
02.10.10 - Max Out

Box Jump - As tall as possible
Turkish Get-ups - As heavy as possible

MetCon - As many reps as possible, 10 minutes

10 Knees to Elbows
10 Push-ups
20 Double Unders

Box: 29"
Turkish: 25#
Reps: 3

Comments: It took me a while, but I did 60 double unders! None in a row, always with a hop in between, but 60! Ok and the box? I never did more than 16" before I don't think? 20" at the most. A couple guys got up to 52" and man was it fun to watch them! I mean, the "box" (a little table kind of thing with weight plates stacked on top to reach the 52" mark) was higher than their waist! These were tall dudes! Never did a Turkish before, so learning it was awkward. That weight was heavy. I would like to practice this – I know I can do better next time they come around. Fun Max. Lots of group cheering, encouraging and clapping, with an audience on the upper deck even. Two new callouses on my hand from the KTEs.


b said...

You are my hero. I read the whole blog. I can't believe that you are able to go to work and even function. I think that I will just workout vicariously through you :)

Hillary's Brook said...

Brian? Which Brian? Junior is that you? Or Katy's brother Brian...? The only two Brians I can imagine who would visit me here... Thanks for the props either way, even if you are not these two I'm thinking of...