
02.24.10 - Oh Craps!

7 Rounds for Time of:

7 Box Jumps (24/20")
7 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#)
7 Push-ups
7 Burpees

Checkout: Sit-ups with 1-arm Kettlebell (30R/30L), 150 Double Unders

Time: 16:25
Comments: This one had the potential to bamboozle me into thinking it wouldn't be that bad, but I think I'm getting wise to these kinds of workouts. Everyone who did it before us confirmed my suspicions by saying how tough it was when we got there. This was a "lay on the ground after" for me and I took about twice as long as everyone else! Used 25# kettlebell.

Since they had all had about 10 minutes rest by the time I got done, they rolled right into the Checkout while I was still panting on the floor. I finally joined them on the sit-ups and was relieved there weren't enough jump ropes because when I borrowed Katy's to make an attempt, I could barely even do singles (I still could hardly breath). I got some nice welts on my legs, too. So instead of 60 sit-ups I did 100 and kept Katy company while she did her 150.

Some good news? I think I've officially moved off the 16" for box jumps.

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