
10.20.11 - Make Up Thursday (Tuesday L1)

25-20-15-10-5 Wall Balls
15-12-9-6-3 Deadlift

Time: 10:20
Comments: Warmed up with a row and some singles. My foot is bothering me but it's not awful (yet). All the L1 WODs this week looked good, and there was no way I was doing L2 Monday's although I did think about it (minus the running). So I went with one that had no foot impact. Used 12# wall ball. I think I've officially re-graduated to 12 from 10. For the dead lifts I used 105#. I probably could have gone heavier, but this was still challenging enough. It reminded me of when I first started CrossFit – we were in the temporary space above the "original" space, and 105 was my 1RM! That was 2 years ago next week. So it was sort of a sentimental weight and that felt good. I love doing deadlifts in WODs. They seem kind of quick and easy, but I don't think anything else makes my shins sweat so much. You know you're working. Todd even complimented me on my lifts. I couldn't believe it. Oh, and before I got started I practiced hopping up on the rings and was finally able to balance and hold myself there. Geez! It's amazing how much you lose and how fast? Good grief. I think this marks 8 trips to the gym in October so far? After next week I should be back on track – now I'm just ready to start getting my strength and endurance back a bit. Overall, this was a good little WOD.

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