
01.25.10 - Dumbbell Day

ANNIVERSARY! Today marks the beginning of my 4th month doing Crossfit. That means, I've officially been at it for three months!

7 Rounds of:

Both Arms: using DB's, start light and increase slightly each round to find max load.
Full Squat Clean, Split Jerk Left, Full Squat Clean, Split Jerk Right, Hang Split Clean Left, Hang Split Clean Right, Hang Split Snatch Left, Hang Split Snatch Right

Complete for time:
20-1 Pushups
1-20 Situps
(20 pushups/1 situp, 19/2, 18/3, etc.)

Time: 27.32
Comments: The lifting was awkward. I found it hard to concentrate and get the moves right, let alone w/good form. Got up to #20 on each arm. Wasn't that nervous about the MetCon because I knew it would be awful and a mental challenge just to finish, so I didn't let it get to me. Felt a little bit better when I remembered I could scale them, which I did after the 18 push-ups. Started using a small box to assist. Then Jennifer brought me a bench, laying it on it's side, and that really helped quite a bit. Not sure if it's true, but in my mind I got my head/torso down further than normal because the floor wasn't in the way? Like I could get it below the plain of the bench where my hands were? Which felt like maybe I was getting the right range of motion. Then at around 12 sit-ups, I used dumbbells to weight my feet down. Questioned whether this was full-on cheating or not, but I did see Chris Spealler do Angie using dumbbells on his sit-ups, so that made me think it was ok.

In other news: Pleased to report there was no backlash from the row. Not in ANY muscular pain yesterday or today. I doubt I would have said the same thing 6 weeks ago.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Hey Hillary!! I love the blog! just so you know... you're absolutely right about the scaled level of those pushups. The goal is to scale to a level to get FULL range of motion.. if you do half pushups, you'll get really good at half pushups!! keep up the good work, can't wait to see what the next 3 months brings you : )