
04.14.11 - CFE/Make-Up

Make-Up Monday

5 Rounds for Time:
250m Row
3 Cleans
3 Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squats
60 Second Rest

Rx: 135/85#
Int: 95/65#
Beg: 65/45#

Time: 15:41
Comments: No way in hell I was doing the CFE 2.5 mile run/KB Swing/Double Under Combo for 50+ minutes (CFE WOD). Kinda wanted to make up Freddy's Revenge... but opted for Monday's since tomorrow I'm in store for the 60 burpee/overhead squat hell.

Ok, so about Monday's WOD. This was a good one for me. Used 55# instead and got in a little overhead squat practice for tomorrow. I kept my rows under a 1:55 average (DYING! at the end). 55 was probably too light for the lifts but with my overall soreness and the rowing torture, I think it was pretty good/fear my form on all the lifts probably sucked. Meanwhile, legit #4 WODs were going on in the pit. Gladly stuck around to watch the two final heats. AWESOME! Emily O. got 3 muscle ups at the end and it was super exciting.

UPDATE: I thought the heats were done but apparently not. Todd N. completed an entire round and got more burpees! I guess the place went nuts and I hate it I wasn't there to witness.

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