10.21.11 - 6 Minute AMRAP
AMRAP - 6 Minutes
Back Squats (115#)
Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
3RM: 105#*
Rounds: 3, Reps 63 (practically on the minute)
Comments: Figured I'd get 3 @ 75#. I was quickly, since it was such a quick WOD, fighting to finish round 3 before the buzzer. That last round of split push jerks for real broke my wrists. I was THRILLED to be able to string all my burpees together unbroken. It's been a while since I felt good dropping and hopping off the floor like that, especially when I was heaving and fatigued. My hamstrings from deadlifts yesterday (?) were kind of killing, so I was nervous about the squats. They were definitely challenging! I don't know if this is normal but the easiest part of this WOD were the shoulder to overhead, which I did as split jerks. Regardless at the end I felt lucky I was able to kick it up there!
And, then I broke my wrist. I missed the rack on the left and as the started to crash to the ground, I caught it. I forgot about this when it first started hurting. I hope it heals up quick. It hurts a lot.
*Didn't realize push jerk wasn't considered the same as split push jerk, in this specific 3-3-3. Basically I guess I cheated. But I did feel I could have gone heavier. Regardless, I was happy I hit 105, and since I felt I could have gone heavier, maybe I could have done it regular push jerking.
PS Margaritas and guacamole after provided a fantastic incentive. Patron's Hacienda was actually really good, and frankly I could have cared less I was sitting there in my Russel sweatshirt from, no joke, 1988. Patron's is my kind of place!
10.20.11 - Make Up Thursday (Tuesday L1)
15-12-9-6-3 Deadlift
Time: 10:20
Comments: Warmed up with a row and some singles. My foot is bothering me but it's not awful (yet). All the L1 WODs this week looked good, and there was no way I was doing L2 Monday's although I did think about it (minus the running). So I went with one that had no foot impact. Used 12# wall ball. I think I've officially re-graduated to 12 from 10. For the dead lifts I used 105#. I probably could have gone heavier, but this was still challenging enough. It reminded me of when I first started CrossFit – we were in the temporary space above the "original" space, and 105 was my 1RM! That was 2 years ago next week. So it was sort of a sentimental weight and that felt good. I love doing deadlifts in WODs. They seem kind of quick and easy, but I don't think anything else makes my shins sweat so much. You know you're working. Todd even complimented me on my lifts. I couldn't believe it. Oh, and before I got started I practiced hopping up on the rings and was finally able to balance and hold myself there. Geez! It's amazing how much you lose and how fast? Good grief. I think this marks 8 trips to the gym in October so far? After next week I should be back on track – now I'm just ready to start getting my strength and endurance back a bit. Overall, this was a good little WOD.
10.19.11 - Fight Gone Bad on Steroids
10.14.11 - Helen
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#)
12 Pull-ups
Time: 12:41
Comments: Never done this one before? I went 25# on KBs and tried the green band for pull-ups (grey band's gone missing). Had to switch after 3 pull-ups to body rows. Partially I think because my arms are just killing me right now, front and back, from earlier this week, but also because I just can't do that many green band pull-ups in a row yet. Whatev's! I made it in 3x again this week so I feel good about that.
In other news, Matt L. joined me for his first CrossFit experience. I think it was a rude awakening. He started out in front of me but on the second run I found him bent over in the alley. :) I think that might have been the longest 14 minutes of his life.
10.13.11 - Make-up Thursday (Tuesday)
30 Calorie Row
(forgot the 30 Burpees)
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (55#)
30 Push Press (55#)
30 Sit-ups
30 Ring Dips
30 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (25#)
30 Box Jumps (20")
30 Kettlebell Swings
Time: 18:47
Comments: Row took 1:48. They forgot the burpees on the board so instead of doing 20s like I'd planned, I did 30s for everything. Rx'd the SDHPs and Push Press. Dips on boxes, 15# cleans, 16" box, 25# KB. Push press got tough but the one I hated the most was the box jumps. We used to do box jumps like, all the time back in the day. Now I feel like I barely do them. I still hate them. I thought about doing some burpees at the end. Then I thought better of that... and did 30 double unders instead. Sweet! Liked this WOD.
10.12.11 - Baseline WOD
Baseline Wod
500m Row
Then 2 Rounds of:
25 Air Squats
20 Sit-ups
15 Push-ups
10 Jumping Pull-ups
5 Burpees
3-3-3-3 Koji Front Squats
Pull-ups: 4 sets green band
Baseline: 8:21
Koji: 35# bar w/15# KBs x3; 25# KBs x1
Comments: Row time was 1:56. Girl push-ups. I got the same time I did last time I did a Baseline – February 2010? BUT, I totally mis-counted the second round by starting with 20 instead of 25. By the time I got to the push-ups I realized my mistake, but technically, I cheated. I was short at least 5 air squats and sit-ups. Isn't it weird I got the same time tho? I was dying. DYING. I tried to keep moving but it was gross. I'm so out of it. I had serious nerves starting the row, too. The koji squats were kind of fun/interesting. Did some double unders to kick things off. Got 21 in about 2 minutes.
10.06.11 - Make-up Thursdays
8 minute AMRAP:
5 Back Squats
10 Pull-ups
Rounds: 6 + 5 Squats
Comments: Well, Thursdays are on the hour so I missed the majority of the warm-up. Then Todd said that I couldn't use the grey band – "they're useless". I disagree, but I body rowed instead anyway. By round 3/4 I wasn't able to do them unbroken anymore, and I know I'll be sore from that. Used 75# on the squats. Then I tried some double unders, but my foot started to feel tingle-y on the bottom so I stopped. This was after I missed hitting them like 5 times. I did get a little string going before I officially gave up.
Let's recap where I'm sore: Feet. I love trying to stretch out my feet. I must really grip with my toes or something. Calves/hamstrings. Just starting to feel tender. Ass. Definitely the sorest. Core, only in weird pin-pointed spots. Back of the neck, from the barbell. So, kind of all over, but happy to report not in a disabling way like 2 weeks ago.
Three days in a row/this week! Woot.
10.05.11 - Press It
10.04.11 - Run, Wall Balls, Burpees
09.28.11 - AMRAP
09.27.11 - Deadlifts and Wall Balls
3 Rounds of 30 Unbroken Wall Balls (30/20#)
Deadlift: 105/125/145/155/165#
Comments: Started out with a kettlebell and jump rope TABATA warm-up. Then we did some good mornings. Paired up with Peggy. I definitely could have done heavier than 165#, but did not want to push it after last week. Today was the first day since last Monday that I'm not feeling the after-effects of Freddy in my arms. For wall balls I did 4 sets of 15 unbroken at 10# and the "boy" height. This felt pretty good, too. Oh, and I ran an 800m with Wendt before the class. Whoot.
09.21.11 - Back Squat Diane
Skill: Low-bar Back Squat Technique
Modified "Diane"
Back Squats
Handstand Push-ups
Time: 9:07
Comments: I didn't think I could make it today. I could not blow-dry my hair this morning. I woke up last night every time I moved in my sleep. Raising my hands, not just over head, but to my keyboard, hurt. Bad. But I thought it might help to warm up, move around. Did it? I'm not sure. Only slightly.
I ran 800m to start and then tried to row. I pussy-footed around the wall climbers. I stretched and pressure-cooked areas with a lacrosse ball. It was all killing. I used only 55# on the back squats and did girl, hand-release (snaked) push-ups instead of HSPU's. I can't even believe I was able to do that lame scale. Granted the back squats was pretty easy at that weight as my legs weren't killing me, but I didn't care about slacking, thanks to my fear of making my legs hurt as bad tomorrow as my arms do right now. It hurts to type. Literally. I knew after the time off I would suffer, but I can't believe how this feels. Sometimes when I am reaching for things, I use my other hand as support for the moving arm. I have had extreme pain in my elbow pits, and legs before, but nothing like this in the shoulder and triceps. I'll get back in the game, but I need to take it slow. Clearly.
09.19.11 - Freddy's Revenge
Freddy's Revenge:
5 Rounds
5 Bar Overhead (from rack, any way you can, locked out)
10 Burpees
Time: 10:28
Comments: Alternated bent-knee L-sit on boxes/hanging from bar. Fine. Last time I did Freddy's Revenge was in June 2010. It was at my peak of fitness at CrossFit. I was "taking it easy" and used 10# more than today, finishing 1:30 minutes faster. This was my second workout after a LONG break, and I was/am dying. I used a 65# bar and I swear by round 5 I didn't think I could lift it over my head anymore! The burpees. Well I don't think I've ever felt burpee exhaustion in the legs like this before. Everything was quivering and jerking under my skin, and I was breaking the sets of 10 down to 5s (and less) to catch my breath the last couple rounds. And I was thanking god I used 65 instead of 75#, and now sit here utterly dumbfounded that Jess did it Rx at 135#, and a number of girls were throwing up 110.
I felt just sick after. That was a brutal 10 1/2 minutes. I can barely lift my arms.
09.13.11 - Back in the...
07.26.11 - And... Back
Ring Push-up
KB: 20/25/30/35/35#
Time: 7:50
Comments: Nice 4 weeks off with the back, 4th of July, pre-trip, trip, and post-trip weeks basically spent just running around, laying around and hanging with the family. Used only 105# on DLs and hand-release knee push-ups. Got a good sweat and I'm sure I'll be sore as hell tomorrow even with the super-scale. The gym looked nice. Locker room, too.
06.21.11 - Holy Planks
4 Rounds of 40 seconds ON/20 seconds REST:
Hand-release push-ups
Dumbbell Box Step-ups
Right side plank
Left side plank
1 minute rest between rounds.
Floor Press: 45/55/75/85/95#
Comments: Knees for push-ups, 15# dumbbells with 12 box + 45# plate. Could not do left side planks. Right side sucked. I sweat my butt off on this one, but mostly from the planks. I think my spleen was "popping" during the push-ups too for some reason.
06.16.11 - Make Up (Wednesday)
06.14.11 - HERO SMALL
3 Rounds for time:
1000m Row
50 Burpees
50 Box Jumps
800m Run
I took one look at this this morning and said No Way.
I know my limits and WODs with over 100 burpees cross that line.
Came up with this alternative to do on my own:
4 Rounds:
400m Run
10 Burpees
10 Air Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
Time: Between 20/25 minutes.
Comments: Wendt just texted and said SMALL took her 57:47, which means it would have taken me 1: 57:47... Good decision. I was able to meet Katy at the track by home for my make-shift alt., our first WOD together in just about exactly a year! Maybe even exactly! 7 weeks after giving birth and she still smoked me on the runs. This was a good, tough little workout to do on your own. When we were finished, sitting in the grass catching our breath, we laughed at the idea of doing 110 more burpees than we'd just done, and running another half mile, and rowing close to 2 miles. I think I made a good decision, but still got a decent workout in, and a good sweat. All outside!!
06.13.11 - Tabata Torture
3-3-3-3-3 HIGH Box Jump
2 min. rest in between
5 Rounds AFAP:
20 Kettlebell Swings
30 second L-Sits
Bottom-to-Bottom Tabata Air Squats
DL: 105/125/135/145/155 with 20" box
Time: Approx 20? No idea I don't think I was paying attention.
Comments: Could have gone heavier on the DLs. Used a 25# KB. Alternated between box, bent-knee L-sits and hanging from bar, bent-knees. Failed usually between 10 and 15 seconds. Killer on the wrists while on the box. KBs were ok. Good weight for unbroken... but... HOLY HELL those Tabata squats were excruciating. Seeing stars, fearing blackout, dying. An active squat during a so-called 10 second "rest" period is torture, plain and simple. Standing up out of it was too much.
06.09.11 - Make Up (Tuesday)
Body Rows
Mountain Climbers
Time: 20:38
Comments: Is this week over yet? No? I'm so exhausted. Thank GOD there were no squats tonight. Sub'd 25# Russian Kettlebell swings for the mountain climbers. I wouldn't have survived that but I'm also still babying my foot. And icing my neck. Kind of a mess but been to CrossFit 6 of the past 9 days. So ready for 3 days off right now!
06.08.11 - Jerks 'n' More
5 Rounds:
20 Hand-release Push-ups
1 min. rest
15 Squat Jumps
1 min. rest
10 Dumbbell Squat Clean and Jerks (45/35#)
1 min. rest
Split Jerks: 55/75/85/95/XX#
Time: 23:55
Comments: Tweaked something in my back/neck on the split jerks, didn't do the 5th set. Icing it now. During warm-up a kid said to me, This one doesn't look so bad. My response? That usually means you're about to be bamboozled. Yep, it was a bamboozeler, but I am wise to these now. I really thought the squat jumps were going to kill me, but it was actually the squat clean and jerks that sucked the most... and I only used 15# dumbbells! Also couldn't do any of it completely unbroken. I was definitely sore/fatigued going into it, but over on the new side, with no A/C pumping, it was a sweat-exhaust-a-thon. I got so thirsty the whalers from the whaleship Essex came to mind, and I was hanging on the wall during my rest periods, just trying to regulate my breathing. This one landed me on the floor at the end, in a puddle of my own sweat. I think even my eyeballs were trying to sweat. They were a bloodshot mess after.
06.06.11 - Push Press
5 Rounds, 1 min. rest between rounds:
15 Push Press (75/65/45#)*
30 Air Squats
*3 burpess immediately for any bars to floor.
Front Squat: 35/55/75/95/105#
Time: 12:06
Comments: Another good one. Front squats started to scare me by round 4 four so that was a good test. I honestly considered doing Rx weight on this one this morning – until I tried 65#! Then I scaled down to 55# and I think that was a good call. Again, got really challenging around round 4. We worked out on the new side!! It was hot as hell but still cool. No music meant the soundtrack was heavy breathing. Also cool. Our class was a good group. Everyone seemed kinda joke-y and in good moods. Plus it was nice and small at 7 people to 2 coaches. A bit like the old days!
06.03.11 - 30-On, 30-Off
Then, 1 min. rest between exercises.
5 Rounds each Exercise
Wall Balls
Box Jumps
Dumbbell Push Press
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Record lowest number of reps for each set: 13/12/12/14
Comments: Went into this one pretty sore. Most of my body is hurting me today (Saturday). Used 10# ball, 12" box, 15# DBs, and 30# KB. We were supposed to keep our reps pretty consistent, which I did. This was challenging, but not too hard. I've been loving the interval training WODs we've been getting a lot of lately. I greatly benefit from quick rest in between efforts.
06.02.11 - Make Up Day
My Modified WOD
30 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
20 Pull-ups
20 Burpees
10 Pull-ups
30 Burpees
Time: Around 25 minutes*
Comments: It was really crowed in the gym. Multiple classes were running and believe it or not, it was hard to find a space to do the burpees. I will admit I was taking breaks that were too long in between reps, but there were times I was wandering around trying to find a place to do them. It was annoying and several times I considered just leaving. But I didn't. I can't wait for the other side to open.
I heard people who did the full thing, which started 50-40-30... took somewhere around the mid 30s. Even without taking the extra rest I did, this full WOD would have taken me an hour if i could even finish it. I will say that in the end, I wished I started at 40. 100's would have been way better than 60's.
*The clock running for the other class got shut off.
06.01.11 - Clean Complex
5 Rounds
1 Min. AMRAP Clean Complex*:
1 Deadlift
3 Hang Cleans
1 Front Squat
1 Min. Rest
1 Min. Row for Calories
1 Min. Rest
*50% 1RM Clean
Clean Complex: 4/4/3.5/3.5/4(3?) rounds - I was losing count!
Row: 19/19/16/16/16 calories
Comments: I stink at pistols and I don't care about them. So there. I was excited for this WOD but I had no idea how hard it was going to be. I felt like with the rest I'd be good to go... But by round three I was TIRED! Did not so much enjoy trying to do that front squat after those minute rows. Yow. Trouble on the stairs after. Never had Coach Jill before. She was fun/different. Lots of shouts of encouragement making me feel like a slacker even though I could barely move. Used 55# – a little over 50% of my 90# clean.
05.18.11 - Unbroken
4 Rounds for Max Reps:
40 seconds On/20 seconds Rest per Set
Box Jumps
Push Press (75/55#)
Row (for calories)
Wall Balls
1 minute rest in between Rounds
Total Reps: 207 (52/48/52/55)
Comments: LOVED THIS WOD. Used 12" box, 55# bar, and 10# ball. Something clicked at the start of round 3 and I felt tired, but strong and ready to push myself. Sweat my a** off, breathing heavy, but felt GREAT too. Couldn't believe it when my numbers started climbing back up after round 2. Seriously this was a favorite of all WODs.
05.16.11 - "Get Low" Back Squat
4-6 Reps x 5 Sets Back Squat
2 seconds pause at bottom of movement, rest 2 minutes b/w efforts
Russian KBS, unbroken & heavy:
21 reps x 4 sets, 45s rest
Partner Rows:
250m Row x 4 @ 90%
Rest as required for partner to accomplish set (goal: <60s)
Dead Lift: Never did these Romanian ones before? So used a bar, then 55# just to learn it.
Back Squat: 45/65/85/105x3/105#x3*
KB: 20/25/35/35#
Row: 1:47/1:50/1:52/1:51 (500m average)
Comments: Didn't get the 4-6 reps at the heavier weight, but still far exceeded my 1RM back squat, even with the 2 sec. pause at the bottom. This felt good actually. Used my checkpoints for form and I think that really helped. Went heavier than I wanted on the KB, but got thru it. Died during the rows. DIED. But I am happy with the numbers. Was hoping to stay under 2:00, so these low 50s was good for me. But I was, like I said, DYING during them. I still feel hot and tired. The back of my neck hurts. Not sure what got kinked in there, but I think I worked some of my weekend run pain out, so that's good too.
*My recorded 1RM for back squat is 85#, and today I did a 3RM at 20# over that number... I guess I need to get a current 1RM recorded...
05.14.11 - ABTA 5k
Besides having to stop to re-tie BOTH shoes, I did run the whole time, which was a goal for me. But I was about two minutes slower than last year. I recovered pretty quickly upon finishing, but strained something behind my right knee, and left ankle. Not bad but uncomfortable for a couple days. My hips also bothered me a little more, and believe it or not, so did my shoulders, as they bounced along for 30+ minutes, still sore from Wednesday's bench pressing. But, I did it, and that's what counts.
Time: 34:06 (10:59/mile - under 11 minutes! Yay!)
Marcia beat me by over a minute at 33:03. Nice Marsh!!
05.11.11 - Woman Makers
Partner WOD
10 Rounds Each (alternating) of:
5 Man Makers/10 Knees to Elbows
Bench Press: 55/75/85/95/100#**
Time: 33:37 (pretty sure)
Comments: Holy dogs. Girl/knees man makers with a really weak push-up portion. Used 15# dumbbells. K2E: I was lucky if I got knees to waist! This one was brutal but Wendt did the whole workout legit, with boy push-ups and true knees to elbows thru the whole thing! Amazing!! I was sweating like mad, knee prints etc. on the ground, and really worried about ripping my hands on the K2Es, which were so poor by the end it would be embarrassing if I wasn't just so glad I kept going. Probably should have scaled to some kind of sit-up type situation after about round 4.
**2RM matched my previous 1RM for bench press!!! Woot.
05.10.11 - PR Mania!
05.05.11 - Boot Camp
05.03.11 - The Squat
Tuesday: Squatting with Chris
Comments: Got more out of this one than yesterday. Did a full warm-up to get the blood pumping and definitely learned a good quick checklist to make sure everything is engaged correctly next time I'm lifting heavy. Didn't have a partner. Poor Jennifer stepped in and I was terrified I was going to pull her right over! But it was good and my squats felt good. Chris came by at the end to see our form lifting actual weight and I got a thumbs up. Right On!
05.02.11 - New Location
Monday: Mobility/Shoulder Girdle
Comments: Not happy with "skills week" so far. We basically stood around for an hour. One side of the space is finished, the other, the CrossFit side, unfinished. It's going to make for a week of lame, super cramped "WODs" I'm afraid. Crossing my fingers I at least break a sweat doing squats with Tim tomorrow. When I read "mobility" I was at least hoping for some of that sweating due to pain rolling/bending/stretching. Not tonight. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed at a night in the "box". No bueno.
04.28.11 - WOD #6
04.27.11 - Over Da Head
3 Rounds for Time:
10 Power Snatch
20 Pistols
30 Push-ups
40 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes, repeat.
10RM: @55#
Time: Just under 20 minutes I think. I forgot to look at the clock.
Comments: 45# Snatches, severely modified pistols, and singles for the jump rope – x1, not x4. (And now my foot hurts again for the first time in about a week). The worst part? Push-ups! Dang! That definitely hurt and I was failing at the end of each set of 30 so bad I'd end up just laying face down on the floor. For real!
04.18.11 - Tabata
Tabata (8 Rounds each, 20sec ON/10sec OFF):
Air Squats
Split Lunge Jumps
Mountain Climbers
3RM: 95#
Lowest Reps Each: 10/8/8/???
Comments: Subbed body rows for the split lunges b/c of the foot. Mountain climbers were a disaster and I couldn't even count them. Terrified about my foot, but seriously just holding myself up killed my shoulders. Nice. This was awful, like all Tabatas usually are. Seems quick, easy, but you're quickly dying. Oh we did some good hip-flexer stretching that felt awesome!
04.15.11 - WOD #4
60 Bar-facing Burpees*
30 Overhead Squats
10 Muscle-ups
Int: 95/65#
*Face barbell, burpee, 2-footed jump over bar, turn, burpee, repeat
Reps: 60 burpees, 4 OHS
Comments: My goal was to get thru the burpees and make 1 OHS. I got 4 in the last, say, 15 seconds. It would have been good if I'd have done the burpees with a little less rest in between, leaving more time for the squats. Definitely started pausing after about 20, at the 10s and then just randomly throughout the last 20. Jumping over the bar got scary the more tired my legs got. Totally had to bail and fell on my ass during the 5th OHS. Couldn't come up out of the bottom! I'd be tempted to do this one again maybe Sunday if I lived closer to the Box. Oddly, I liked this workout?
P.S. I finally got my "3" in this week. I may have turned a corner finally.
04.14.11 - CFE/Make-Up
5 Rounds for Time:
250m Row
3 Cleans
3 Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squats
60 Second Rest
Rx: 135/85#
Int: 95/65#
Beg: 65/45#
Time: 15:41
Comments: No way in hell I was doing the CFE 2.5 mile run/KB Swing/Double Under Combo for 50+ minutes (CFE WOD). Kinda wanted to make up Freddy's Revenge... but opted for Monday's since tomorrow I'm in store for the 60 burpee/overhead squat hell.
Ok, so about Monday's WOD. This was a good one for me. Used 55# instead and got in a little overhead squat practice for tomorrow. I kept my rows under a 1:55 average (DYING! at the end). 55 was probably too light for the lifts but with my overall soreness and the rowing torture, I think it was pretty good/fear my form on all the lifts probably sucked. Meanwhile, legit #4 WODs were going on in the pit. Gladly stuck around to watch the two final heats. AWESOME! Emily O. got 3 muscle ups at the end and it was super exciting.
UPDATE: I thought the heats were done but apparently not. Todd N. completed an entire round and got more burpees! I guess the place went nuts and I hate it I wasn't there to witness.
04.12.11 - Deadlifts and Wall Balls, Oh My
6 Reps Max Hold
Rest 60 seconds in between
12 Deadlifts (275/165#)
40 Wall Balls (20/10#)
9 DLs
30 WBs
6 DLs
20 WBs
3 DLs
10 WBs
Time: 9:17
Comments: My 5 RM on deadlifts was 155 a couple weeks ago, so I scaled this one down to 105# for the WOD. This was probably too easy. Saw one girl put 45# plates on hers and had I done that math better, that's what I should have done (125). But 100 wall balls scared me. I'm sure my legs are going to be bad again, and I still don't know what WOD #4 has in store for me on Friday, so I admit it: I babied this one. Used an 8# on the WBs. Oh! We did skin the cat's hanging on the rings. I could get "down" but not back up – and completely saw stars after my first attempt. Awesome. Like a Tom & Jerry cartoon kinda stars. But I do kinda like it when that happens.
UPDATE: WOD #4 Posted
No. Way. This is the girls:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
60 Bar-facing burpees (you gotta jump OVER the barbell for the jump*)
30 Overhead squats (90lbs / 40kg)
10 Muscle-ups
*I foresee a lot of wipe outs on this one.
04.08.11 - WOD #3
Squat Clean & Jerk
165/110# Games
155/95# ACF Rx
115/85# ACF Intermediate
85/55# ACF Beginner
Checkout: 12 minute circuit of KB Swings, Jumping Pull-ups, Sit-ups, and Hand-release Push-ups. 1 min on each for 3 rounds.
Reps: 14
Comments: The load was different on the website for girls intermediate but we did 85# at ours, which is what I did. Love the WODs with the weights. I feel it everywhere already. Coming out of the squat was the most challenging for me, but I was able to pretty much get under the bar and catch it down low. Pausing in the rack position and pushing it up was the way easier half for me. I don't really know if I could have done more. I felt like I was moving the whole time but taking seconds to regroup mentally in between each so I didn't fail/bail. Was hoping for 10 and when Laura said 14 I about died. Sweet! But I fear walking tomorrow is going to be tough.
04.07.11 - CFE
400m Run
10 Body Rows
15 Sit-ups
20 Thrusters (45/35#)
Time: 19:34
Comments: I only did 3 rounds and substituted 500m rows for the running. Thought it would be better for my foot but my foot still felt "weird". Felt good to get back in the gym after 3 days of utter slacking. Got a good dinner out last night though so that was worth it. Tomorrow's WOD #3 is gonna be hell.
03.31.11 - WOD #2
9 Deadlifts (115/85#)
12 Push-ups (hand release/knees + hand release)
15 Box Jumps (20/18")
Rounds: 7 + 1 Deadlift (253 reps)
Comments: That one nearly killed me and I used a 12" box! Foot is still slightly sore and the last thing I want to do is mess it up more, but honestly can't imagine using an 18" box. Icing now. Had one of those super brutal wrap-around-the-torso cramps at about round 4. This one pretty much wiped me out from a cardio standpoint. Still felt out of it driving home even! Glad it's over. Next up, WOD #3.
03.29.11 - Aloha
15 Minute AMRAP
10R/10L KB Weighted Step-Ups (20/18")
15 KB Swings
10 Clapping Push-ups
(55/35# KB)
Deadlifts: 75/85/105/135/155#
Rounds: 6 + 12 Step-ups
Comments: That deadlift got heavy. I can not believe I once lifted 215#. I hurt my foot again, about an inch from the last time. Not as bad, thankfully, but I think I did it during WOD #1 jump ropes, like the last time. All that jumping? Was very grateful The Games was postponed a week so I could rest it. Just back from NYC so missed two days anyway, and have been out about a week+. Super scaled tonight. Used only 12" box (didn't want to be landing down from too high on my sore foot) and 20# KB. Knee push-ups minus the clap. Still felt it was a decent workout. I think I'll feel the 60 push-ups most. Terrified to find out what WOD #2 is going to be. Will tackle that one on Thursday.
03.18.11 - Let the Games Begin!

10 min. AMRAP
Rx: 30 Double Unders, 15 Power Snatch (75/55#)
Intermediate: 15 Double Unders, 15 Power Snatch (55/45#)
Beginner: 30 Single Unders, 15 Power Snatch (45/35#)
Rounds: 5+30 Singles+10 Snatches=265 points
Comments: Well I pulled the trigger! Yep I signed up for The Games. Not for Rx competition, but for fun. I'm doing the Intermediate level at the gym. So tonight was the first of 6 WODs. When I first looked at the clock and saw I had 7 minutes still to go I thought, Holy Hell. I was hoping for 5 rounds so I did better than that and I am pleased. I can only imagine what my body is going to feel like tomorrow. Whoa. But I LOVED IT! Terrified to see what they throw at us next week...
03.17.11 - Make Up
MAKE-UP WOD (Tuesday)
Shuttle Runs
Dumbbell Split Jerks
Time: 20:17
Comments: Chose to make up the Tuesday I had to skip instead of doing the CFE. I added 5 push-ups after the jerks after Todd said this was a Dumb WOD and Too Easy. Whatever! I was still sweating like mad and a 20 min. WOD is not bad. Used 15# dumbbells and knees on push-ups. The treat was sticking around to watch some of the competitors in the CF Open Competition. I love watching the best of them bust their asses, and I even got choked up a couple times! Very moving to see people giving it their all.
03.09.11 - Upside Down
5x5 HSPUs
15 minute AMRAP*:
5 Hang Power Cleans (115/75#)
10 Air Squats
15 Sit-ups
*Feel free to dress this up and make it harder. Goblet drops on the squats, toes to bar instead of sit-ups...**
Reps: (Just shy of 10)
Comments: AMRAPs are good for me because I can just go and see where I end up rather than being dead last, finishing several minutes behind everyone else. Followed the "easy" program, used 55# bar on cleans. I got a good workout in with this one. I was feeling it everywhere today (esp. ass, arms super fatigued, and neck) after last night's torture, so I was just glad to get another workout in this week and get through it.
**Yeah right.
03.08.11 - Man Up
Single Leg KB Deadlifts
4x6 on each Side
5 Rounds for time:
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 OH Walking Lunges (each leg, 45/25)
10 Man-Makers (35/20)
Time: 24:20
Comments: That sucked! I knew it would and our L1 only did 4 rounds. I used a 12" box, 10# overhead, and only 10# dumbbells and still about died. I mean, that really sucked! Thought my KB deadlifts were ok. Used 25 and 30# as I worked through the sets. Really I can't even imagine if I'd gone heavier. MAN. My legs are going to be in bad shape after all those lunges.
03.04.11 – Unbroken
Max set of Strict Chin-ups x 3
90s Rest b/w sets.
21 Thrusters, fast. Rest 90sec
21 KB Swings, Rest 90s
21 Jumping Pullups
Rest 2 minutes
15 Thrusters, Rest 60s
15 KB Swings, Rest 60s
15 Jumping Pullups
Rest 2 minutes
9 Thrusters, Rest 45s
9 KB Swings, Rest 45s
9 Jumping Pullups
Intermediate: 75/45
Beginner: 55/35
KB: 55/35
Chin-ups: 2-2-3 (green band)
Time: 15:11
Comments: 35# barbell, 20# KB, severe use of legs on jumping pull-ups, but arms fully extended. Feared a tear, believe it or not, on the first set of pull-ups and Thanked God for the rest in between each. I actually loved this WOD. Managed it all unbroken but had I gone 45/30# on the bar and KB instead, that likely would not have been the case.
02.23.11 - Hang, Dip & Push
4 Rounds:
10 Power Cleans
8 Ring Dips
6 Snatch Press
4 Handstand Push-ups
Time: 11:02
Comments: First, 2 snatches on the minute might sound super easy, but that minute got really short about half way thru. I couldn't get the snatch down. Mostly I think because my legs are killing me and I couldn't get DOWN, but also because I sort of forgot how to do it. Once Todd corrected my grip (I wasn't wide enough), and I went to 10# bumpers so I could safely bail, it did get better. Second, SUPER scaled the WOD. Used 55# for lifts, which I think was a good weight. But used a box, with bent knees, on the dips (after Todd totally dissed me for trying to use a green band on the actual rings - TODD!) Knees on box for HSPUs. Per usual, loved the lifting part, felt sucker-punched on the dips, and did my pathetic best to try and get down on the HSPUs. Frankly, tonight's big accomplishment was just getting there. Everything, especially my legs, is killing me from last night. It's possible I won't be able to walk tomorrow.
02.22.11 - CINDY
AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Box Jump: 27.5"
Rounds: 11
Comments: My max on the jump is 29". I HATE doing it, so 27.5 is just fine for me today. Used the grey band on the pull-ups, knees on push-ups, and still kinda was dying. My max for this is 13-14 rounds. I was hoping for 10. Even with the grey band, which kind of sky-rocketed me on the first 1-3, by the 5th pull-up after about round 3 I was struggling. Push-ups by round 10 I was failing. The one redeeming quality of the air squat? You're moving enough to sort of cool off your sweating, hot face. I'm still red and warm to the touch an hour later.
Shout Out #1: Wendt crushed this WOD. 34" box jump and 19+ rounds on the AMRAP. She practically doubled me and I swear sped up the second half rather than slowing down! Rockstar! (Literally... she's going to see Ke$ha tomorrow night... for reals!)
Shout Out #2: Waller did an amazing THIRTY TWO rounds (and it wasn't even a PR)!
02.15.11 - HSPUs
10 rounds of:
10 x 10m Shuttle Run
10 KB Swings (55/35#)
10 Push-ups
Max Rep HSPU: 8-8-6 (only did 3, knees on a box to vertical)
Time: 19:43
Comments: Used 20# KB. Knees for push-ups but my arms started to lose it around round 6, which compromised my full range of motion. I couldn't get as low as I should have. Push-ups scared me the most but I definitely liked this workout. Surprisingly. At least, I was able to keep moving pretty well without stopping too much. That felt good.
02.11.11 - Filthier Friday
30 Push-ups
30 Power Cleans (115/85#)
30 Body Rows
30 Thrusters (95/65#)
30 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings (55/35#)
30 Burpees
Time: 20:51
Comments: It's been a long time since I got one of those cramps that wraps around the torso. Man! I definitely liked the variety in this one but putting those burpees at the end was just plain mean – and genius. I even liked that in a sick way. Sooo, I really scaled this one. My weights went 57/55/35 for the bar exercises and I used a 20# KB. Was happy I did 30s instead of 20s which I did consider all day! I definitely feel this one in my arms, back, chest, neck – and maybe hamstrings. Great full body workout.
02.07.11 - Kettle Bell 15's
3-3-3-1-1 Back Squat
15 Burpees
15 Kettle Bell Clean (full squat)* each arm
15 KB Power Snatch
15 KB Single-Arm Swings
15 KB Press
15 KB Stationary Lunges
15 Burpees
25/35# KBs
Each exercise is done with one KB, alternating sides. 15 on EACH side, in any rep combination.
Press 1RM: 82#
Back Squat 1RM: 85#
Time: 11:17
Comments: My legs are toast. Just doing air squats kills. Used a 15# KB for the WOD, thank god. That last set of 15 burpees was really brutal. So, I'm basically sore all over, which will make feeling sore from the car crash I got in on the way home hard to distinguish from the rest of it. Ugh. Totally hit two cars, pulled over from a previous accident, after spinning down the ramp toward them in circles. Worst.
02.03.11 - After the Storm
Tuesday's Make-Up
Tabata (8 x 20 sec on/10 sec off)
Dumbbell Bench Press
Toes to Bar
Ring Push-ups
Double Unders
3RM Press: 65#
Lowest Number of Reps per Exercise: 8/5/5/25
Comments: Two days off due to the blizzard. Ok. I chose to do Tuesday's WOD instead of today's considering I still can't walk, descend stairs or sit without pain from Monday. Upper body focus felt right. Didn't push it with the press since I was alone in the pit and the rest of the WOD was all arms. Used 15# DBs, did more like knees to arm pits, and single jump rope. To be honest I didn't really kill myself during this and I felt a little guilty watching Jenny, who decided to do the Level 2 Endurance WOD of the day – 100 box jumps, 300 singles, 50 wall balls, 25 burpees, and back up the ladder to 100 box jumps. OUCH. But it's only my Day 2, and I can tell my arms are going to be screaming at me tomorrow nonetheless.
01.31.11 - Millet Bowl
Dumbbell "Curtis P's"*
Burpee Planks
Back Squat: 75#
Time: 15:22
So, I've been reading recipes from this 28-day detox thing I found. I'd like to really focus this month on what I'm eating. I'll be interested to see if/how it helps me recover more quickly? So tonight it's the millet bowl. I also started taking this "green" mix with almond milk during the day? Supposed to help all sorts of things. I don't know. The 28-day plan it turns out is really poorly organized. Like I bought week 1 groceries, but half the recipes call for things not on the list? Annoying. Trying to cut coffee at work and drink tons of water. We shall see!
All in all it did feel good to be back. Time to eat my millet bowl, take a hot shower, and go to bed!
*Clean, right lunge, left lunge, push press.
UPDATE: The millet bowl was good and gross at the same time. Started out ok, but there was no way I could finish the portion. I don't know if I've ever had millet before. It was really mushy.