
06.03.11 - 30-On, 30-Off

30 Seconds ON, 30 Seconds OFF
Then, 1 min. rest between exercises.

5 Rounds each Exercise

Wall Balls
Box Jumps
Dumbbell Push Press
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Record lowest number of reps for each set: 13/12/12/14
Comments: Went into this one pretty sore. Most of my body is hurting me today (Saturday). Used 10# ball, 12" box, 15# DBs, and 30# KB. We were supposed to keep our reps pretty consistent, which I did. This was challenging, but not too hard. I've been loving the interval training WODs we've been getting a lot of lately. I greatly benefit from quick rest in between efforts.

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