
09.28.11 - AMRAP

Skill: Handstands

10 Minute AMRAP
Kettlebell Swings (W55#)
Thrusters (W65#)

Checkout: 3 x 15 Toes to Bar

Rounds: 8 + 9 KBs
Comments: We warmed up for what seemed like a long time, push-ups and air squats, L-rocking and Supermans. Handstands – Killed my wrists. I typically have no trouble going upside down. Don't mind handstands on the wall, tripod head stands, or even attempts at free-standing handstands, but yesterday I wasn't feeling it. Did a couple... then I was done with that. I used a 25# KB and a 55# bar. These felt appropriate for my level of strength right now. Wendt did it Rx, (30# over my KB!) and still got higher reps than me. Ha. It was almost 6:30 by the time we were done, and frankly, I never had much of an intention to do the toes to bar anyway, so I beat it after the AMRAP. We ran an 800m-ish before class too.


09.27.11 - Deadlifts and Wall Balls

3-3-3-3-3 Deadlifts

3 Rounds of 30 Unbroken Wall Balls (30/20#)

Deadlift: 105/125/145/155/165#
Comments: Started out with a kettlebell and jump rope TABATA warm-up. Then we did some good mornings. Paired up with Peggy. I definitely could have done heavier than 165#, but did not want to push it after last week. Today was the first day since last Monday that I'm not feeling the after-effects of Freddy in my arms. For wall balls I did 4 sets of 15 unbroken at 10# and the "boy" height. This felt pretty good, too. Oh, and I ran an 800m with Wendt before the class. Whoot.


09.21.11 - Back Squat Diane

5 x 3 Wall Climbers
Skill: Low-bar Back Squat Technique

Modified "Diane"
Back Squats
Handstand Push-ups

Time: 9:07
Comments: I didn't think I could make it today. I could not blow-dry my hair this morning. I woke up last night every time I moved in my sleep. Raising my hands, not just over head, but to my keyboard, hurt. Bad. But I thought it might help to warm up, move around. Did it? I'm not sure. Only slightly.

I ran 800m to start and then tried to row. I pussy-footed around the wall climbers. I stretched and pressure-cooked areas with a lacrosse ball. It was all killing. I used only 55# on the back squats and did girl, hand-release (snaked) push-ups instead of HSPU's. I can't even believe I was able to do that lame scale. Granted the back squats was pretty easy at that weight as my legs weren't killing me, but I didn't care about slacking, thanks to my fear of making my legs hurt as bad tomorrow as my arms do right now. It hurts to type. Literally. I knew after the time off I would suffer, but I can't believe how this feels. Sometimes when I am reaching for things, I use my other hand as support for the moving arm. I have had extreme pain in my elbow pits, and legs before, but nothing like this in the shoulder and triceps. I'll get back in the game, but I need to take it slow. Clearly.


09.19.11 - Freddy's Revenge

10 x 10 seconds "L" sits on the minute.

Freddy's Revenge:
5 Rounds
5 Bar Overhead (from rack, any way you can, locked out)
10 Burpees

Time: 10:28
Comments: Alternated bent-knee L-sit on boxes/hanging from bar. Fine. Last time I did Freddy's Revenge was in June 2010. It was at my peak of fitness at CrossFit. I was "taking it easy" and used 10# more than today, finishing 1:30 minutes faster. This was my second workout after a LONG break, and I was/am dying. I used a 65# bar and I swear by round 5 I didn't think I could lift it over my head anymore! The burpees. Well I don't think I've ever felt burpee exhaustion in the legs like this before. Everything was quivering and jerking under my skin, and I was breaking the sets of 10 down to 5s (and less) to catch my breath the last couple rounds. And I was thanking god I used 65 instead of 75#, and now sit here utterly dumbfounded that Jess did it Rx at 135#, and a number of girls were throwing up 110.

I felt just sick after. That was a brutal 10 1/2 minutes. I can barely lift my arms.


09.13.11 - Back in the...

3-3-3-3-3 RM Push Press

AMRAP of each x3, resting 90 seconds in between each set.

3RM: 55/65/75/85/90#*
Pull-ups: 7/6/5
Push-ups: 15/12/10

Comments: And here we go, after another long hiatus. I really have a hard time committing myself to workouts when the summer panic sets in after the 4th of July, so yes, I did take some time off to enjoy myself in my favorite season. But it's time to get serious again. I'm taking a new approach to WHY I'm doing this, and mostly right now it's go give myself some energy. I feel lazy and lethargic a lot, and I know it's because I've been lazy and lethargic. And, I have enough trouble when the days get shorter and colder without being moody too. I really think being in a routine and getting moving will help my overall disposition. Right?

So, it was a good day back. I was shocked at my push press numbers. Tweaked my back during the last rep but only feel stiff – okay so far today. Used grey band pull-ups and girl push-ups. I probably could have done more of each. I was trying to get low on the push-ups/not cheat the movement, which may account for my low #s. The grey band started out launching me over the bar, but by the end of each I was having a hard time. So there's Day One. Also, rowed and ran for warm-up. Both felt decent. Then Terry had us to some KB swings and stretching that felt great.

Oh, heard the gym is moving. Again. This really ticks me off. A lot.

*This was only 5# under my 1RM!