
08.11.10 - Coaches Choice

Warm-up Coaches Choice:
Drills, 3 pull Max effort on Row for Watt average

For Time:

10 Squat Cleans
50 Sit-ups
8 Squat Cleans
40 Sit-ups
6 Squat Cleans
30 Sit-ups
4 Squat Cleans
20 Sit-ups
2 Squat Cleans
10 Sit-ups

Check Out Coaches Choice: Nothing! YAY.

Watt Row: 317
Time: 11:04 @ 45#

Comments: Our coaches choice warm-up was a pleasure compared to the continuous relays of suicides, push-ups, and air squats Jen was running. Thanks Terry! That watt max was fun too. Only did 45# on the squat cleans (thank god). This movement clicked for me today after I applied Mark W.'s little lesson from the last time we did them. Thanks Mark! But holy sh*t. I can barely move my legs now. Was thankful for the handicap bar in the bathroom at work today and it took me twice as long as normal to climb the ramp to my car in the garage after the WOD tonight. Literally had to use my hands/arms to move my legs into position in the car. Still... glad I went. I really really need to remember this feeling next time I consider taking so much time off. Wow.

PS Might have accidentally-on-purpose miscounted on the set of 40 sit-ups. Don't care.

PS2 John G you were a great cheerleader. I needed it tonight!

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