
10.06.11 - Make-up Thursdays

Monday's WOD:

8 minute AMRAP:
5 Back Squats
10 Pull-ups

Rounds: 6 + 5 Squats
Comments: Well, Thursdays are on the hour so I missed the majority of the warm-up. Then Todd said that I couldn't use the grey band – "they're useless". I disagree, but I body rowed instead anyway. By round 3/4 I wasn't able to do them unbroken anymore, and I know I'll be sore from that. Used 75# on the squats. Then I tried some double unders, but my foot started to feel tingle-y on the bottom so I stopped. This was after I missed hitting them like 5 times. I did get a little string going before I officially gave up.

Let's recap where I'm sore: Feet. I love trying to stretch out my feet. I must really grip with my toes or something. Calves/hamstrings. Just starting to feel tender. Ass. Definitely the sorest. Core, only in weird pin-pointed spots. Back of the neck, from the barbell. So, kind of all over, but happy to report not in a disabling way like 2 weeks ago.

Three days in a row/this week! Woot.

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