
10.13.11 - Make-up Thursday (Tuesday)


30 Calorie Row
(forgot the 30 Burpees)
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (55#)
30 Push Press (55#)
30 Sit-ups
30 Ring Dips
30 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (25#)
30 Box Jumps (20")
30 Kettlebell Swings

Time: 18:47
Comments: Row took 1:48. They forgot the burpees on the board so instead of doing 20s like I'd planned, I did 30s for everything. Rx'd the SDHPs and Push Press. Dips on boxes, 15# cleans, 16" box, 25# KB. Push press got tough but the one I hated the most was the box jumps. We used to do box jumps like, all the time back in the day. Now I feel like I barely do them. I still hate them. I thought about doing some burpees at the end. Then I thought better of that... and did 30 double unders instead. Sweet! Liked this WOD.

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