
06.09.10 - Partner It Up

5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Press for Max

Partner AMRAP (As many reps as possible)

3 Cycles Each of:

Kettlebell burpee
KB Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (SDHP)
KB Swing

5 Air Squats while "resting" as partner takes a turn.

Press Max: 85# (PR!)
Comments: Personal Record on the Press! By 10#! Sweet. I had 90# in my head, but that was my (old) Push Press (now 95). One of my favorite things about CrossFit is the ability to see your improvement along the way, and today was a nice surprise with that press.

On to the AMRAP – Holy Hell. That KB burpee sucked! I could not do it right or well and maybe had two total that were even "countable", but who's counting. Lots of fresh bruises on the knees as I attempted to scale the push-up. Found out the A/C is out at the gym, which is a relief because I have been a sweaty disgusting mess the past couple weeks in there. Katy and I partnered up and I did only 30# on the KB. I tried some 35# swings and it was a struggle to raise that thing to full extension so scaled it down.

Oh, and don't tell anyone but I didn't do ALL the air squats. I'm a slacker but sometimes breathing wins.

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