
01.28.10 - Overhead Squat

Overhead Squat for Max

15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 15 OHS (115, 85)
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm – 12 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 9 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm – 6 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 3 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm
OHS Max: 70#
Time: 8:37 (15# kettlebell/40# barbell)
Comments: Felt great to be back at it yesterday. I finished the MetCon too fast, which makes me think my weights were too light. Should have used a 20# kettlebell and from now moving forward, nothing less than that when we do KBs. The bar could have been a little heavier too. And, I think it's hard to get a true Max with my relative inexperience, because it's still pretty scary to be responsible for that heavy weight over my head. I just need to get more comfortable. I also forgot to pay attention if I was keeping my weight grounded on my heels. I have a feeling I was not because my balance never really felt as solid as it sometimes does.

In other news: I hit a GOAL last night! (I need to revise it because obviously this was way too easy?) But still! Between the Max and the MetCon we were kind of milling around and I decided to practice the rings. So I jumped myself up there and held it for like 2 seconds in utter shock. I'd never done even a second before. I tried it again and was stunned I could hold it – what felt like 5 seconds! The third time I was like, Look! to Katy while I was up there. And the forth time I had her time me, to ensure I'd done the 5 seconds for real. I did. Changing the goal to 30 seconds.

Also did some double-unders pretty easily after the warm-up.

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