
06.15.10 - Penalties


For time:

Advanced: 95#/65#
Intermediate: 75#/45#
Beginner: 65#/35#

250m Row
20 Thrusters
250m Row
250m Row
20 OH Squats
250m Row
20 Push Jerks
250m Row
20 Power Cleans
250m Row
20 Front Squats

** Each time you set the bar down in the middle of an exercise, your penatly is 4 burpees to be done immediately before picking up the bar again.

Deadlift: 215 (PR! By 30#s!)
Time: 18:32 (No burpees!)
Comments: I can't believe the deadlift. I remember one of my first days at ACF learning how to do it and lifting 105#, which at the time was hard. Did the intermediate 45# and maybe feel like I should have pushed it to 55#. It was SO HOT and HUMID down there I was forming drip puddles on my row. I loved this work out, and knew I would when I saw it this morning. Felt pretty good overall but a little scared for how I'll feel when I wake up tomorrow.

1 comment:

Hillary's Brook said...

I just realized that I may have lied. I think I thought I had 15# plates on that 15# trainer bar when in fact, I had 10s. Is there even such at thing as 15# plates?! I am so bummed really. It wasn't "easy" but it was "too easy" for sure if that's the case. Tsk. Tsk!