
06.08.11 - Jerks 'n' More

5-5-5-5-5 Split Jerks

5 Rounds:

20 Hand-release Push-ups
1 min. rest
15 Squat Jumps
1 min. rest
10 Dumbbell Squat Clean and Jerks (45/35#)
1 min. rest

Split Jerks: 55/75/85/95/XX#
Time: 23:55
Comments: Tweaked something in my back/neck on the split jerks, didn't do the 5th set. Icing it now. During warm-up a kid said to me, This one doesn't look so bad. My response? That usually means you're about to be bamboozled. Yep, it was a bamboozeler, but I am wise to these now. I really thought the squat jumps were going to kill me, but it was actually the squat clean and jerks that sucked the most... and I only used 15# dumbbells! Also couldn't do any of it completely unbroken. I was definitely sore/fatigued going into it, but over on the new side, with no A/C pumping, it was a sweat-exhaust-a-thon. I got so thirsty the whalers from the whaleship Essex came to mind, and I was hanging on the wall during my rest periods, just trying to regulate my breathing. This one landed me on the floor at the end, in a puddle of my own sweat. I think even my eyeballs were trying to sweat. They were a bloodshot mess after.

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