
04.28.11 - WOD #6

7 Minute AMRAP

3 Thrusters
3 Pull-ups
6 Thrusters
6 Pull-ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull-ups...

Continue to increase by 3s until time's up.

100/65# (chest to bar), 75/55# (red band), 65/45# (jumping)

Reps: 51 (12 Thrusters + 3 pull-ups)
Comments: This got ugly real quick. The pull-ups I mean. Used a green band and still could barely manage to get my chin over the bar after the first set of three. Tried to DO them in sets of 3 moving forward but even that was short lived. Ended up basically doing one at a time by the end. But I loved the thrusters.


04.27.11 - Over Da Head

10RM Overhead Squats

3 Rounds for Time:
10 Power Snatch
20 Pistols
30 Push-ups
40 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes, repeat.

10RM: @55#
Time: Just under 20 minutes I think. I forgot to look at the clock.
Comments: 45# Snatches, severely modified pistols, and singles for the jump rope – x1, not x4. (And now my foot hurts again for the first time in about a week). The worst part? Push-ups! Dang! That definitely hurt and I was failing at the end of each set of 30 so bad I'd end up just laying face down on the floor. For real!


04.18.11 - Tabata

3-3-3-3-3 Front Squat

Tabata (8 Rounds each, 20sec ON/10sec OFF):

Air Squats
Split Lunge Jumps
Mountain Climbers

3RM: 95#
Lowest Reps Each: 10/8/8/???
Comments: Subbed body rows for the split lunges b/c of the foot. Mountain climbers were a disaster and I couldn't even count them. Terrified about my foot, but seriously just holding myself up killed my shoulders. Nice. This was awful, like all Tabatas usually are. Seems quick, easy, but you're quickly dying. Oh we did some good hip-flexer stretching that felt awesome!


04.15.11 - WOD #4

10 Minute AMRAP

60 Bar-facing Burpees*
30 Overhead Squats
10 Muscle-ups

Int: 95/65#

*Face barbell, burpee, 2-footed jump over bar, turn, burpee, repeat

Reps: 60 burpees, 4 OHS
Comments: My goal was to get thru the burpees and make 1 OHS. I got 4 in the last, say, 15 seconds. It would have been good if I'd have done the burpees with a little less rest in between, leaving more time for the squats. Definitely started pausing after about 20, at the 10s and then just randomly throughout the last 20. Jumping over the bar got scary the more tired my legs got. Totally had to bail and fell on my ass during the 5th OHS. Couldn't come up out of the bottom! I'd be tempted to do this one again maybe Sunday if I lived closer to the Box. Oddly, I liked this workout?

P.S. I finally got my "3" in this week. I may have turned a corner finally.


04.14.11 - CFE/Make-Up

Make-Up Monday

5 Rounds for Time:
250m Row
3 Cleans
3 Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squats
60 Second Rest

Rx: 135/85#
Int: 95/65#
Beg: 65/45#

Time: 15:41
Comments: No way in hell I was doing the CFE 2.5 mile run/KB Swing/Double Under Combo for 50+ minutes (CFE WOD). Kinda wanted to make up Freddy's Revenge... but opted for Monday's since tomorrow I'm in store for the 60 burpee/overhead squat hell.

Ok, so about Monday's WOD. This was a good one for me. Used 55# instead and got in a little overhead squat practice for tomorrow. I kept my rows under a 1:55 average (DYING! at the end). 55 was probably too light for the lifts but with my overall soreness and the rowing torture, I think it was pretty good/fear my form on all the lifts probably sucked. Meanwhile, legit #4 WODs were going on in the pit. Gladly stuck around to watch the two final heats. AWESOME! Emily O. got 3 muscle ups at the end and it was super exciting.

UPDATE: I thought the heats were done but apparently not. Todd N. completed an entire round and got more burpees! I guess the place went nuts and I hate it I wasn't there to witness.


04.12.11 - Deadlifts and Wall Balls, Oh My

6 Reps Max Hold
Rest 60 seconds in between

12 Deadlifts (275/165#)
40 Wall Balls (20/10#)
9 DLs
30 WBs
6 DLs
20 WBs
3 DLs
10 WBs

Time: 9:17
Comments: My 5 RM on deadlifts was 155 a couple weeks ago, so I scaled this one down to 105# for the WOD. This was probably too easy. Saw one girl put 45# plates on hers and had I done that math better, that's what I should have done (125). But 100 wall balls scared me. I'm sure my legs are going to be bad again, and I still don't know what WOD #4 has in store for me on Friday, so I admit it: I babied this one. Used an 8# on the WBs. Oh! We did skin the cat's hanging on the rings. I could get "down" but not back up – and completely saw stars after my first attempt. Awesome. Like a Tom & Jerry cartoon kinda stars. But I do kinda like it when that happens.

UPDATE: WOD #4 Posted
No. Way. This is the girls:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
60 Bar-facing burpees (you gotta jump OVER the barbell for the jump*)
30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
10 Muscle-ups

*I foresee a lot of wipe outs on this one.


04.08.11 - WOD #3

5 Minute AMRAP:
Squat Clean & Jerk

165/110# Games
155/95# ACF Rx
115/85# ACF Intermediate
85/55# ACF Beginner

Checkout: 12 minute circuit of KB Swings, Jumping Pull-ups, Sit-ups, and Hand-release Push-ups. 1 min on each for 3 rounds.

Reps: 14
Comments: The load was different on the website for girls intermediate but we did 85# at ours, which is what I did. Love the WODs with the weights. I feel it everywhere already. Coming out of the squat was the most challenging for me, but I was able to pretty much get under the bar and catch it down low. Pausing in the rack position and pushing it up was the way easier half for me. I don't really know if I could have done more. I felt like I was moving the whole time but taking seconds to regroup mentally in between each so I didn't fail/bail. Was hoping for 10 and when Laura said 14 I about died. Sweet! But I fear walking tomorrow is going to be tough.


04.07.11 - CFE

4 Rounds:

400m Run
10 Body Rows
15 Sit-ups
20 Thrusters (45/35#)

Time: 19:34
Comments: I only did 3 rounds and substituted 500m rows for the running. Thought it would be better for my foot but my foot still felt "weird". Felt good to get back in the gym after 3 days of utter slacking. Got a good dinner out last night though so that was worth it. Tomorrow's WOD #3 is gonna be hell.