
12.06.10 - Scale it Sally

3-3-3-3-3 Deadlift


Deadlifts (No more than 50% 1RM)
Handstand Push-ups

3RM: 155#
Time: 5:17
Comments: 95# deadlifts, HSPU on 20" box with an abmat on the floor. Todd scaled it using knees on the box, which I had never done. We had previously used toes and a pike position, and I have to say at that scale, I NEVER got full range of motion. The knees on the box felt much better form-wise. Did all the HSPUs unbroken, and the DLs only broke on the 15 rep set. This WOD felt pretty good (nice and quick!). The HSPUs are going to hurt me tomorrow... Not sure how the deadlifts are going to come back to haunt me, but my foot hurts again, so I'm icing it and hoping for the best. Didn't have a score for Diane yet – always good to get a new number on a named WOD.

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