
10.27.10 - Benchday

10x2 Bench Press on the minute.

1000/800/600/400/200 Rows with
20/16/12/8/4 Kettlebells (50/35#) + Burpees in between each row.

Bench: 75#
Time: 29:08
Comments: Sometimes I like to say: That Sucked. Tonight I'd like to say: THAT SUCKED. Saw 500m average times hovering around 2:30 A LOT. TRIED to keep it around 2:15. OCCASIONALLY saw 2:00s. Totally scaled cheated and did minus 2 on the reps. So I actually did 18/14/10/6/4. I don't even care because what I really wanted to do was the L1 workout – HALF the above! OMG. Really that was awful. Even WITH my cheat, I doubt any L2s were slower than me.

I almost forgot: As we were working up our bench press to figure out a weight, we hit 95#. Vance asked if I needed a spot. Cocky me said, No thanks! Rep 2 = Failure. Praying I didn't rip something while I waited to be rescued. Thanks Vance!

This was a modified WOD from CrossFit One World. Thanks for that one Freddy.


10.25.10 - Happy Anniversary!

5-5-3-3-3 Front Squat

Kettlebell Thruster (35/20#)
Body Rows

3RM: 85#
Time: 15:50
Comments: I first walked in the doors of Atlas one year ago today! After the body rows tonight, I'll probably feel the same in the arms I did at the end of that week. Still love/hate it, in a good way. Went a little easy on the front squats: 55/65/75/85 (skipped the last one, ran out of time). I didn't want to kill myself and my 1RM is 105# I think from several months ago (UPDATE: 110#). Used 15# KBs. And scaled the rows to a manageable angle, but stayed on my heals and felt a good range of motion thru the 20. I'm scared for my arms though. Rolled them out a bit on the foam roller after. Still scared. Oh yeah, we did some solid foam rolling in the beginning, and it felt really awful but good too. He kept saying to try not to grimace. Ha.

In other news: Terry complimented my Thrusters! After I made sure he wasn't being sarcastic, I was kinda flattered!


10.20.10 – Extremity

6 Rounds of 5
Ring Dips

5 Rounds
500m Row
10 KB Step-ups (each leg, 18/12 box, 45/25#)
10 burpees

Time: 24:45
Comments: Good god my endurance is awful! Those rows! I swear I was averaging like 2:15-2:18 but there were times I even saw 2:28s on the computer. Yikes. I was dragging ass. Oh yeah, and had coordination issues reminiscent of the early days getting the right arm/leg combo on the step-ups (our group used #15 KBs). Nice. Really feeling very good to be back at it but I'm definitely paying (again!) for the extended time off. Pretty much sore everywhere after yesterday and tomorrow I'm predicting my arms will be out of commission. Face is still hot to the touch over an hour later.


10.19.10 - I'm Back; Round 2

3-2-1-2-1-2 Snatch

7 Rounds Each (40/25#):

7 Dumbbell Push Press (7 each arm/14 total)
7 DB Hang Clean
7 DB Deadlift

Snatch: 50#
Time: 6:34
Comments: Lots to report...
1. I'm out of excuses. No more "summer", no more "art show". I'm back, three days a week, until Christmas "break".
2. WENDT joined me for my first back, her second class tonight! Nice Jen! Happy to have a new partner in crime to keep me honest and provide a little friendly competition.
3. We didn't really do the rep order, and since I'm fresh-starting it once again, I took it easy tonight on the Snatch. UPDATE: I guess! My max is 80#!!! Ooops.
4. Had Todd for the first time. He recommended for Level 1 we use a 15# DB. I should have used 20s. But that's fancy talk considering I'm not sore yet. We'll see what tune I'm singing tomorrow.
5. This was a good re-entry workout. It felt pretty "easy" although I didn't exactly push it.