
09.20.10 - New Classes!

3-3-3-3-3 Thrusters

1000m Row
21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (85/55#)
21 Push-ups

750m Row
18 SDHPs
18 Push-ups

500m Row
15 SDHPs
15 Push-ups

Rest 2 minutes between sets.

Thruster 3RM: 95#
Time: 22:44
Comments: Man that sucked. Worst than the Wall Ball WOD last week by far. The rowing was awful but the push-ups, my god. I didn't have a thruster weight recorded so I'm not sure how I feel about 95# but could not have really gone much higher. Toward the end of each row I was pulling an average 2:15-2:18 500m! Dying! I can already feel the Sumo in the backs of my arms...and I did the Rx weight... But really those push-ups. Holy cow.


09.16.10 - CFE/Make-up

Thursdays are either make-up a missed WOD or Crossfit Endurance WOD.

Alternate On/Rest with each time, bike, run or row. (I would Row).

Missed Monday:
18/1, 16/2, 14/3... –> 2/10
Double Unders/Burpees (I'd have to do 4x single jumps – 72/64/56...).

Opted for --- wait for it --- Monday Make-up!

Time: 15:16
Comments: Posted distances for the rows were around 3500 meters. 6 minutes straight row sounded boooring. We've done a lot of rowing lately. The row would be a longer workout, but maybe "easier". I was kind of curious how far I could go. BUT, I haven't done burpees in a while. And just about the only parts of my body not sore right now are my calves and triceps. PLUS, I've realized recently that I love the residual pain from burpees! AND, 55 didn't sound like THAT many? Isn't that nuts? Loved the workout. For sure Tuesday's Wall Balls was the toughest one for me this week.


09.15.10 - Mobility 'r' Us

5-5-5-3-3 / 2 min. rest between sets.

Deadlifts at 70% 3 Rep Max
Toes to Bar

Strength: 85/105/115/145/165#
Time: 11:20
Comments: Used 105# for deadlifts. Did knees to elbows but it was probably more like knees to armpits! Push-ups were unbroken? That felt kinda good even tho it wasn't really that many reps.


09.14.10 - Tuesday

4 Rounds with out dropping bar for technique:

3 Snatches
3 Power Cleans
3 Hang Snatch
3 Hang Cleans

4 Rounds Max Effort for Time:

300m Row
30 Wall Balls (20/14#)
Rest 3 min between rounds.

Time: 21:16
Comments: The lifting was hard. Even in warm-up with just the 35# bar I felt weak. So I went to a trainer bar and stuck two 10# plates on for the sets. I was sweating. Then lined up to do the WOD. I used only an 8# ball, but since I almost skipped and/or was thinking about cheating all day, after doing all 120 wall balls, I'm patting myself on the back. Pretty much wanted to puke the whole ride home. Now I just want to go to bed.


09.09.10 - CFE Thursday

CrossFit Endurance
20 Intervals Row
30 seconds @ 80%/30 sec rest

200m Walking Lunge

Distance: 1461/1454 = 2915 meters
Average 500m Time: 1:58.1/1:55.3
Average meter per interval: 127/127

Comments: OF COURSE I did the math wrong. I was all, setting up the computer and so proud of myself for doing it – then did just 10 intervals instead of 20. When I was done with the first 10 I was looking at the regular clock and thinking, Huh? Done already? How can that be? Then I realized, so I reset the computer and did 10 more. I got probably about 2 min. rest in between the 2 sets of 10 intervals. I was hoping to negative split, and maybe get 3000 meters. Didn't get the distance, but my time improved second go around. I pushed myself on each of these and I figure worked harder than 80%.

Skipped out on the lunges. I can't have BOTH my arms and legs non-functioning this weekend. Holy hell my arms from yesterday! Kinda liked the mellow atmosphere of the Thursday night make-up WOD/CFE. The CFE workouts have always interested me on paper. I liked the interval row quite a bit.


09.08.10 - On the Minute

2 x 10 Power Clean on 1 Min @ 90% 1RM

20-16-12-8-4 Pull-up
4-8-12-16-20 Kettlebell Swing (55/35#)

200 Meter Row after each round of pull-up/KB

Cleans: 70#
Time: 15:33
Comments: Didn't go up to 90% on the cleans. Couldn't remember what my 1RM was, but knew that number was long ago regardless. 70#? Probably could have done 75, but we'll have to see what's not working tomorrow when I wake up. Used a grey band on the pull-ups. I can't remember the last time I did a pull-up. The first two were great and it went immediately downhill from there. Thought about doing jumping pull-ups at one point, but stuck it out with some really crappy reps. KBs used a 25#. I had nothing to give the rows really.

Oh yeah, we did an additional 800m run as part of the warm-up. I was the last one in and class had re-started by the time I got my PVC pipe. Awesome!