
04.20.10 - Loving the new Box

1000m Row

Then 5 Rounds:
20 Pull-ups
7 Push Jerks (135/95#)

Time: 20:28
Row Time: 4:01 (Dang!)
Comments: I REALLY wanted to break 4 minutes on the row. This was my first attempt at a 1000 meters for time. I was utterly shocked I got off the rower with most of the boys in my class. I'm pissed I didn't break 4, but it was still my personal record. Yippee.

Pull-ups were brutal even with the grey band by about the second round. I used 55# on the push jerks and should have used 65# for sure.

In other news: Sarah E. interviewed me after class (on video! NIGHTMARE!) with the following questions –

1. What's your favorite thing about Crossfit? Forgetting about everything else while doing a WOD.
2. What's the hardest thing about Crossfit? Keeping track/count of reps.
3. What makes it worth it? It's FUN?
4. Describe Crossfit in one word: TOUGH.

Honestly you could ask me these questions 20 times and I'd have a different answer. These answers seem so limited when I think about the big picture. For instance: The people I've met/ Getting there/ A sense of real accomplishment when I finish something I didn't think was possible/ TORTURE. Or: Every day is different/ Man Makers/ The challenge of everything/ SUBCULTURE. Really I could go on and on...

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