
10.19.10 - I'm Back; Round 2

3-2-1-2-1-2 Snatch

7 Rounds Each (40/25#):

7 Dumbbell Push Press (7 each arm/14 total)
7 DB Hang Clean
7 DB Deadlift

Snatch: 50#
Time: 6:34
Comments: Lots to report...
1. I'm out of excuses. No more "summer", no more "art show". I'm back, three days a week, until Christmas "break".
2. WENDT joined me for my first back, her second class tonight! Nice Jen! Happy to have a new partner in crime to keep me honest and provide a little friendly competition.
3. We didn't really do the rep order, and since I'm fresh-starting it once again, I took it easy tonight on the Snatch. UPDATE: I guess! My max is 80#!!! Ooops.
4. Had Todd for the first time. He recommended for Level 1 we use a 15# DB. I should have used 20s. But that's fancy talk considering I'm not sore yet. We'll see what tune I'm singing tomorrow.
5. This was a good re-entry workout. It felt pretty "easy" although I didn't exactly push it.

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