
06.16.11 - Make Up (Wednesday)

3-3-3-3 Snatch Balance
6-5-4-3-2 Press
6-5-4-3-2 Back Squat

Snatch: 35/40/45/50#
Press: 35/55/65/75/85# (1 rep only, x2 = fail)
Back Squat: 35/55/65/75/85 x3/95 x3/105 x2/110 x1**

Then, 2 reps press at 80#.

Comments: Well it's been a while since I got a 1RM for the Press and Back Squat. Both were recorded at 85#. I had a goal of beating both of those today, but only had success with the squat. When I got to the 2 reps @85, it was too easy so I did 3. Then I just decided to keep adding and doing 3 until it got heavy enough to do 2. Then I went for just one. I ended up 25# over my previous PR, and I could have gone heavier. The most uncomfortable part of this lift was the weight of the bar balancing on the back of my neck before doing the movement.

The press hurt my feelings. I got that 85# up once, but could not complete a second consecutive rep. So I went back after the squats and went for it at 80# and got those 2 up. 1RM PR stays at 85#.

I had never done a Snatch Balance before. It was intimidating. You stand with the bar across your shoulders, wide grip, and then you drop under it, careful not to push the bar upward, into your snatch position. I went really light on this because it scared me. Totally lost my "balance" on a rep using just the bar and it ended up behind me, with my arms all twisted backwards. Have I mentioned how annoying it is that they keep insisting we "don't drop the bar" now? I was not hurt but I could have been. That's just stupid.

**New PR!!!

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