
06.21.11 - Holy Planks

3-3-3-3-3 Floor Press

4 Rounds of 40 seconds ON/20 seconds REST:

Hand-release push-ups
Dumbbell Box Step-ups
Right side plank
Left side plank

1 minute rest between rounds.

Floor Press: 45/55/75/85/95#
Comments: Knees for push-ups, 15# dumbbells with 12 box + 45# plate. Could not do left side planks. Right side sucked. I sweat my butt off on this one, but mostly from the planks. I think my spleen was "popping" during the push-ups too for some reason.


06.16.11 - Make Up (Wednesday)

3-3-3-3 Snatch Balance
6-5-4-3-2 Press
6-5-4-3-2 Back Squat

Snatch: 35/40/45/50#
Press: 35/55/65/75/85# (1 rep only, x2 = fail)
Back Squat: 35/55/65/75/85 x3/95 x3/105 x2/110 x1**

Then, 2 reps press at 80#.

Comments: Well it's been a while since I got a 1RM for the Press and Back Squat. Both were recorded at 85#. I had a goal of beating both of those today, but only had success with the squat. When I got to the 2 reps @85, it was too easy so I did 3. Then I just decided to keep adding and doing 3 until it got heavy enough to do 2. Then I went for just one. I ended up 25# over my previous PR, and I could have gone heavier. The most uncomfortable part of this lift was the weight of the bar balancing on the back of my neck before doing the movement.

The press hurt my feelings. I got that 85# up once, but could not complete a second consecutive rep. So I went back after the squats and went for it at 80# and got those 2 up. 1RM PR stays at 85#.

I had never done a Snatch Balance before. It was intimidating. You stand with the bar across your shoulders, wide grip, and then you drop under it, careful not to push the bar upward, into your snatch position. I went really light on this because it scared me. Totally lost my "balance" on a rep using just the bar and it ended up behind me, with my arms all twisted backwards. Have I mentioned how annoying it is that they keep insisting we "don't drop the bar" now? I was not hurt but I could have been. That's just stupid.

**New PR!!!


06.14.11 - HERO SMALL

Workout named after US Army Staff Sergeant Marc Small

3 Rounds for time:
1000m Row
50 Burpees
50 Box Jumps
800m Run

I took one look at this this morning and said No Way.
I know my limits and WODs with over 100 burpees cross that line.
Came up with this alternative to do on my own:

4 Rounds:
400m Run
10 Burpees
10 Air Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups

Time: Between 20/25 minutes.
Comments: Wendt just texted and said SMALL took her 57:47, which means it would have taken me 1: 57:47... Good decision. I was able to meet Katy at the track by home for my make-shift alt., our first WOD together in just about exactly a year! Maybe even exactly! 7 weeks after giving birth and she still smoked me on the runs. This was a good, tough little workout to do on your own. When we were finished, sitting in the grass catching our breath, we laughed at the idea of doing 110 more burpees than we'd just done, and running another half mile, and rowing close to 2 miles. I think I made a good decision, but still got a decent workout in, and a good sweat. All outside!!

06.13.11 - Tabata Torture

3-3-3-3-3 Deadlift
3-3-3-3-3 HIGH Box Jump
2 min. rest in between

5 Rounds AFAP:
20 Kettlebell Swings
30 second L-Sits

Bottom-to-Bottom Tabata Air Squats

DL: 105/125/135/145/155 with 20" box
Time: Approx 20? No idea I don't think I was paying attention.
Comments: Could have gone heavier on the DLs. Used a 25# KB. Alternated between box, bent-knee L-sits and hanging from bar, bent-knees. Failed usually between 10 and 15 seconds. Killer on the wrists while on the box. KBs were ok. Good weight for unbroken... but... HOLY HELL those Tabata squats were excruciating. Seeing stars, fearing blackout, dying. An active squat during a so-called 10 second "rest" period is torture, plain and simple. Standing up out of it was too much.


06.09.11 - Make Up (Tuesday)

500/400/300/200/100 Rows

Body Rows
Mountain Climbers

Time: 20:38
Comments: Is this week over yet? No? I'm so exhausted. Thank GOD there were no squats tonight. Sub'd 25# Russian Kettlebell swings for the mountain climbers. I wouldn't have survived that but I'm also still babying my foot. And icing my neck. Kind of a mess but been to CrossFit 6 of the past 9 days. So ready for 3 days off right now!


06.08.11 - Jerks 'n' More

5-5-5-5-5 Split Jerks

5 Rounds:

20 Hand-release Push-ups
1 min. rest
15 Squat Jumps
1 min. rest
10 Dumbbell Squat Clean and Jerks (45/35#)
1 min. rest

Split Jerks: 55/75/85/95/XX#
Time: 23:55
Comments: Tweaked something in my back/neck on the split jerks, didn't do the 5th set. Icing it now. During warm-up a kid said to me, This one doesn't look so bad. My response? That usually means you're about to be bamboozled. Yep, it was a bamboozeler, but I am wise to these now. I really thought the squat jumps were going to kill me, but it was actually the squat clean and jerks that sucked the most... and I only used 15# dumbbells! Also couldn't do any of it completely unbroken. I was definitely sore/fatigued going into it, but over on the new side, with no A/C pumping, it was a sweat-exhaust-a-thon. I got so thirsty the whalers from the whaleship Essex came to mind, and I was hanging on the wall during my rest periods, just trying to regulate my breathing. This one landed me on the floor at the end, in a puddle of my own sweat. I think even my eyeballs were trying to sweat. They were a bloodshot mess after.


06.06.11 - Push Press

5-5-5-5-5 Front Squat

5 Rounds, 1 min. rest between rounds:
15 Push Press (75/65/45#)*
30 Air Squats

*3 burpess immediately for any bars to floor.

Front Squat: 35/55/75/95/105#
Time: 12:06
Comments: Another good one. Front squats started to scare me by round 4 four so that was a good test. I honestly considered doing Rx weight on this one this morning – until I tried 65#! Then I scaled down to 55# and I think that was a good call. Again, got really challenging around round 4. We worked out on the new side!! It was hot as hell but still cool. No music meant the soundtrack was heavy breathing. Also cool. Our class was a good group. Everyone seemed kinda joke-y and in good moods. Plus it was nice and small at 7 people to 2 coaches. A bit like the old days!


06.03.11 - 30-On, 30-Off

30 Seconds ON, 30 Seconds OFF
Then, 1 min. rest between exercises.

5 Rounds each Exercise

Wall Balls
Box Jumps
Dumbbell Push Press
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Record lowest number of reps for each set: 13/12/12/14
Comments: Went into this one pretty sore. Most of my body is hurting me today (Saturday). Used 10# ball, 12" box, 15# DBs, and 30# KB. We were supposed to keep our reps pretty consistent, which I did. This was challenging, but not too hard. I've been loving the interval training WODs we've been getting a lot of lately. I greatly benefit from quick rest in between efforts.

06.02.11 - Make Up Day

When I first read the WOD for Tuesday, I didn't even pretend to pack my bag in the morning. 150 pull-ups and 150 burpees? Sorry. I skipped but was glad to use this as a base for getting to the gym for make-up Thursday.

My Modified WOD

30 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
20 Pull-ups
20 Burpees
10 Pull-ups
30 Burpees

Time: Around 25 minutes*
Comments: It was really crowed in the gym. Multiple classes were running and believe it or not, it was hard to find a space to do the burpees. I will admit I was taking breaks that were too long in between reps, but there were times I was wandering around trying to find a place to do them. It was annoying and several times I considered just leaving. But I didn't. I can't wait for the other side to open.

I heard people who did the full thing, which started 50-40-30... took somewhere around the mid 30s. Even without taking the extra rest I did, this full WOD would have taken me an hour if i could even finish it. I will say that in the end, I wished I started at 40. 100's would have been way better than 60's.

*The clock running for the other class got shut off.


06.01.11 - Clean Complex

Skill: Pistols

5 Rounds

1 Min. AMRAP Clean Complex*:
1 Deadlift
3 Hang Cleans
1 Front Squat

1 Min. Rest
1 Min. Row for Calories
1 Min. Rest

*50% 1RM Clean

Clean Complex: 4/4/3.5/3.5/4(3?) rounds - I was losing count!
Row: 19/19/16/16/16 calories
Comments: I stink at pistols and I don't care about them. So there. I was excited for this WOD but I had no idea how hard it was going to be. I felt like with the rest I'd be good to go... But by round three I was TIRED! Did not so much enjoy trying to do that front squat after those minute rows. Yow. Trouble on the stairs after. Never had Coach Jill before. She was fun/different. Lots of shouts of encouragement making me feel like a slacker even though I could barely move. Used 55# – a little over 50% of my 90# clean.