
02.17.10 - It's nice enough out

3 Rounds for time of:

500m Row (or run 400m outside)
12 Man Makers* (45/25#)
25 Double Unders (100 single)

30 Ab Mat Sit-ups
20 of those extension sit-ups on that bench thing

Time: 29:21
Comments: You know how sometimes when you run you get a little stitch kind of cramp in your side? During this workout I had one that literally wrapped around my entire body just below my rib cage. Man Makers hurt. I used 20# dumbbells and after a couple attempts at doubles in the first round scaled to singles. Oh, and I did the push-ups/row part on my knees. Yeah. It still sucked. My arms are dead.

Reminder #2: Crossfit and $5 Wine Tuesdays don't mix!

*We only did the initial push-up, not the one in between shown on this video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job!! xx