
04.19.10 - Thruster Mania

3 Rounds for Time:

50 Thrusters (45/35#)
40 Sit-ups
30 Push-ups

Time: I'm guessing around 24 min? The clock got shut off before I finished! Rude.
Comments: Four days off and back at it for another three in a row, I felt recovered from the body torture last week. I say body torture in a good way. It felt good to be all-over sore again and I actually LIKED doing the three in a row.

This one was rough even though I went down to a measly 15# to do the thrusters. It's the down/squat part that kills me, with or without weight. 50 squats alone are rough for me. Pushing the bar overhead wasn't so bad until toward the end of each set of 50 when I started feeling it in my shoulders. My legs took the brunt of the beating. I loved hearing someone yell, Keep going! You can rest during the sit-ups! I believe only in Crossfit could you consider doing sit-ups "resting" – but it's true – that was the time to "rest". Push-ups almost broke me at the end. I could barely keep my body off the floor with each one.

We sorta checked out with some Turkish Get-ups. I was so weak I just kind of tried lamely to do two on each side with a 15# kettlebell.

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