
04.26.10 - The Triplet

3 Rounds for Time

500m Row
12 Overhead Squats (115/75#)
50 Double Unders (200 singles)

Checkout: 150 Sit-ups, 75 Push-ups

Time: 22:50
Comments: Row started real strong and then fell apart by round three. Used 50# on the OHS. 55? Maybe. I did singles for the entire jump rope. I can DO a double under, but they wear me out! This should go on my stink-at-it list because it's for sure something I can improve on. Wasn't gonna do the Checkout but then decided to do the sit-ups. Then Vance tried to make me do the push-ups. I called it a night after 30. I'd like to be able to use my arms this week, thanks.

In other news: IT'S MY 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY! I've been not-so-secretly wanting the "I am Crossfit" t-shirt at the gym for a few months now, but I haven't felt like I've earned it. Am I Crossfit? A more appropriate t-shirt for me might read, "I do Crossfit" or "I try to Crossfit". After six months can I call myself Crossfit? I can't decide.

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