
03.02.10 - Fight Gone Bad, Part II

3 Rounds of 5 stations:

Wall Ball (14#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (55#)
Box Jump (16")
Push Press (55#)
Row (for calories burned)

1 minute per exercise, and 1 minute in between rounds for a total of 17 minutes.

Reps: 180
Comments: This is funny – I actually entertained pipe dreams that I'd break 200 all day (last time I did 171). Didn't hit that by a long shot, but THANK GOD I at least improved! The threat of not doing so had my heart pounding before we began. One thing was different - wall balls. We had to get the ball up 10' and now there's a line so you can't "guess" it's about there. No way I was anywhere near that last time.

I did a better job on each of them except the wall ball (obviously) and the row (when I "strategically" decided to "rest"). Here's a comparison of today's to 8 weeks ago using my max numbers. Push Press (22/17), Sumo (15/10), Row (9/12), Wall Ball (12/19) Box Jump (13/10).

This goes without saying: FGB is probably even harder after a 4-day weekend eating and drinking at a cabin in the mountains with a bunch of old friends from college. Ouch.

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