
09.28.11 - AMRAP

Skill: Handstands

10 Minute AMRAP
Kettlebell Swings (W55#)
Thrusters (W65#)

Checkout: 3 x 15 Toes to Bar

Rounds: 8 + 9 KBs
Comments: We warmed up for what seemed like a long time, push-ups and air squats, L-rocking and Supermans. Handstands – Killed my wrists. I typically have no trouble going upside down. Don't mind handstands on the wall, tripod head stands, or even attempts at free-standing handstands, but yesterday I wasn't feeling it. Did a couple... then I was done with that. I used a 25# KB and a 55# bar. These felt appropriate for my level of strength right now. Wendt did it Rx, (30# over my KB!) and still got higher reps than me. Ha. It was almost 6:30 by the time we were done, and frankly, I never had much of an intention to do the toes to bar anyway, so I beat it after the AMRAP. We ran an 800m-ish before class too.

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