
05.18.11 - Unbroken

Skill: Pistols

4 Rounds for Max Reps:
40 seconds On/20 seconds Rest per Set

Box Jumps
Push Press (75/55#)
Row (for calories)
Wall Balls

1 minute rest in between Rounds

Total Reps: 207 (52/48/52/55)
Comments: LOVED THIS WOD. Used 12" box, 55# bar, and 10# ball. Something clicked at the start of round 3 and I felt tired, but strong and ready to push myself. Sweat my a** off, breathing heavy, but felt GREAT too. Couldn't believe it when my numbers started climbing back up after round 2. Seriously this was a favorite of all WODs.


05.16.11 - "Get Low" Back Squat

Romanian Dead Lifts

4-6 Reps x 5 Sets Back Squat
2 seconds pause at bottom of movement, rest 2 minutes b/w efforts

Russian KBS, unbroken & heavy:
21 reps x 4 sets, 45s rest

Partner Rows:
250m Row x 4 @ 90%
Rest as required for partner to accomplish set (goal: <60s)

Dead Lift: Never did these Romanian ones before? So used a bar, then 55# just to learn it.
Back Squat: 45/65/85/105x3/105#x3*
KB: 20/25/35/35#
Row: 1:47/1:50/1:52/1:51 (500m average)

Comments: Didn't get the 4-6 reps at the heavier weight, but still far exceeded my 1RM back squat, even with the 2 sec. pause at the bottom. This felt good actually. Used my checkpoints for form and I think that really helped. Went heavier than I wanted on the KB, but got thru it. Died during the rows. DIED. But I am happy with the numbers. Was hoping to stay under 2:00, so these low 50s was good for me. But I was, like I said, DYING during them. I still feel hot and tired. The back of my neck hurts. Not sure what got kinked in there, but I think I worked some of my weekend run pain out, so that's good too.

*My recorded 1RM for back squat is 85#, and today I did a 3RM at 20# over that number... I guess I need to get a current 1RM recorded...

05.14.11 - ABTA 5k

Saturday Marcia and I ran the American Brain Tumor Association's Path to Progress 5k. I didn't do so hot and I'd like to blame the weather. These were not my personal optimal conditions. I am definitely NOT a runner (at all!) and in fact this was the furthest distance I've run since about this time last year (when I was in way better shape). Compared to running in t-shirts and shorts a year ago, I had on a t-shirt, thermal, and a fleece. The wind was intense. It was freezing cold and damp, though luckily not raining. I didn't really warm up and I felt heavy and lethargic the entire time.

Besides having to stop to re-tie BOTH shoes, I did run the whole time, which was a goal for me. But I was about two minutes slower than last year. I recovered pretty quickly upon finishing, but strained something behind my right knee, and left ankle. Not bad but uncomfortable for a couple days. My hips also bothered me a little more, and believe it or not, so did my shoulders, as they bounced along for 30+ minutes, still sore from Wednesday's bench pressing. But, I did it, and that's what counts.

Time: 34:06 (10:59/mile - under 11 minutes! Yay!)

Marcia beat me by over a minute at 33:03. Nice Marsh!!


05.11.11 - Woman Makers

10-8-6-4-2 Bench Press

Partner WOD
10 Rounds Each (alternating) of:
5 Man Makers/10 Knees to Elbows

Bench Press: 55/75/85/95/100#**
Time: 33:37 (pretty sure)
Comments: Holy dogs. Girl/knees man makers with a really weak push-up portion. Used 15# dumbbells. K2E: I was lucky if I got knees to waist! This one was brutal but Wendt did the whole workout legit, with boy push-ups and true knees to elbows thru the whole thing! Amazing!! I was sweating like mad, knee prints etc. on the ground, and really worried about ripping my hands on the K2Es, which were so poor by the end it would be embarrassing if I wasn't just so glad I kept going. Probably should have scaled to some kind of sit-up type situation after about round 4.

**2RM matched my previous 1RM for bench press!!! Woot.

05.10.11 - PR Mania!

5-5-5-5-5 Front Squats
5 tall box jumps in between sets. Rest 2 min.

Box Jumps (24/20")
Kettlebell Swings (45/35#)
500m Row (400m Run)

5RM Front Squat: 95#
Time: 16:09
Comments: After stretching we did a mini-tabata warm-up (KBs and squats) that I liked. I used 12" box* and 20# KB. Tried to hold a 2 min. 500 and fell apart at about 450 meters, sliding to around 2.14 average. It was hot as hell in there. Did the 20s and then decided maybe outside (with some wind) would feel better. Nope. It was like a sauna. I could barely move my feet/legs running? I'm going to blame it on the sudden body-shocking heat wave. Planned on going back to the row for round 3, but even the awful run felt "easier" than that first row. I think my legs hurt the most today and I'm going to blame the squats. My 1RM is 110# so those numbers seem pretty decent for 5RM. Progression went 65/75/80/85/95#.

*I'm sick of mentioning it so for the last time, I'm scaling all jumping indefinitely for fear of re-injuring my foot which continues to act up every once in a while. Sorry for all posts wimpy in the jumping department.


05.05.11 - Boot Camp

Well yesterday was my first ACF Boot Camp. Ryan promised we'd be sore today and yep, he was right. Like all my CrossFit experiences, it was awful and wonderful.

20 slow-motion squats (exploding jumps out of last 10)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 French Push-ups
800m group "catch-up" run

In groups of 3 people, rotating exercises, 10x –

1 Runs 300m
1 Holds plank
1 Air squats

Comments: This whole thing took about an hour. The French push-ups hurt. My legs turned to jelly on the warm-up run, and I was seriously huffing and puffing. I started with the squats for my group and did 22 on the first round. After the first run, about half the squatting time turned to recovery time and I went to somewhere between 12 and 17 squats each round. My planks, usually still in recovery, were not so hot. I think I held more of a pike position than a plank one. Whatever – I could still barely breath and I was gearing up for the next run during those. I'm sure I was the slowest runner out there. This was a hard work out for me with all the running, but after a really sedentary week of Skills WODs, it felt great to barely be able to breath and sweat my ass off. Outside no less.


05.03.11 - The Squat

Skills Week Continues...

Tuesday: Squatting with Chris

Comments: Got more out of this one than yesterday. Did a full warm-up to get the blood pumping and definitely learned a good quick checklist to make sure everything is engaged correctly next time I'm lifting heavy. Didn't have a partner. Poor Jennifer stepped in and I was terrified I was going to pull her right over! But it was good and my squats felt good. Chris came by at the end to see our form lifting actual weight and I got a thumbs up. Right On!


05.02.11 - New Location

Skills Week

Monday: Mobility/Shoulder Girdle

Comments: Not happy with "skills week" so far. We basically stood around for an hour. One side of the space is finished, the other, the CrossFit side, unfinished. It's going to make for a week of lame, super cramped "WODs" I'm afraid. Crossing my fingers I at least break a sweat doing squats with Tim tomorrow. When I read "mobility" I was at least hoping for some of that sweating due to pain rolling/bending/stretching. Not tonight. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed at a night in the "box". No bueno.