
03.09.10 - Pick it up

Deadlift for Max

3 Rounds of:

10 Deadlifts
15 Hang Power Clean
20 KTEs
25 Double Unders (100 Singles)
30 Box Jump Leaps (per leg, 24/20")

Deadlift Max: 185#
Time: 25:13
Comments: Used 65#, singles and, well, I can't tell a 16 from a 20" box unless they are right next to each other apparently, so I don't know what I used. It felt tall. We did a new warm up and it really highlighted my horrible coordination. Running patterns on a ladder made of plastic on the ground. If you're new to this, slow on the uptake of such things, and Kevin W. is in your class, make sure he's not behind you. I think he's done this before... It felt great to be back in the box after practically two weeks off. Pretty sure that deadlift was a PR.

1 comment:

aaron schmidt said...

Nice job on the PR. See, I told you that an occasional break can help the body rebuild!