
09.20.10 - New Classes!

3-3-3-3-3 Thrusters

1000m Row
21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (85/55#)
21 Push-ups

750m Row
18 SDHPs
18 Push-ups

500m Row
15 SDHPs
15 Push-ups

Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Thruster 3RM: 95#
Time: 22:44
Comments: Man that sucked. Worst than the Wall Ball WOD last week by far. The rowing was awful but the push-ups, my god. I didn't have a thruster weight recorded so I'm not sure how I feel about 95# but could not have really gone much higher. Toward the end of each row I was pulling an average 2:15-2:18 500m! Dying! I can already feel the Sumo in the backs of my arms...and I did the Rx weight... But really those push-ups. Holy cow.

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