
09.16.10 - CFE/Make-up

Thursdays are either make-up a missed WOD or Crossfit Endurance WOD.

Alternate On/Rest with each time, bike, run or row. (I would Row).

Missed Monday:
18/1, 16/2, 14/3... –> 2/10
Double Unders/Burpees (I'd have to do 4x single jumps – 72/64/56...).

Opted for --- wait for it --- Monday Make-up!

Time: 15:16
Comments: Posted distances for the rows were around 3500 meters. 6 minutes straight row sounded boooring. We've done a lot of rowing lately. The row would be a longer workout, but maybe "easier". I was kind of curious how far I could go. BUT, I haven't done burpees in a while. And just about the only parts of my body not sore right now are my calves and triceps. PLUS, I've realized recently that I love the residual pain from burpees! AND, 55 didn't sound like THAT many? Isn't that nuts? Loved the workout. For sure Tuesday's Wall Balls was the toughest one for me this week.

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