
10.21.11 - 6 Minute AMRAP

3-3-3-3 Push Jerks

AMRAP - 6 Minutes
Back Squats (115#)
Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)

3RM: 105#*
Rounds: 3, Reps 63 (practically on the minute)
Comments: Figured I'd get 3 @ 75#. I was quickly, since it was such a quick WOD, fighting to finish round 3 before the buzzer. That last round of split push jerks for real broke my wrists. I was THRILLED to be able to string all my burpees together unbroken. It's been a while since I felt good dropping and hopping off the floor like that, especially when I was heaving and fatigued. My hamstrings from deadlifts yesterday (?) were kind of killing, so I was nervous about the squats. They were definitely challenging! I don't know if this is normal but the easiest part of this WOD were the shoulder to overhead, which I did as split jerks. Regardless at the end I felt lucky I was able to kick it up there!

And, then I broke my wrist. I missed the rack on the left and as the started to crash to the ground, I caught it. I forgot about this when it first started hurting. I hope it heals up quick. It hurts a lot.

*Didn't realize push jerk wasn't considered the same as split push jerk, in this specific 3-3-3. Basically I guess I cheated. But I did feel I could have gone heavier. Regardless, I was happy I hit 105, and since I felt I could have gone heavier, maybe I could have done it regular push jerking.

PS Margaritas and guacamole after provided a fantastic incentive. Patron's Hacienda was actually really good, and frankly I could have cared less I was sitting there in my Russel sweatshirt from, no joke, 1988. Patron's is my kind of place!

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