
08.25.10 - Congrats IACs

5-5-5-5-5 Handstand Push-ups

Tabata (8 reps, 20 sec on/10 sec rest)

Kettlebell Swings (45/35#)
Dumbbell Push Press (25/15#)
Box Jumps (24/20")
Bench Press (95/45#)

Checkout: 150 Double Unders

Lowest # of Reps per Set: 7-7-7-7
Comments: Warm-ups included front and back somersaults and cartwheels and I am proud to say I could do them. HSPs on the box. A couple attempts on the wall. Jennifer told me to do some negatives (lower all the way even if you can't get back up) to work on full-range. Thanks Jen. We had to rotate the start, so I went box jumps (18"), bench (45#), KBs (20#), press (10#s). I think I recorded it wrong on the board because my brain sort of malfunctioned. I think I may have really done all 7s instead of 7-7-6-8 because I thought to myself if I did all 7s why didn't I remember that? Let's just say that I for sure averaged 7s because that was my goal and I really wanted to be consistent with my reps on all 8 sets. Had some 8s, 9s, but got 7s mostly. For the checkout I decided I'd try and do 5 sets of 50 unbroken. Got that. My first attempt I lost it at 47. Thought my scales were pretty good today. I felt "even" as I worked through each set at least.

In other news: Sarah W.'s lowest number of push-presses was 23! Holy crap!

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