!) I did reminisce about the past a bit – Monday nights used to revolve around a healthy dose of Tree Hill and Gossip Girl. Tonight instead I might even watch Katy's Every Second Counts DVD.

In other news: So, after I read the workout, I was grilling up some chicken sausage on the panini press this morning. Because I am sometimes not always entirely bright, I went to move the machine over and fully grabbed the metal base at 400ยบ. Before I could even feel it, and was jumping around the kitchen clutching my finger and yelling expletives, the first thought that passed through my head was, HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO HOLD ONTO THE PULL-UP BAR TONIGHT!? Thankfully the inch long, 1/4 inch wide blister that screamed at me all day didn't get in the way too much. But I did think it was funny that after F*CK F*CK F*Ck, that was my first legitimate thought.

Still working on my goals. Added holding myself up on the rings with my arms straight for 5 seconds.

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