
1.20.10 - 2000m Row (or the day 1/2 Angie made me cry)*

2000 meter row.

UNPOSTED Checkout: 1/2 Angie (50 pull-ups, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups and 50 air squats)

Row Time: 8:51.5
1/2 Angie: 11:56

Comments: I woke up anxious to see what the workout would be since this was to be our first time going three days in a row. Saw the row and thought, I can do that. It will be hard. I want to get my time. Did a little quick math and decided I'd be happy with under 10 minutes. Aaron had sent me a video on this one a while ago, where the guy kept repeating, If you do this/that, You. Will. Die. But whatever, I know I can at least DO it.

This week I am feeling sore thru the length of my abdomen, thru my arms, across my back, and in my shoulders and quads. I have bruises on my knees (burpees, push-ups) and inner thighs (pull-up band). All this was really kicking in when I went back to see the comments and times being posted for today and to my dismay saw that a 1/2 Angie was the Checkout. Click click click and I realized what that meant. Immediately resolved that today, I would not make it to the gym. I just did 45 pull-ups YESTERDAY! Everything is hurting! Following up Death by Pull-ups with this Checkout hurt my feelings.

So I told Katy I wasn't going and she called me a Cupcake, TWICE. It worked. I went.

The Checkout killed me. I could have probably gone a little faster in the Row. 8:30 will be my goal for the next one.

In other news: We registered as spectators and got our hotel room for the Crossfit Sectionals in St. Charles, MO, over Valentine's Day weekend (when Steve leaves to help Brad finish the house – timing is everything). Something like 9 people from our gym are participating and I can not wait to see it all go down. Plus! ROAD TRIP. Yippee.

*Didn't really cry but I did whine.

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