
09.19.11 - Freddy's Revenge

10 x 10 seconds "L" sits on the minute.

Freddy's Revenge:
5 Rounds
5 Bar Overhead (from rack, any way you can, locked out)
10 Burpees

Time: 10:28
Comments: Alternated bent-knee L-sit on boxes/hanging from bar. Fine. Last time I did Freddy's Revenge was in June 2010. It was at my peak of fitness at CrossFit. I was "taking it easy" and used 10# more than today, finishing 1:30 minutes faster. This was my second workout after a LONG break, and I was/am dying. I used a 65# bar and I swear by round 5 I didn't think I could lift it over my head anymore! The burpees. Well I don't think I've ever felt burpee exhaustion in the legs like this before. Everything was quivering and jerking under my skin, and I was breaking the sets of 10 down to 5s (and less) to catch my breath the last couple rounds. And I was thanking god I used 65 instead of 75#, and now sit here utterly dumbfounded that Jess did it Rx at 135#, and a number of girls were throwing up 110.

I felt just sick after. That was a brutal 10 1/2 minutes. I can barely lift my arms.

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