
10.20.10 – Extremity

6 Rounds of 5
Ring Dips

5 Rounds
500m Row
10 KB Step-ups (each leg, 18/12 box, 45/25#)
10 burpees

Time: 24:45
Comments: Good god my endurance is awful! Those rows! I swear I was averaging like 2:15-2:18 but there were times I even saw 2:28s on the computer. Yikes. I was dragging ass. Oh yeah, and had coordination issues reminiscent of the early days getting the right arm/leg combo on the step-ups (our group used #15 KBs). Nice. Really feeling very good to be back at it but I'm definitely paying (again!) for the extended time off. Pretty much sore everywhere after yesterday and tomorrow I'm predicting my arms will be out of commission. Face is still hot to the touch over an hour later.


jenwendt said...

Ok, I was naïve enough to think that there was no way possible that my "elbow pits" could hurt any worse...well, WRONG-O, dummy! I'm actually scared about the condition I will be in tomorrow morning!!! Greased up with bengay and am pouring a scotch as I wimper... Yet, I'm strangely excited to go again on friday :)

jenwendt said...

I was actually naïve enough to think there was no way possible that my "elbow pits" could hurt any worse...well, WRONG-O, dummy! I am not winnin any genius awards. Yikes. Actually worried about the condition I'm going to be in tomorrow morning. Greased up with bengay and I'm pouring a scotch as I wimper...

Hillary's Brook said...

Really that elbow pit pain can last a few days more than two. In one of these posts I believe I mention being able to finally straighten mine 5 days after a pull-up WOD. But you are doing a great job! I'm gonna try to go Friday but it all depends on what happens at Read Between the Wines...

jenwendt said...

have fun at wine-i mean book club!mine is monday. will go a little late after our torture chamber class. today my elbow pits and biceps are SO swollen and sore i couldn't even put a blouse on! looks like it could be a sweater kind of month... not sure i'm going to make it there for another class friday. a massage is in my near future