
04.28.11 - WOD #6

7 Minute AMRAP

3 Thrusters
3 Pull-ups
6 Thrusters
6 Pull-ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull-ups...

Continue to increase by 3s until time's up.

100/65# (chest to bar), 75/55# (red band), 65/45# (jumping)

Reps: 51 (12 Thrusters + 3 pull-ups)
Comments: This got ugly real quick. The pull-ups I mean. Used a green band and still could barely manage to get my chin over the bar after the first set of three. Tried to DO them in sets of 3 moving forward but even that was short lived. Ended up basically doing one at a time by the end. But I loved the thrusters.

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