
02.14.10 - Crossfit Midwest Sectionals

UPDATE: "Real" videos were posted by the event.

Air Force (Emily)
WOD #2 - Clean and Jerk (Jill, Emily, Mike, Josh, Mark)
Pre-WOD #3
WOD #3 Row, Box, Clean and Jerk, Wall Ball, HSPU (Josh)
Took a ton of really bad pics and videos. The videos give a much better representation of what was going on... Here's the best of 'em.

Mike, Dylan and Adam doing Workout #1 - Air Force WOD. They are the three shirtless in the video, in order from front to back. Each competitor had their own judge (in the blue shirts) that made sure to only count the legitimate reps. The judges were hard core. I mentioned several times I didn't think I had the guts to tell someone working their ass off what they just did didn't count.

Jennifer, Josh, and Emily during Air Force. Jennifer and Josh are front and center. Emily is the little one in the back by the pole in the dark purple tank top.

Jill and Josh box jumping during the final WOD. Josh is in the middle between the red shirt and the other shirtless guy.

The whole weekend was a lot of watching some incredible athletes give everything they had to the point of floor hugging and rolling when it was all over. It was awesome! I can confidently say I was grateful to be a spectator. Everyone did fantastic and all the girls advanced to compete in the Regionals in Denver. YAY for them!

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