
01.29.10 - Cindy

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

As many rounds as possible completed in 20 minutes.

Checkout: 10 minutes of planks (:30 hold / :30 rest)

Rounds: 13 2/3
Comments: This was a big workout for me. My very first time at Atlas Crossfit, 10.26.09, we did a half-Cindy (10 min). I completed 4 1/3 rounds (and suffered for about a week afterward!). Tonight my goal was 12. I used a grey band, and a bench sideways for my push-ups.* So I think I had a +150% improvement over my first attempt? I would consider that progress. My planks in the checkout even felt pretty good, and I didn't have to put my knees down even once during the holds. It will be interesting to see how my body takes the beating.

*I really like doing push-ups like this because I feel like I just do them with WAY better form. I got up to my chest for the most part on my pull-ups, and low enough in the squats that no one told me to go lower. In fact, when it was time to do the squats, and I was dying to take a breather, I got so hot it was actually better to keep going because the breeze felt better on my face than the overheating while trying to rest!

01.28.10 - Overhead Squat

Overhead Squat for Max

15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 15 OHS (115, 85)
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm – 12 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 9 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm – 6 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch right arm – 3 OHS
15 Kettlebell Snatch left arm
OHS Max: 70#
Time: 8:37 (15# kettlebell/40# barbell)
Comments: Felt great to be back at it yesterday. I finished the MetCon too fast, which makes me think my weights were too light. Should have used a 20# kettlebell and from now moving forward, nothing less than that when we do KBs. The bar could have been a little heavier too. And, I think it's hard to get a true Max with my relative inexperience, because it's still pretty scary to be responsible for that heavy weight over my head. I just need to get more comfortable. I also forgot to pay attention if I was keeping my weight grounded on my heels. I have a feeling I was not because my balance never really felt as solid as it sometimes does.

In other news: I hit a GOAL last night! (I need to revise it because obviously this was way too easy?) But still! Between the Max and the MetCon we were kind of milling around and I decided to practice the rings. So I jumped myself up there and held it for like 2 seconds in utter shock. I'd never done even a second before. I tried it again and was stunned I could hold it – what felt like 5 seconds! The third time I was like, Look! to Katy while I was up there. And the forth time I had her time me, to ensure I'd done the 5 seconds for real. I did. Changing the goal to 30 seconds.

Also did some double-unders pretty easily after the warm-up.


01.27.10 - Annie (and then some).

I had to skip today. Was set to go tonight despite the soreness from Monday that is still lingering in my arms and torso, almost worse than yesterday. This was a real traveling, surprise-locations kind of soreness, reminiscent of some of my WODs early on.

I read the workout. Annie. Lots of jumping rope for me with the singles, and wow can I even do sit-ups today? But okay. The row? Do-able but not at a record pace after all that comes before it, like.... Man-maker – ? – that sounds like maybe one of those get up off the floor with a kettlebell or a sort of barbell routine. Undeterred but curious, I looked it up. The Man-maker.

I tried to find or figure a way this could be scaled, because 30 push-ups or burpees would be hard enough with the way I'm feeling. ONE of these exercises includes: burpee, 3 pushups, single arm row on either side, a squat clean, and a push press.* Thirty Times? I have to admit defeat before I even began. If that makes me a sissy, so be it.

Which begs the question I've been bothered with all day. Is it better to go and have a weak, poorly formed and executed workout just to log the day? Or to take the time I feel my body is telling me it needs to recover, so when I go back I have the strength I need for a solid workout?

We go back and forth, ranging from YES you should rest if you need it, to comparing how we feel with the contestants on The Biggest Loser, working out 8 hours a day, everyday.

For some perspective, I just tried to do ONE Man-maker (unweighted!) in my living room. I seriously could barely do the push-ups, let alone getting the full range of motion. I tried it again, dropping to knees push-ups and knees rows. Is this a proper scale? Regardless it still felt incredibly difficult to do just the one.

Tomorrow is another day... and I have Dinner Club. Will still try and squeeze it in even if it kills me.

*I think this guy is actually doing it wrong, like his feet are supposed to be between the barbells on the clean/push press.


01.25.10 - Dumbbell Day

ANNIVERSARY! Today marks the beginning of my 4th month doing Crossfit. That means, I've officially been at it for three months!

7 Rounds of:

Both Arms: using DB's, start light and increase slightly each round to find max load.
Full Squat Clean, Split Jerk Left, Full Squat Clean, Split Jerk Right, Hang Split Clean Left, Hang Split Clean Right, Hang Split Snatch Left, Hang Split Snatch Right

Complete for time:
20-1 Pushups
1-20 Situps
(20 pushups/1 situp, 19/2, 18/3, etc.)

Time: 27.32
Comments: The lifting was awkward. I found it hard to concentrate and get the moves right, let alone w/good form. Got up to #20 on each arm. Wasn't that nervous about the MetCon because I knew it would be awful and a mental challenge just to finish, so I didn't let it get to me. Felt a little bit better when I remembered I could scale them, which I did after the 18 push-ups. Started using a small box to assist. Then Jennifer brought me a bench, laying it on it's side, and that really helped quite a bit. Not sure if it's true, but in my mind I got my head/torso down further than normal because the floor wasn't in the way? Like I could get it below the plain of the bench where my hands were? Which felt like maybe I was getting the right range of motion. Then at around 12 sit-ups, I used dumbbells to weight my feet down. Questioned whether this was full-on cheating or not, but I did see Chris Spealler do Angie using dumbbells on his sit-ups, so that made me think it was ok.

In other news: Pleased to report there was no backlash from the row. Not in ANY muscular pain yesterday or today. I doubt I would have said the same thing 6 weeks ago.


01.23.10 - 500 Meter Row

Time: 1:47.2

Comments: I am pleased.

My heart was pounding before I began, but then I just went. When the time was only at 0:28 I couldn't believe it. I watched it slowly click to :30 and got kinda panicked. Had a burning in the muscle over my knees, but nothing else was really registering in particular – shock? Afterwords it did, in that everything was "zooming" under my skin on my arms and legs. I don't know how else to describe it? Then it felt like two pool balls were starting to grow on either side of my ass by those "butt bones", but that sensation stopped pretty quick. Then I just walked around and gulped air and tried to drink some water and coughed for about 15 minutes. Katy was a SPECTACULAR cheerleader.

I started with a standard ACF warm-up and some extra time on the rower.

BONUS: I beat Brad's (1:51.1), which was my unofficial official goal. He'd never rowed before and had no technique, even falling off at one point, and bouncing the machine around on the floor, so I know it's short lived. But until he gets on it again I can claim victory over him in this one physical challenge.

Lindsey took my measurements after. I will take them again at the end of February, just to see.


1.20.10 - 2000m Row (or the day 1/2 Angie made me cry)*

2000 meter row.

UNPOSTED Checkout: 1/2 Angie (50 pull-ups, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups and 50 air squats)

Row Time: 8:51.5
1/2 Angie: 11:56

Comments: I woke up anxious to see what the workout would be since this was to be our first time going three days in a row. Saw the row and thought, I can do that. It will be hard. I want to get my time. Did a little quick math and decided I'd be happy with under 10 minutes. Aaron had sent me a video on this one a while ago, where the guy kept repeating, If you do this/that, You. Will. Die. But whatever, I know I can at least DO it.

This week I am feeling sore thru the length of my abdomen, thru my arms, across my back, and in my shoulders and quads. I have bruises on my knees (burpees, push-ups) and inner thighs (pull-up band). All this was really kicking in when I went back to see the comments and times being posted for today and to my dismay saw that a 1/2 Angie was the Checkout. Click click click and I realized what that meant. Immediately resolved that today, I would not make it to the gym. I just did 45 pull-ups YESTERDAY! Everything is hurting! Following up Death by Pull-ups with this Checkout hurt my feelings.

So I told Katy I wasn't going and she called me a Cupcake, TWICE. It worked. I went.

The Checkout killed me. I could have probably gone a little faster in the Row. 8:30 will be my goal for the next one.

In other news: We registered as spectators and got our hotel room for the Crossfit Sectionals in St. Charles, MO, over Valentine's Day weekend (when Steve leaves to help Brad finish the house – timing is everything). Something like 9 people from our gym are participating and I can not wait to see it all go down. Plus! ROAD TRIP. Yippee.

*Didn't really cry but I did whine.


01.19.10 - f(x)al


Death by Pull-ups
1 during minute 1, 2 during minute 2, etc. Continue until you cannot complete the required pull-ups of the minute you are on.

Max Lift: 90#
Max Pull-up: 9 (w/grey band), totaling 45

Comments: So not feeling it today. My beloved clean, I'm ashamed to say I didn't have it for you at all. Stiffness started creeping in all over this afternoon, so I felt weak and not at all fluid during. But I didn't want to waste the chance to get a new max number, and work on my pull-ups, regardless.

Committed to doing the 500m row for time Saturday. It makes my hands sweat just thinking about it, but I need to get that time posted so I can stop dreading it.

Added to my goals to graduate to the green band for future pull-up workouts. Two more to go.


01.18.10 - ACF Baseline WOD

500m Row

Follow immediately with 2 rounds of:

25 Air Squats
20 Situps
15 Pushups
10 Jumping Pullups
5 Burpees

Complete for time.
Rest 5 minutes (we got more like 8 or 9 thank god)
Do it again.

Time: 8:21/9:52
Comments: This was my first attempt at this WOD. Wow does my endurance suck. Counting was also kinda hard so there's a chance I got mixed up on the squats and sit ups. My arms were like noodles after the first set, but I was pleased I could kinda do the jumping pull-ups, because they were what scared me most. I forgot to think about how exhausting it would be to do this as fast as I could when I first read the workout this morning. That's what should have been the most scary. I just get psyched when I feel like at least I can DO the workout components. I think that I was the slowest posted time of all the attempts today, but again people were cheering me on at the end. Katy and I definitely spent time on the floor afterward trying not to puke and talking about how it would be hard to develop an appetite or even eat dinner later.

But I'm happy to report that I just drove the 2.5 blocks to Dunkin' Donuts for a box of 60 munchkins that I plan to wash down with a 12-pack of beer. (Just kidding Josh!) I did reminisce about the past a bit – Monday nights used to revolve around a healthy dose of Tree Hill and Gossip Girl. Tonight instead I might even watch Katy's Every Second Counts DVD.

In other news: So, after I read the workout, I was grilling up some chicken sausage on the panini press this morning. Because I am sometimes not always entirely bright, I went to move the machine over and fully grabbed the metal base at 400ยบ. Before I could even feel it, and was jumping around the kitchen clutching my finger and yelling expletives, the first thought that passed through my head was, HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO HOLD ONTO THE PULL-UP BAR TONIGHT!? Thankfully the inch long, 1/4 inch wide blister that screamed at me all day didn't get in the way too much. But I did think it was funny that after F*CK F*CK F*Ck, that was my first legitimate thought.

Still working on my goals. Added holding myself up on the rings with my arms straight for 5 seconds.


01.16.10 - EBC Yoga.

This is non-Crossfit, but a workout nonetheless, and it got me up and out the door EARLY this morning. My lower back is kinda killing me. Downward dog? Something happened under my left rib cage. It feels like a cramp and keeps randomly showing up, taking my breath away? Besides going to East Bank Club for the first time in over 10 years, I did some new things today. Like hanging upside down from ropes on a wall, which felt both terrifying (initially) and terrific (once I locked it in). I'd like to have ropes like that in my house.

Time: 1.5 hours stretching.

I feel like adding stretching like this at least once a week would be a great compliment to the regular WODs. We sat in the steam and sauna afterward. Holy awesome. EBC is huge. What a totally different environment from our Box. We had lunch in the grill afterward. I would say we spent about 90% of the conversation talking about Crossfit. I'm starting to notice some similarities with my desire to discuss this and my father talking about fishing. Sorry, but if you act even remotely interested, I can't shut up about it.

Thanks Jacki for a different, new and fun morning!


01.14.10 - Randy

75 Power Snatches (75/55#)
Watch the video.

10/10, 9/9, 8/8 --> 1/1
Push ups/Knees to elbows

Time: 7:18 (40#)
Comments: Should have done 45 or 50# probably. Broke it down 15/10/10/10/10/10/5/5. Thought my form felt pretty decent. You can definitely tell when you do it "right" – the bar seems to almost get up there with your momentum. A little more weight would have been a little more challenging, and I probably could have taken a bit more of a beating only not sure I would have said that immediately upon completion at the 40#. The Checkout was just plain rude. Knees to elbows was a lot easier more manageable when I chalked up my hands that were still sweating so profusely I was sliding off the bar.

We decided to go two days in a row because we both sorta love these lifting workouts and we don't have the stuff to do them at home. Yet. I was surprised that row yesterday didn't incapacitate me today. I think that may be a good sign that I'm getting stronger – because I was dying during it.

To Do: Get my 500m Row completed and recorded at the Roessler's Box. Beat Brad and Bloomie's time (1:50).


01.13.10 - NTRVLS

6 x 500 meter Rows
2 minute rest interval

5 x 1 minute Planks
1 minute rest in between

PNF Stretching
3 x per leg/hamstring
passive 30 sec/active 20 sec

Time: 2:07. 2:04. 2:08, 2:10. 2:08, 2:08
Comments: This one for some reason made me so nervous I was sick to my stomach when we left for the gym. Rowing hurts in all kinds of places, and I wondered what would fail me first. In between the sets, my forearms felt it a lot. Lots of tingling and even red blotches. During it was hard to tell what hurt most. My quads definitely went in the first round. For the first two rest intervals, I didn't get off the seat because I was afraid to try and stand up. I got up after the third, but not again until it was over. Lots of sweating for a non-sweater.

Followed by planks. Are you kidding me? I failed at this. I mean, I did the best I could and tried to keep my hips down, use my abs and all that, but common. I definitely "rested" by putting my ass up in the air, and once or twice went so far as to put a knee down for a sec. After about the third one I said to Katy, I think this might be worse than the rows.

I am already sore across the top of my back and in my shoulders and it seriously might be from the planks! I am also actively thinking of transitioning to a more Paleo way of eating. Nothing crazy, just more conscious.

Highlight: When Josh said, "I don't see any grimaces? This should be FUCK-KING HOR-RIBLE."

REMINDER: Going to $5 Tuesday Wine Night the day before a workout does NOT make it any easier.


01.11.10 - Fight Gone Bad (Rx)

5 stations as prescribed (Rx):

Wall Ball (14#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (55#)
Box Jump (16")
Push Press (55#)

1 minute per station on a continuous clock, resting 1 minute after all 5 stations complete. Total of 17 minutes, 5 on/1 rest/5 on/1 rest/5 on. Count total number of reps, using calories burned for Row.
Watch video here. This is a great one to see and hear the history behind the development of this this WOD.

Total Reps: 171
Comments: This was the first WOD I have done that was not scaled and it was really rough. I have never done a Wall Ball workout with more than 10# and I could definitely tell a difference – I would have said previously that I really liked Wall Balls. I finished almost two hours ago and my face is still pink. Definitely had to pause, bend over and rest my arms on my knees multiple times. I think this was a baseline workout for the people doing the Paleo Challenge, so we'll get to do this one again at some point over the next 8 weeks. Can't wait.

Favorite to least favorite: Push Press (17 max), Sumo (10 max), Row (12), Wall Ball/Box Jump (19/10 max) tie for last. Box jumping still terrifies me.


01.08.10 - Push Press Max

Push Press

Max Load: 90#, from 55#
Comments: Could have probably done 100# but we ran out of time before the MetCon as I very slowly scaled it up. Plus, I got scared watching Katy struggle. Oh, and I had a hard time pushing up from my heals, rather than my toes.

21/18/15/12/9/6 Pushups and Air Squats
Separated by 100' of Walking Lunges

So 21 Pushups, 21 Air Squats, 100' Lunge, 18 Pushups, 18 Air Squats, 100' Lunge, etc...

Time: 13:40
Comments: The walking lunges were terrible. About 26 steps per 100' for around 150 steps. Brutal. At the very end (I was last in my class) a total stranger was standing there with me encouraging, "Knees to the ground! Knees to the ground! You're almost done!" I wanted to kiss and kill him at the same time.

01.06.10 - Bear Complex

5 sets of 7 reps.
Each rep consists of the following sequence:

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press/Thruster
(lower to back)
Back Squat
Push Press/Thruster
(lower to ground)

Do not let bar rest on the floor between the 7 reps.
View video here.

Max Load: #55, from 35#
Comments: I think this was my favorite workout to date. During round 4, on my 6th attempt at a power clean/squat, I lost my balance. I literally threw myself to catch the bar before it hit the ground... NO WAY I was starting over, even tho I know Katy wouldn't have held me to the rule of not touching the ground.