
06.08.10 - Morning Routines

Power Snatch (95/65#)

250m Row between each.

Time: 21:55
Comments: Used 55#. Was tempted to use the 65 to get an Rx recorded and I can't decide if I'm glad I didn't push it or mad. I think the Snatch has officially replaced the Clean & Jerk as my favorite. I was completely drenched during just warm-ups so this was a hot one! The rows at the end got kinda tough but overall I really liked this workout quite a lot.

In other news: My morning routine is unique in that after my shower, I take the first cup of coffee back to bed with me where I sip it and read for about a half hour. I've been doing this for many, many years. I absolutely hate rushing and scrambling out the door in the morning. So I "wake up" for about 2 hours before I have to leave.

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