
03.29.11 - Aloha

5-5-5-5-5 Deadlift

15 Minute AMRAP

10R/10L KB Weighted Step-Ups (20/18")
15 KB Swings
10 Clapping Push-ups

(55/35# KB)

Deadlifts: 75/85/105/135/155#
Rounds: 6 + 12 Step-ups
Comments: That deadlift got heavy. I can not believe I once lifted 215#. I hurt my foot again, about an inch from the last time. Not as bad, thankfully, but I think I did it during WOD #1 jump ropes, like the last time. All that jumping? Was very grateful The Games was postponed a week so I could rest it. Just back from NYC so missed two days anyway, and have been out about a week+. Super scaled tonight. Used only 12" box (didn't want to be landing down from too high on my sore foot) and 20# KB. Knee push-ups minus the clap. Still felt it was a decent workout. I think I'll feel the 60 push-ups most. Terrified to find out what WOD #2 is going to be. Will tackle that one on Thursday.

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