
09.27.11 - Deadlifts and Wall Balls

3-3-3-3-3 Deadlifts

3 Rounds of 30 Unbroken Wall Balls (30/20#)

Deadlift: 105/125/145/155/165#
Comments: Started out with a kettlebell and jump rope TABATA warm-up. Then we did some good mornings. Paired up with Peggy. I definitely could have done heavier than 165#, but did not want to push it after last week. Today was the first day since last Monday that I'm not feeling the after-effects of Freddy in my arms. For wall balls I did 4 sets of 15 unbroken at 10# and the "boy" height. This felt pretty good, too. Oh, and I ran an 800m with Wendt before the class. Whoot.

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