
06.29.10 - Filthy 50s

Practice Turkish Get-ups

Then for time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions (sub: good mornings)
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Time: Just under 30 min. DNF (no burpees).
Comments: I. Am. So. Bummed. I remember learning about Filthy 50s way back when the box was still upstairs and thinking it was the craziest thing I'd ever heard of. Like, No-Whey. Then back in January I either had to miss or was too scared to go that day. This time when they came up, I was actually excited to see what I could do! I've been out for about a week. So I go to just do one burpee beforehand and whammo – that sharp, sudden, mother-effing pain in abdomen my is STILL THERE??? WTH??? I hadn't felt it all week and thought it was surely behind me. But nope. Then everything I tried sorta hurt, but burpees the worst. I hemmed and hawed on it thru-out my super-scaled 15# get-ups. I did some stretching and wandered around trying all the different exercises. I decided to attempt everything but the burpee, but super-scaled. Jennifer talked me into step-ups (12" box). I could do the rest of it mostly, w/a 20# KB, 35# press, a 15# good morning, and an 8# medicine ball. My knees to elbows were more like knees to chest/armpits, cause that kinda killed. I skipped the burpees entirely, and did 200 singles on the jump rope.

I think this was okay. I was dying to do something after being "off" the past 8 days. So it was super-scaled, and a DNF, but I feel good that I went and great that I got a sweat on. I really couldn't deal with having to leave without at least attempting to make something on my body feel sore tomorrow (Hello, arms! There you are!) – I miss it!? Hopefully I'll be in good shape next time this one rolls around so I can get a legit time recorded.

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