
09.09.10 - CFE Thursday

CrossFit Endurance
20 Intervals Row
30 seconds @ 80%/30 sec rest

200m Walking Lunge

Distance: 1461/1454 = 2915 meters
Average 500m Time: 1:58.1/1:55.3
Average meter per interval: 127/127

Comments: OF COURSE I did the math wrong. I was all, setting up the computer and so proud of myself for doing it – then did just 10 intervals instead of 20. When I was done with the first 10 I was looking at the regular clock and thinking, Huh? Done already? How can that be? Then I realized, so I reset the computer and did 10 more. I got probably about 2 min. rest in between the 2 sets of 10 intervals. I was hoping to negative split, and maybe get 3000 meters. Didn't get the distance, but my time improved second go around. I pushed myself on each of these and I figure worked harder than 80%.

Skipped out on the lunges. I can't have BOTH my arms and legs non-functioning this weekend. Holy hell my arms from yesterday! Kinda liked the mellow atmosphere of the Thursday night make-up WOD/CFE. The CFE workouts have always interested me on paper. I liked the interval row quite a bit.

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